General Provisions
154.001 Work on streets to be under supervision of Street Commissioner
154.002 Requirements for construction of driveways, drive-ins, and the like
154.003 Placement of obstructions restricted
154.004 Closing of streets and sidewalks while undergoing repairs
154.005 Encroachments, coal holes, and the like
154.006 Projecting eaves
154.007 Barb wire fences
154.008 Where trees may be planted
154.009 Maintenance of trees by property owners
154.010 Utility companies; authority to remove obstructions; interference with power lines
154.011 Same; poles supporting wires to be inspected by city, and deficiencies to be remedied by parties responsible
154.012 Same; duty to furnish list of poles to city
154.013 Prohibited accumulation of snow, ice, and debris on sidewalks; abatement by the city
154.014 Prohibited acts
Curbs and Sidewalks
154.025 Standards and specifications for connection, extension, repair, and maintenance
154.026 City may set line of curbing along streets
154.027 Sidewalks to conform to grade of street
154.028 Grass plots in sidewalks situated in residential areas
154.029 Paving and repair of sidewalks at expense of owners of abutting property; notices; collection of costs
154.030 Driveways across sidewalks
154.031 Animals and vehicles prohibited on sidewalks
Numbering of Buildings on Streets
154.045 Assignment of numbers to properties abutting streets; map of street numbers
154.046 Placement and maintenance of street numbers upon premises by owners of properties having buildings thereon
154.047 Only assigned numbers to be used
154.048 Tampering with street numbers prohibited
154.060 Purposes for which permit required; public place
154.061 Classes of applicants for permit
154.062 Applications for permits
154.063 Action on applications; granting permits; appeal to Common Council when denied
154.064 Persons in first class may execute bonds; approval, terms, and conditions of bonds
154.065 Bond required of public and private utility companies when acting by and through a contractor
154.066 Deposits required of applicants in the second class; schedule of costs
154.067 Purpose and application of deposits; restoration of surface by city when depositor fails to do so; determination of disputes between depositors and city
154.068 Required precautions to protect persons and property
154.069 Diligent prosecution of work and restoration of surface; supervision by Street Commissioner
154.070 Certificate of approval
154.071 Violations; forfeiture of deposits upon conviction of depositors
154.072 Same; restoration work by city and action on bond in cases of violations by persons in the first class
Outdoor Advertising
154.085 Purpose and finding
154.086 Definitions
154.087 General regulations for outdoor advertizing
154.088 Exceptions to restrictions
154.089 Jurisdiction
154.999 Penalty
(A) The Street Commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to approve the location and construction of driveways, drive-ins, and any other means of vehicular ingress and egress to and from the public rights-of-way, prior to the issuance of permits for the construction of such facilities that will require such means of ingress and egress and that may generate or cause to generate additional or hazardous traffic movements in the public right-of-way.
(B) After final acceptance of the work, a written certificate of approval shall be furnished by the Street Commissioner to the effect that the work has been done in accordance with the requirements, as specified in the permit, and in accordance with the established city lines and grades; and no sidewalk, curb, or curb and gutter work shall be deemed to comply with this subchapter until such written certificate of approval has been furnished.
(Prior Code, § 25-2)