(A) The owner of any lot or ground fronting on any street or alley in this city and where the sidewalks are not paved, shall, within 20 days from the time a notice shall be served upon such owner by the Street Commissioner at the instance of the Common Council, requiring him or her so to do, properly pave the whole of the sidewalk in front of his or her property, whether curbing shall exist or shall have been set along the same or not, in such manner as to comply with the requirements of the standards and specifications of the Street Commissioner as approved by the Common Council; but the Council may, on account of freezing weather or for other good cause, by a resolution adopted by it, extend for a definite period, not exceeding 30 days, the time within which such paving may be done.
(B) Whenever the owner of any lot of ground shall fail or refuse to cause such sidewalk to be paved as required by division (A) above, within the time therein mentioned, or within the time limited by the Common Council if the Council shall have granted an extension of time, it shall be the duty of the Council to cause the sidewalk to be paved, in conformity with the city standards and specifications, upon the most reasonable terms obtainable, and to deliver to the City Clerk a statement of the cost of such pavement, and also to deliver to such property owner or his or her agent a copy of such statement.
(C) Whenever in the opinion of the Common Council the pavement of any sidewalk in the city shall need any repair, it shall give notice to the owner of the adjacent property or, in case the owner have an agent for the management of the property, to either the owner or the agent, or if neither such owner or agent be found in the city, then to any tenant of the premises, requiring such pavement to be repaired in a manner and to an extent to be reasonable, described in the notice, within a time to be specified in the notice, and if such repairs be not made within the time and in the manner required by the notice, it shall be the duty of the Common Council to cause such repairs to be made and to assess the actual cost thereof upon such owner and to deliver a statement of such assessment of the actual cost to the City Clerk and a copy thereof to such owner, his or her agent or tenant.
(D) Any statement of costs and expenses as is mentioned in this section shall be a special tax or assessment in favor of the city against such owner; and the provision requiring the delivery of a copy of such assessment of the actual cost to the owner, his or her agent or tenant, is intended to facilitate the collection of the assessment, and a failure to deliver it shall in nowise invalidate the assessment or delay the collection by distress or levy.
(E) (1) If within ten days after the receipt of such statement by the City Clerk there be not filed therewith the receipt of the City Treasurer for the amount thereof, the City Clerk shall deliver a statement thereof to the Chief of Police, and charge the same to him or her in his or her account with the city as an additional or supplemental assessment to be credited to the General Fund of the city.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to collect the amount of any and all such bills from the owner of such grounds or from the persons in the possession or occupancy thereof, by distress and sale, in the manner in which other taxes levied for the benefit of the city are or may be collected.
(Prior Code, § 25-19)
Statutory reference:
As to pavement and repair of sidewalks by city at expense of owners, see W. Va. Code 8-18-1
Any person desiring a driveway across the sidewalk of his or her premises shall cause the sidewalk to be paved with cement or other material designated by the Street Commissioner and shall, when required by the Street Commissioner, replace the curbstone that may be injured or destroyed by the use of such driveway.
(Prior Code, § 25-20)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any vehicle or to ride, drive, or to lead any horse or other beast of burden along or across any sidewalk in the city, except upon such part of any sidewalk as may be made for crossing thereof.
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having charge of a horse, cow, or mule to hitch such animal on, or to surfer any such animal to lie on, feed on, or befoul any sidewalk in the city.
(Prior Code, § 25-21) Penalty, see § 154.999
(A) Each lot and parcel of land or fraction thereof within the city which abuts upon any street shall have a street number; and even-numbers shall face their next consecutive odd-numbers on the opposite side of each street. The number of lineal feet along any street for which one number shall be designated may vary from one locality to another according to circumstances, but, in general, in business districts the assignment of one number for ten lineal feet is considered desirable, and in residential districts the assignment of one number for 25 lineal feet is considered desirable.
(B) The Street Commissioner shall prepare and maintain in his or her office for the benefit of the public, a street map of the city which shall show the street numbers of lots and parcels of land, and fractions thereof, which abut upon city streets.
(Prior Code, § 25-22)
(A) It shall be the duty of each owner of any building or other structure now standing or hereafter erected upon any premises abutting upon any street and to which premises a street number or numbers has been assigned pursuant to this subchapter to place and maintain upon or within the immediate vicinity of such building or structure the correct street number or numbers so assigned.
(B) In placing numbers upon or within the immediate vicinity of buildings and structures pursuant to division (A) above, property owners shall securely affix to or mark upon the outside thereof, at or near the entrance thereto, the correct Arabic numerals of the assigned street number or numbers, or, in lieu thereof, may erect and maintain an appropriate sign bearing such Arabic numerals unless such sign be prohibited by any other provision of this code or other ordinance; and, in either case, such numerals shall be of sufficient size, color, and legibility, and displayed at such a place upon the building or premises, as to be readily seen and easily read by an ordinarily observant person in a vehicle upon the center of the street which abuts such premises.
(Prior Code, § 25-23)
It shall be unlawful for any person, without proper authority, to alter, remove, obliterate, screen from view, or otherwise tamper with any street number which is in place pursuant to this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 25-25) Penalty, see § 154.999