General Provisions
   157.001   Purpose
   157.002   Authority
   157.003   Scope and jurisdiction
   157.004   Interpretation and conflict of law
   157.005   Non-exclusionary intent
   157.006   Official zoning map
   157.007   Enactment
Zoning Administration
   157.020   Zoning Officer and zoning permit
   157.021   Planning Commission
Board of Zoning Appeals
   157.035   Board established
   157.036   BZA membership; eligibility requirements
   157.037   Meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals
   157.038   Powers and duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals
   157.039   Variances
   157.040   Conditional uses
   157.041   Nonconformities
   157.042   Appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals
   157.043   Notice and hearing of appeal
   157.044   Injunction
   157.045   Interpretation of code
   157.046   Use definitions
   157.047   General definitions
Zoning Districts and Requirements
   157.060   Districts established
   157.061   Use table
   157.062   Classification of districts and district boundaries
   157.063   Procedures relating to annexed or vacated areas
   157.064   Uses not expressly permitted or conditional
   157.065   SF, Single-Family Residential
   157.066   R-2, Multi-Family Residential
   157.067   MH, Manufactured Home Neighborhood District
   157.068   P, Park District
   157.069   MU, Mixed-Use District
   157.070   NC, Neighborhood Commercial District
   157.071   C-1, General Commercial District
   157.072   Historic Overlays, HO1 and HO2
Supplemental Regulations
   157.085   Purpose
   157.086   Abandoned vehicle
   157.087   Adult business
   157.088   Automobile repair/service
   157.089   Bed and breakfast inn
   157.090   Boat storage
   157.091   Car wash, automobile
   157.092   Child day care facility
   157.093   Dog day care
   157.094   Dwelling, townhouse
   157.095   Garage sales
   157.096   Gas station
   157.097   Greenhouse, non-commercial
   157.098   Home-based business (low impact)
   157.099   Home-based business (no impact)
   157.100   Medical cannabis organizations
   157.101   Telecommunications facilities
   157.102   Urban agriculture
   157.103   Wind energy systems
   157.104   Video gaming or lottery establishments
Additional Regulations
   157.115   Purpose
   157.116   Accessory buildings, uses, and structures
   157.117   Yard/setback requirements
   157.118   Swimming pools
   157.119   Additional principal buildings
   157.120   Orientation of principal structures
   157.121   Fences, landscaping, and screening
   157.122   Clear sight triangle
   157.123   Lot lines and irregular lots
   157.124   Temporary uses
   157.125   Height exceptions
   157.126   Storage, general
   157.127   Storage of trailers, camping, and recreational equipment
   157.128   Performance standards
   157.129   Lighting
   157.130   Parking
   157.131   Off-street loading requirements
Sign Regulations
   157.145   Findings, purpose, and intent; interpretation
   157.146   Permit required
   157.147   Permit not required
   157.148   Prohibited signs
   157.149   General requirements
   157.150   Nonconforming signs
   157.151   Maintenance and removal
   157.152   Temporary signs
   157.153   Signs for Single-Family Residential, Multi-Family Residential, Manufactured Home Neighborhood, and Parks District
   157.154   Signs for Mixed-Use Districts
   157.155   Signs for Neighborhood Commercial Districts
   157.156   Signs for General Commercial District
   157.999   Penalty
   Appendix A:   Official zoning map
   Appendix B:   Use table