151.01 Findings of Common Council
151.02 Definitions
151.03 Placement and location prohibited in residential areas
151.04 Application of present and future ordinances regulating trailer or mobile home parks; general prohibition against placement on certain lots
151.05 Certain exceptions as to homes in place on December 7, 1970
151.06 Location in nonresidential area, subject to consent of neighbors and the Common Council
151.07 Map showing location of trailers as of December 7, 1970
151.08 City permits not to issue, or sewer connections made, for homes which are in violation of chapter
151.09 Permit requirement for alteration into dwelling
151.10 Concealment of open area between base and ground
151.11 Permit requirement
151.12 Prohibited parking areas
151.99 Penalty
The Common Council makes the following findings of fact:
(A) Numerous house trailers or mobile homes have been located in various areas of the city in recent years without adequate regard and consideration for planning, for traffic, parking, health, and the general welfare of the citizens of the city;
(B) The location and occupancy of such house trailers and mobile homes have created and are creating serious traffic and health problems and endangering the general welfare of the citizens of the city;
(C) It is therefore necessary, in order to protect the public welfare, health, and safety of the citizens of the city to prohibit the further location and occupancy of house trailers and mobile homes in certain residential areas of the city; and
(D) The Common Council has the authority to enact this chapter under the provisions of W. Va. Code 8-12-5(30), the Charter of the city, and other statutes and laws of the state.
(Prior Code, § 15-1)
Charter reference:
Authority to promote the health and well-being of the inhabitants of the city, see Charter § 31
Statutory reference:
Authority to prohibit occupied mobile homes in residential areas, see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(30)
Authority to promote the public safety and welfare, see W. Va. Code 8-12-5(44)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
HOUSE TRAILER and MOBILE HOME. Any vehicle or similar portable structure having no foundation other than wheels, jacks, or skirtings, or any vehicle or similar portable structure which originally had no foundation other than wheels, jacks, or skirtings, and which has been mounted on block or other foundations, or is otherwise situated and located within the city, and which is so designated or constructed so as to permit occupancy for dwelling or sleeping purposes.
RESIDENTIAL AREA. Any block or area in the city which has 50% or more of its buildings occupied and used for residential or dwelling purposes, or any vacant land which has been platted or laid off for residential subdivision purposes, or which adjoins a residential area.
(Prior Code, § 15-2)
It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to place or locate any house trailer or mobile home in any residential area of the city.
(Prior Code, § 15-3) Penalty, see § 151.99