(A) No materials such as are used in repair or construction projects may be piled in or upon any public street, sidewalk, or public place by any person without the permission of the Street Commissioner, and he or she may specify the manner and place where such materials may be deposited, and require their removal upon completion of the work.
(B) Except as provided above in division (A) above, it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct any street, sidewalk, or public place in the city by placing anything thereon or therein that will interfere with travel or the free use thereof for the purpose for which they are intended.
(Prior Code, § 25-3) Penalty, see § 154.999
The Street Commissioner may close any street or sidewalk in the city to the passage of pedestrians or vehicles when any work is being done or is to be done under the direction of the city authorities, while such work is in progress, and shall notify the Police Department and Fire Department of such closings.
(Prior Code, § 25-4)
(A) No person, without the consent of the Common Council, shall encroach upon any street, sidewalk, or public ground of the city with any building, porch, balcony, steps, veranda, bay window, show window, lamp, hitching post, fence, awning, wall, railing, signpost, signboard, electric pole, telephone or telegraph pole, or in any way or manner appropriate any part of any street, sidewalk, or other public ground for private use.
(B) No person, without the consent of the Common Council, shall build any cellarway, window way, coal hole, or other opening of any kind or character, in or through any sidewalk or footwalk, or maintain any such cellarway or other excavation in any sidewalk or footway, or use the same in such way that pedestrians may fall therein, or use the same at any time without giving some warning to pedestrians of the dangers during the whole time the same is open.
(Prior Code, § 25-5) Penalty, see § 154.999
It shall be unlawful for any owner or occupier of property to erect or maintain barb-wire fences or fences of like nature where any such fence borders on the streets of the city.
(Prior Code, § 25-7) Penalty, see § 154.999