It shall be unlawful for any person, by himself or herself or agent, without lawful authority so to do, to destroy, injure, or deface any of the guide boards, milestones or posts, parapets, walks, culverts, bridges, masonry of any kind, railing, post, or guard along any street in the city; or to obstruct or injure any such street or any ditch made for the drainage thereof, or; any of its sewers, curbing, gutters, drains, or culverts; or to place or leave in any street of the city any ashes, cinders, earth, stone, or other material obstructive to the travel and use of such street; or to place or leave in such street any vehicle or conveyance of any kind, or any kind of implement, so as to interfere with travel thereon; or to divert any stream of water from its regular course or channel so as to injure or endanger such street; or to connect any road with such street in such manner as to impede the flow of water in the ditches or gutters thereof or obstruct or impede travel thereon; or to throw or place, or cause to be thrown or placed, on any such street, any tacks, nails, scrap metal, glass, crockery, wire, or other substance injurious to the feet of persons or animals, or the tires of vehicles; or to remove, injure, or destroy any material or equipment used or intended for use in the construction, reconstruction, repair, or maintenance of any such street; or to kill a tree and leave it standing within 50 feet of such street or highway.
(Prior Code, § 25-14) Penalty, see § 154.999