The following restrictions shall apply to all advertising signs, displays, and devices erected and maintained adjacent to any roads within the city:
   (A)   No advertising sign shall be erected or maintained which involves rapid motion or rotation of the structure or any part thereof;
   (B)   No advertising display or device shall use the word “stop” or “danger” or present or imply the need or requirement of stopping, or the existence of danger;
   (C)   No advertising sign, display, or device shall be a copy or imitate a traffic sign or other official sign;
   (D)   No advertising display or device shall attempt or purport to direct traffic;
   (E)   No advertising display or device shall contain lighting which is not appropriately shielded and any lighting shall be of such low intensity as not to cause a glare or impair the vision of the operator of any motor vehicle, nor be a nuisance to any adjacent residential area;
   (F)   No advertising display or device shall be compromised of or illuminated by any rapid flashing, intermittent light or lights;
   (G)   No advertising display or device shall be painted, affixed, or attached to any natural feature;
   (H)   No advertising sign display or device shall hinder the clear, unobstructed view of approaching or merging traffic, or obscure from view any traffic sign or other official sign, or obscure the view of signs, displays, or devices advertising activities conducted on the property on which they are located;
   (I)   No advertising sign display or device shall be so located as to obscure the view of any connecting road or intersection;
   (J)   No advertising sign display or device shall be erected within 500 feet of any church, school property, cemetery, public park, public reservation, public playground, or state or national forest;
   (K)   No advertising sign display or device shall be larger than 300 square feet per advertising surface area; nor be within 1,000 of the nearest adjacent advertising sign, display, or device; nor be within 500 feet of any residence or residential area; nor be less than 15 feet in height at the lowest point of the sign itself, nor greater than 40 feet in height at the highest point of the sign itself, nor be within 60 feet, or 150%, of the highest point on the structure or sign, of any building or other structure, nor shall stacked, side by side, tri-vision (three-sided) spinning, automatically - electronically, LED (light emitting diode), mechanically, or similar types - display changing signs be permitted in any location in the city nor be closer than 25 feet from the nearest edge of any public roadway or highway or any regularly used right- of-way above or upon the surface of the ground;
   (L)   No sign, display, device, or any outdoor advertising of any kind located within the city shall, directly or indirectly, contain, indicate, or make reference to any obscene, abusive, or offensive language, act, or depiction deemed not appropriate for display within the city. Further, in the interest of the public, the city reserves the right to limit the number of advertisement making reference to certain subjects including, but not limited to, alcoholic or intoxicating beverages (including beer, non-alcoholic beer, wine, liquor, or similar beverages), gambling, tobacco, or activities referring to nudity or of a lewd, indecent, lascivious, or obscene nature.
(Ord. passed - -)