General Provisions
   156.001   Intent
   156.002   Application
   156.003   Interpretation; definitions
   156.004   Establishment of the floodplain area
   156.005   Utilization of the floodplain area
   156.006   Liability
   156.007   Matters not specifically provided for; abrogation and greater restrictions
   156.008   Government actions
Criteria for Building Permit Site Plan Approval
   156.020   Generally
   156.021   Basic format
   156.022   Elevation and flood-proofing information
   156.023   Site plan criteria
Specific Requirements
   156.035   Design and construction standards
   156.036   Basements and lowest floor
   156.037   Manufactured home placement
   156.038   Recreational vehicle placement
   156.039   Fill
   156.040   Placement of structures
   156.041   Anchoring
   156.042   Storage
   156.043   Utility and facility requirements
   156.044   Drainage
   156.045   Appurtenant structures
   156.046   Flood protection setback
   156.047   Backflow preventers
   156.060   Designation of Floodplain Administrator
   156.061   Development permits and site plan approvals required
   156.062   Approval of permits and plans
   156.063   Application procedures
   156.064   Charges
   156.065   Placards
   156.066   Start of construction
   156.067   Stop work orders, inspection, and revocation
   156.068   Certificate of compliance; fees
   156.080   Appeals
   156.081   Appeal review criteria
   156.999   Penalty
§ 156.001 INTENT.
   The intent of this chapter is to:
   (A)   Promote the general health, welfare, and safety of the community;
   (B)   Encourage the utilization of appropriate construction practices in order to prevent or minimize flood damage in the future;
   (C)   Minimize danger to public health and safety by protecting water supply, sanitary sewage disposal, and natural drainage;
   (D)   Reduce financial burdens imposed on the community, its governmental units, and its residents by preventing the unwise design and construction of development in areas subject to flooding;
   (E)   Assure County E-911 addresses are obtained to maintain the currency of established emergency response dispatch systems; and
   (F)   Reduce financial burdens imposed on the community, its governmental units, and its residents by preventing the unwise design and construction of development in areas subject to flooding.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010)
§ 156.002 APPLICATION.
   (A)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for any contractor, person, partnership, business, or corporation to undertake or cause to be undertaken any development or the new construction, substantial improvement, or the placement or relocation of any structure (including manufactured homes) within the city, unless a permit application has been completed and a permit or certificate of compliance has been obtained from the Floodplain Administrator.
      (2)   Additionally, where land partially or fully in the floodplain is to be developed, subdivided, utilized for a manufactured home park or subdivision, or otherwise developed, a site plan must be submitted to, and approved by, the Floodplain Administrator prior to any such development.
   (B)   Provisions of all other codes, ordinances, and regulations shall be applicable insofar as they are consistent with the provisions of this chapter and the community’s need to minimize the hazards and damage resulting from flooding.
(Ord. passed 2-8-2010) Penalty, see § 156.999