153.01 Adoption
153.02 Purpose
153.03 Definitions
153.04 Registration
153.05 Inspection
153.06 Corrective action
153.07 Right of appeal; waiver of registration fee
153.08 Amending information
153.09 Reinspection
153.10 Non-payment of fees/liens
153.11 Unpaid registration fees; legal remedies
153.12 Registration fees used for specific purposes
153.13 Relation to other codes and laws
153.14 Schedule of fee rates; process example
153.99 Penalty
(A) Pursuant to W. Va. Code 8-12-16C, the city enacts an updated vacant building and property registration and maintenance program. Any prior vacant structure or vacant building and property registrations programs or codes or ordinances (“prior codes”) are hereby repealed and replaced with this chapter.
(B) Buildings and property registered under prior codes shall be considered registered for the purpose of this chapter. However, the owners of said buildings and/or property must alert the Building Code Official to prior registration(s) and the Building Code Official shall take measures to transition any registration payments or time computations into the parameters set by this chapter.
(C) Any civil actions or other legal processes brought under prior codes are still in effect until the resolution of such issue and shall be governed by the language and rules of the prior code under which the issue was instituted.
(Ord. 2022-06, passed 3-7-2022)