General Provisions
   99.01   "Street" defined
   99.02   Board of Public Works to issue certain licenses
   99.03   Use of city equipment for private work prohibited
   99.04   Storing building materials in street; licenses
   99.05   Signs and street stands
   99.06   Veteran's newsstands
   99.07   Defacing public property
   99.08   Tampering with street signs
   99.09   Removing dirt or sod from streets or squares
   99.10   Open manholes to be barricaded
   99.11   Cellar doors in sidewalk
   99.12   Trap doors and coal holes
   99.13   Certain sidewalks to be kept from getting slippery
   99.14   Railings, gates and fences
   99.15   Projecting staging
   99.16   Tunnels
   99.17   Depositing matter on streets
   99.18   Distributing advertising; lots to be kept free from litter
   99.19   Permit required to move building
   99.20   Dimensions of curbing
   99.21   Utility connections
   99.22   Utility poles to be marked
   99.23   Street fires
   99.24   Riding on sidewalk
   99.25   Carting timber, machinery through streets
   99.26   Vehicles with lugs or spikes prohibited
   99.27   Playing games, throwing stones prohibited
   99.28   Coasting
   99.29   Rainspouts not to discharge on sidewalk
   99.30   Parades
   99.40   Obstructions on streets and sidewalks
   99.41   Loitering
   99.42   Obstructing gutters prohibited
Snow and Ice Removal
   99.55   Snow and ice removal required
   99.56   Liability of city for ice and snow on sidewalks
   99.57   Snow and ice not to be shoveled into street
Street Openings
   99.70   License required to make connections
   99.71   Permit required; fees
   99.72   Insurance prerequisite to issuance of permit
   99.73   Authority of Board of Public Works
   99.74   Guarding and lighting of excavations
   99.75   Excavation to provide safe passage around
   99.99   Penalty
Charter reference:
   Sidewalk construction fund, see Charter § 11F-4
   Street improvement fund; special assessments; assessment procedure, see Charter § 11F-5