98.01 Applicability
98.02 Definitions
98.03 Authority of Park Commissioners to make rules
98.04 Issuance of permits by Director
98.05 Opening and closing hours of parks
98.06 Alcoholic liquor in parks
98.07 Consumption of alcoholic beverages on Waterbury Green premises
98.08 Animals at large prohibited
98.09 Use of paths
98.10 Vehicle regulations
98.11 Boisterous, abusive speech or behavior
98.12 Firearms; throwing stones; ball playing
98.13 Fires and fireworks
98.14 Swimming
98.15 Removal of dirt, stones and the like
98.16 Damaging plants, trees or other park property
98.17 Disturbing animals in park
98.18 Littering prohibited
98.19 Sales
98.30 Board of Park Commissioners to have care of trees
98.31 Wilful injury to trees prohibited
98.99 Penalty
Charter reference:
Authority of Board of Park Commissioners to acquire, improve, manage and control park property, see Charter § 11D-1
Creation of a Park Department capital improvement fund, see Charter § 11F-10
Parks, see Charter § 6C-3; Ch. 11, Part D
Power of Board of Park Commissioners to condemn property used for park purposes, see Charter § 6C-3(d)
Statutory reference:
Power of city to purchase land for parks, see Conn. Gen. Stat. § 7-148(c)(3)