Article 1. Purpose and Applicability
   1.1   Title
   1.2   Authority
   1.3   Jurisdiction
   1.4   Purpose
   1.5   Relationship to other plans
   1.6   Matters regulated
   1.7   Conflicting regulations
   1.8   General rules of construction
   1.9   Separability
   1.10   Identification of official zoning map
   1.11   Zoning map interpretation
   1.12   Interpreting permitted uses
   1.13   Exemptions
   1.14   Effective date
Article 2. General Provisions
   2.1   Applicability of general regulations
   2.2   Conformity required
   2.3   One principal building per lot; exceptions
   2.4   Lot size
   2.5   Height limitation exceptions
   2.6   Structures and uses limited in yards
   2.7   Accessory structures and uses
   2.8   Building separation
   2.9   Clearing and grading
   2.10   Use of loud speakers prohibited
   2.11   Utility lines
   2.12   Roof pitch
   2.13   Height
   2.14   Minimum setback
   2.15   Impervious surface limits
   2.16   Computation of time
   2.17   Fees
   2.18   (Final) certificate of occupancy/compliance
Article 3. Decision Making and Administrative Bodies
   3.1   General
   3.2   Town Council
   3.3   Planning Board
   3.4   UDO Administrator
   3.5   Board of Adjustment
   3.6   Stormwater Administrator (Reserved)
   3.7   Building Inspector (Reserved)
   3.8   Technical Review Committee (TRC)
   3.9   Summary of review authority
Article 4. Review Procedures
   4.1   Common review procedures
   4.2   Zoning ordinance text amendments
   4.3   Zoning map amendments: all zoning districts (rezoning)
   4.4   Zoning map amendments: conditional zoning districts
   4.5   Variance
   4.6   Subdivision and master development plan
   4.7   Site plan
   4.8   Vested rights and permit choice
   4.9   Special use permit
   4.10   Appeal of administrative decision
   4.11   Transportation impact analysis
   4.12   Permits and certificates
   4.13   Temporary moratoria procedures
Article 5. Nonconformities
   5.1   General
   5.2   Nonconforming lot of record
   5.3   Nonconforming use
   5.4   Nonconforming structures
   5.5   Nonconforming signs
Article 6. Enforcement
   6.1   Purpose
   6.2   Applicability
   6.3   Violations
   6.4   Responsible person
   6.5   Enforcement procedures
   6.6   Final notice of violation; correction order
   6.7   Reinstatement of permit by UDO Administrator
   6.8   Appeal to the Board of Adjustment
   6.9   Extension of time in which to correct violation
   6.10   Enforcement action after time limit to correct violation
   6.11   Emergency enforcement without notice
   6.12   Remedies and penalties
   6.13   Stormwater violations (reserved)
Article 7. Zoning Districts
   7.1   Zoning districts established
   7.2   Classification of areas under water or otherwise unclassified
   7.3   Establishment of zoning districts
   7.4   R-20 Residential District
   7.5   R-15 Residential District
   7.6   R-10 Residential District
   7.7   MR and MR-CD Multi-Family Residential District
   7.8   SBR-6000 Residential District
   7.9   PD/PUD-CD Planned Development/Planned Unit Development-Conditional District
   7.10   EPUD Existing Planned Unit Development
   7.11   CN Commercial Neighborhood District
   7.12   CLD Commercial Low Density District
   7.13   CI Commercial Intensive District
   7.14   SCO Sports Club Overlay District
   7.15   CZ-CD Creative Zoning Conditional District
   7.16   Table of Uses by District
Article 8. Prescribed Conditions with Supplemental Development
Standards for Certain Uses
   8.1   Statement of intent
   8.2   Accessory dwelling units
   8.3   Ambulance services
   8.4   Amusement parks, water parks, and fairgrounds
   8.5   Athletic fields
   8.6   Automatic teller machine (ATM freestanding)
   8.7   Automobile renting or leasing
   8.8   Automobile and truck repair
   8.9   Automobile towing service
   8.10   Auditoriums/community center
   8.11   Banks and credit unions
   8.12   Bars
   8.13   Batting cages
   8.14   Bed and breakfast
   8.15   Bingo halls
   8.16   Boat repair
   8.17   Boat sales
   8.18   Body piercing
   8.19   Bowling centers
   8.20   Bulk mail and packaging facilities
   8.21   Bus terminals
   8.22   Car and truck washes
   8.23   Cemeteries/mausoleums
   8.24   Coffee shop
   8.25   Communications and broadcasting facilities
   8.26   Congregate care facilities
   8.27   Convenience stores with gasoline
   8.28   Dance schools
   8.29   Day care centers, various types of
   8.30   Drive-through facilities
   8.31   Drugstores
   8.32   Elementary or secondary schools
   8.33   Emergency shelters
   8.34   Equipment rental and leasing
   8.35   Equipment repair (light)
   8.36   Family care homes
   8.37   Fire/EMS stations
   8.38   Flea and farmer markets
   8.39   Fraternal clubs and lodges
   8.40   Fraternity and sororities
   8.41   Fuel oil and propane sales
   8.42   Funeral homes with crematorium
   8.43   Go-cart racetracks
   8.44   Golf courses
   8.45   Golf courses, miniature
   8.46   Golf driving ranges
   8.47   Government offices
   8.48   Group care facilities
   8.49   Home occupations (customary)
   8.50   Hotels, motels, and time shares
   8.51   Houses of worship
   8.52   Kennels
   8.53   Landscaping services
   8.54   Laundromats
   8.55   Laundry and dry cleaning establishments
   8.56   Libraries
   8.57   Manufactured homes
   8.58   Manufacturing and industrial uses
   8.59   Marinas without dry storage
   8.60   Marinas with dry storage
   8.61   Martial arts schools
   8.62   Motor vehicle sales
   8.63   Motorcycle sales
   8.64   Moving and storage services
   8.65   Office uses not otherwise classified
   8.66   Outdoor storage
   8.67   Pawn shops
   8.68   Pet stores
   8.69   Physical fitness centers
   8.70   Private clubs or recreational facilities
   8.71   Progressive care facilities
   8.72   Parks, passive
   8.73   Parks, active with recreational facilities
   8.74   Parks, community gardens
   8.75   Parks, dog park conditions
   8.76   Research, development, or testing services
   8.77   Restaurants
   8.78   Satellite dishes, TV, and radio antennas (accessory)
   8.79   Seasonal agricultural product sales (30 day maximum)
   8.80   Self storage facilities
   8.81   Service station, gasoline
   8.82   Sexually oriented business
   8.83   Skating rinks
   8.84   Solar energy
   8.85   Specialty beverages
   8.86   Specialty food stores
   8.87   Swim clubs
   8.88   Swimming pools
   8.89   Tattoo establishments
   8.90   Taxidermists
   8.91   Temporary outdoor events (two week maximum)
   8.92   Tennis clubs
   8.93   Theaters
   8.94   Tire sales
   8.95   Utility equipment and storage yards
   8.96   Veterinary services
   8.97   Vocational schools
   8.98   Warehouses
   8.99   Water treatment plants
   8.100   Wholesale trade (reserved)
   8.101   Wireless telecommunication facilities
   8.102   Yard sales
Article 9. Design and Performance Standards
   9.1   Off-street parking and loading
   9.2   Commercial access
   9.3   Large scale commercial development design standards
   9.4   Building facade design
   9.5   Outdoor lighting
   9.6   Outdoor display and storage
   9.7   Fences and walls
   9.8   Utility, dumpster, recycling, and trash handling
   9.9   Screening
   9.10   Emergency management standards
   9.11   Utility services
   9.12   Planned building groups
   9.13   Cluster development
Article 10. Landscaping, Buffering, Screening, and Tree Protection
   10.1   Purpose
   10.2   Applicability
   10.3   Tree preservation and tree clearing requirements
   10.4   Preservation of protected trees during construction
   10.5   Landscaping plans required
   10.6   Design of landscaping and buffers
   10.7   Requirements for maintaining planted areas
   10.8   Project boundary buffer yard and landscaping requirements
   10.9   Vehicular use area landscaping
   10.10   Removal of existing trees
   10.11   Alternative methods of compliance
   10.12   Revisions to approved landscape plans
   10.13   Inspection of sites
   10.14   Emergencies
   10.15   Revegetation
   10.16   Location of replacement trees and vegetation
   10.17   Inspections and certificate of occupancy
Article 11. Signs
   11.1   Purpose
   11.2   Permits and plans
   11.3   General provisions
   11.4   Prohibited signs
   11.5   Signs allowed in all districts without a permit
   11.6   Temporary signs without a permit
Article 12. Subdivision Standards
   12.1   Purpose
   12.2   Applicability of article
   12.3   Suitability of land
   12.4   Name duplication
   12.5   Improvement guarantees
   12.6   Development agreements (reserved)
   12.7   Subdivision design
   12.8   Streets
   12.9   Recreation space
   12.10   Property owner associations
   12.11   Sites for public use
   12.12   Placement of monuments
Article 13. Stormwater Control
   13.1   Stormwater control
Article 14. Temporary Uses and Structures
   14.1   Purpose
   14.2   Temporary use in a temporary structure
   14.3   Temporary use in a permanent structure
   14.4   Table of allowed temporary uses included in Table 14.8
   14.5   Temporary use permits
   14.6   Specific regulations for certain temporary uses and structures
   14.7   Events
   14.8   Table of temporary uses by district
Article. 15 Lighting
   15.1   Site lighting
   15.2   Roadway lighting
   15.3   Acceptance and occupancy
Part III. Definitions and Abbreviations
Article 16. Electric
   16.1   Purpose
   16.2   Applicability
   16.3   General requirements
   16.4   Required design criteria for grinder pump electrical connections
   Appendix I - Definitions
   Appendix II - Plant/Vegetation List