The SBR-6000 Residential District is established for single-family site-built dwellings and is intended to provide for orderly suburban residential development. Housing types permitted are traditional houses, single-family detached houses, semi-attached houses, duplexes, zero lot line houses, and townhouses. Due to the higher intensity developments contained in this district, it is intended to be applied only to properties served by public water and sewer systems. The overall gross density in the SBR-6000 shall be no more than 7.3 units per acre. Refer to Article 7.1 for special considerations applying to cul-de-sac lots.
   7.8.1   Design standards.
      A.   Minimum lot area: 6,000 SF. The Planning Board may approve lot areas less than the minimum, subject to density and accessible open space factors, as well as other key parameters the applicant may propose for consideration in the concept plan. Refer to Article 7.9.
   7.8.2   Design standards-traditional houses.
      A.   Minimum lot dimensions. Lot width (frontage): 40 feet; and
      B.   Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
         1.   Front yard setback: 12 feet;
         2.   Rear yard setback: ten feet; and
         3.   Side yard: five feet.
   7.8.3   Design standards - single-family detached and zero lot line.
      A.   Minimum lot dimensions. Lot width (frontage): 42 feet.
      B.   Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
         1.   Front yard setback: 15 feet;
         2.   Rear yard setback: ten feet; and
         3.   Side yard: five feet.
      C.   Special standards for zero lot line. Zero lot line houses shall be permitted in accordance with the Use Tables in Article 7.16, subject to the following.
         1.   These houses must be built in designated areas dedicated to this purpose. They may not be intermixed with traditional and/or single-family detached houses.
         2.   A single side yard shall be provided comprising the equivalent of two side yards of a conventional single-family detached house. The side yard on one side of the lot shall have a setback of zero feet and the opposite side yard shall have a minimum setback of ten feet, provided that the separation of adjacent principal structures shall be no less than ten feet.
         3.   An easement between the two property owners to allow for maintenance or repair of the house shall be required when the roof overhang or side wall of the house are within four feet of the adjoining property line (no roof overhang shall be permitted to extend across the property line). The easement on adjoining property must provide at least five feet of unobstructed space. The easement shall be recorded on the subdivision plat.
         4.   If the side wall of the house is on the property line, or within three feet of the property line, windows or other openings that allow for visibility into the side yard of the adjoining lot shall not be allowed. Windows that do not allow visibility into the side yard of the adjoining lot, such as a clerestory window or a translucent window, shall be allowed.
   7.8.4   Design standards - semi-attached house.
      A.   Minimum lot dimensions. Lot width: 35 feet.
      B.   Building locations.
         1.   Front yard setback: 15 feet;
         2.   Rear yard setback: ten feet; and
         3.   Side yard: five feet, however, the side yard requirement adjacent to the same structure shall be zero.
   7.8.5   Design standards - duplex.
      A.   Minimum lot dimensions. Lot width (frontage): 60 feet.
      B.   Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
         1.   Front yard setback: 15 feet;
         2.   Rear yard setback: ten feet; and
         3.   Side yard setback: seven feet.
   7.8.6   Design standards - townhouse.
      A.   Minimum lot dimensions.
         1.   Lot width (frontage): 22 feet (per unit); and
         2.   Lot area (per unit): 2,200 square feet.
      B.   Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
         1.   Front yard setback: 20 feet;
         2.   Rear yard setback: 15 feet; and
         3.   Side yard setback: ten feet.
   7.8.7   District regulations applicable to all housing types.
      A.   Accessory buildings must be located a minimum of five feet from any side or rear lot line.
      B.   Maximum height: 40 feet for principal structure, with any accessory building less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
      C.   The minimum number of acres contained in the entire development shall be ten acres.
      D.   The maximum density permitted shall be 7.3 dwelling units per acre.
      E.   For semi-attached house or townhouse structures, the side yard requirement adjacent to the same structure type shall be zero.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)