3.2.1 Establishment, membership, and procedure. Information regarding the establishment, membership, and rules of procedure of the Town Council is available in the Town Charter.
3.2.2 Power and duties.
A. General. The Town Council shall have the following general powers and duties:
1. To appoint and maintain a Planning Board and assure that the Board performs satisfactorily in the development of the comprehensive plan, including scheduled review and update of the same from time to time; and further, to assure that the Planning Board performs all duties and responsibilities assigned by statute and this ordinance;
2. To provide for the administration of this ordinance by appropriating sufficient funds;
3. To adopt temporary moratoria on any town development approval required by law (refer to Article 4.13); and
4. Set policies.
B. Voting. A Town Council member shall not vote on any zoning map or text amendment where the outcome of the matter being considered is reasonably likely to have a direct, substantial, and readily identifiable financial impact on the member (G.S. § 160D-109). A Town Council member shall not vote on any zoning amendment if the landowner of the property subject to a rezoning petition or the applicant for a text amendment is a person with whom the member has a close familial, business, or other associational relationship. For quasi-judicial proceedings see Article 3.5.3.
C. Final action. The Town Council shall hear and take final action on the following development review procedures:
1. Zoning ordinance text amendments (Article 4.2);
2. Zoning map amendments - all zoning districts (Article 4.3);
3. Zoning map amendments - planned unit development (Article 4.4);
4. Establishment of vested rights (Article 4.8);
5. Special use permits (Q-J; Article 4.9); and
6. Temporary moratoria (Article 4.13).
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)