§ 12.8 STREETS.
   12.8.1   Street classification.
      A.   Classifications. In all new subdivisions, streets shall be classified as provided in this Article.
         1.   The classification shall be based upon the projected volume of traffic to be carried by the street, stated in terms of the number of trips per day.
         2.   The number of dwelling units to be served by the street may be used as a useful indicator of the number of trips but is not conclusive.
         3.   Whenever a subdivision street continues an existing street that formerly terminated outside the subdivision or it is expected that a subdivision street will be continued beyond the subdivision at some future time, the classification of the street will be based upon the street in its entirety, both within and outside of the subdivision.
      B.   The classification of streets shall be as follows.
         1.   Alley. A vehicular way used for providing service access along rear or side property lines of lots that are also served by one of the other listed street types. Alleys are not intended to accommodate through traffic.
         2.   Minor. A street whose sole function is to provide access to abutting properties, it serves or is designed to serve not more than nine dwelling units or expected to or does handle up to 75 trips per day.
         3.   Local. A street whose sole function is to provide access to abutting properties. It serves or is designed to serve at least ten but no more than 25 dwelling units or expected to or does handle between 75 and 200 trips per day.
         4.   Cul-de-sac. A street that terminates in a vehicular turnaround.
      C.   Minimum right-of-way.
         1.   All streets.
            a.   Right-of-way widths may not be less than the following and a four-foot wide sidewalk/multi-use path shall be required where indicated.
Sidewalk/Multi-Use Path
Sidewalk/Multi-Use Path
One side
One side
One side
Local Road/Street
One side
Principal Arterial Freeways/Other
One side
            b.   The subdivider is only required to dedicate up to 100 feet of right-of-way, in cases where over 100 feet of right-of-way is required, the subdivider will be required only to reserve the amount in excess of 100 feet in width. In all cases in which right-of-way is sought for an access- controlied facility, the subdivider will only be required to make a reservation.
         2.   Private streets. All new streets shall be constructed to meet all NCDOT Minimum Construction Standards for Subdivision Streets. All private roads shall be paved and provided with sidewalks on at least one side of the street.
      D.   Intersections.
         1.   All streets shall intersect at or as near to 90 degrees as possible within topographic limits.
         2.   Offset intersections are to be avoided unless an exception is granted by NCDOT, or by the Planning Board (for private streets). A minimum length of 200 feet between survey centerlines should separate intersections that cannot be aligned.
         3.   Intersections with arterials, collectors, and thoroughfares, shall be at least 1,000 feet from centerline to centerline. Greater separation distances may be required by the state’s Department of Transportation, or by the Planning Board (for private streets).
      E.   Signage. Signs denoting the right-of-way boundaries of dedicated or reserved unopened streets and future connections shall be erected and maintained according to town standards.
      F.   Sign standards. Appropriate traffic control devices and signage shall be installed based on traffic engineered studies. All signs shall meet the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Device Standards.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)