9.1.1   Statement of intent.
      A.   Vehicles require adequate space for both safe operation and parking conditions for all land uses, public and private. The town has a unique and sensitive environment whereby space for vehicle parking and loading shall have the least necessary impervious surface and shall not drain directly into the waters of the town.
      B.   Landscape features to buffer large areas for parking and loading are required for aesthetic reasons and for relief from heat build-up of large surface areas.
   9.1.2   Applicability. No building permit, certificate of zoning compliance, or certificate of occupancy shall be issued for uses of land, structures, and buildings, either initially or for a change in use or expansion of an existing use, unless the off-street parking and loading requirements of this Article are satisfied.
   9.1.3   Activities exempt.
      A.   A change in use or expansion of an existing use meeting either of the following criteria shall be exempt from the requirements of this Article:
         1.   Expansions of less than 1,000 square feet or 5% of the total enclosed floor area; or
         2.   The new use has the same or a lesser parking requirement than the previous one.
      B.   Restriping of a parking area or other vehicular use area which does not result in reconfiguration of the parking spaces shall be exempt from the requirements of this Article.
   9.1.4   Plans required. Applications for permits and/or certificates shall include information as to location and dimension of off-street parking, and means of ingress and egress to such space.
   9.1.5   Design standards.
      A.   General requirements.
         1.   Parking areas shall be designed to allow unobstructed movement into and out of each parking space without interference from fixed objects such as lighting fixtures, dumpsters, signage, or vehicles.
         2.   All parking areas shall be designed to provide for internal circulation such that each parking space is accessible to all other parking spaces without necessitating the use of a public or private street.
         3.   Cross access drives between adjacent uses and properties may be required.
      B.   Paving.
         1.   Where an existing tree is adjacent to a parking area, paver bricks, tree grates, or other pervious surface shall be used within the dripline of the tree.
         2.   Unless alternative surfaces are specified elsewhere in this document or are approved by the Planning Board, all required parking and loading spaces, except for those associated with single- family dwellings, shall be surfaced with asphalt bituminous or concrete material and shall be maintained in a smooth, well-graded condition.
         3.   Alternative parking surfaces.
            a.   Pervious pavers or concrete, stabilized grass lawn, or other pervious parking surfaces may be permitted for specific uses as set forth below, provided they are approved by the Planning Board, in consultation with others as needed. Where provided, such alternative parking surfaces shall be maintained in a smooth, well-graded condition. If parking demand is such that the grass or lawn is caused to be damaged or destroyed to the extent that it ceases to grow, then paving of the area in accordance with this Article may be required.
            b.   All driveways, access aisles, and parking spaces (excluding handicapped) may be surfaced with grass lawn or other pervious parking surface for the following:
               i.   Uses which require parking on an average of less than ten days per month;
               ii.   Parks, playgrounds, ball fields, fairgrounds, and other similar outdoor recreation areas; and
               iii.   Surplus parking areas above the required number of parking spaces (see Article 9.1.6, Required Parking).
      C.   Lighting. Any lighting shall be internally oriented and shall be installed in conformance with the town’s Community Appearance Manual.
      D.   Signage. On-premises instructional signs may be provided in conformance with Article 11.
      E.   Dimensional requirements.
         1. New or altered off-street parking areas shall conform to the following dimensions:
Stall Depth to Wall (feet)
Stall Depth Parallel to Vehicle
Aisle Width
Stall Depth to Interlock
Stall Depth Reduction due to
Stall Width (Parallel to Aisle)
Stall Width Perpendicular to
Module Width Wall to Wall
Module Width Interlock to
         2.   For bumper overhang deduct one and one-half feet from stall depth to wall or three feet from module width wall to wall for 45° and 60° parking. Deduct two feet from stall depth to wall or four feet from module width wall to wall for 75° and 90° parking.
         3.   Where natural and/or human-made obstacles, obstructions, or other features, such as, but not limited to, landscaping, support columns, or grade difference exist, the Planning Board may approve a reduction in stall width, stall length, and/or module width. In all instances where a reduction is requested, attention to emergency vehicle access must be considered and incorporated into the parking lot design.
         4.   Parking spaces designed to be located parallel to a curb or roadway shall be 23 feet long and ten feet wide.
         5.   Parking in driveways and aisles shall not be permitted.
         6.   Parking and loading areas shall provide sufficient maneuvering area to accommodate emergency services vehicles and solid waste vehicles. A minimum turning radius of 40 feet shall be required between internal aisles, driveways, and other vehicular use areas. This radius may be reduced if the Planning Board determines that the resulting dimension does not impair the intent of this requirement.
      F.   Parking decks and parking garages. Required parking and loading spaces need not be at ground level. Decks and garages shall be treated either as part of the principal structure and subject to all requirements over such structures, or as principal uses by themselves, meeting all requirements for principal structures and uses when permitted.
      G.   Design standards for handicapped accessible parking.
         1.   All off-street handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be designed in compliance with the North Carolina Accessibility Code.
         2.   All off-street handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be located in the closest parking area to a public entrance to the building.
         3.   All off-street handicapped accessible parking spaces shall be designated by a sign or other means specified by state requirements.
   9.1.6   Required parking.
      A.   Minimum requirements.
         1.   Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for all uses listed below in the amounts specified below. Uses not listed shall be reviewed by the UDO Administrator, for a determination of the required spaces. Buildings with multiple uses shall calculate parking based on the square footage of each use in the building.
         2.   Where a building is constructed without a specific use identified, such as a “flexible- use” building that may be occupied by multiple uses, parking requirements shall be satisfied as follows.
            a.   Adequate space shall be reserved either on-site or through an approved alternative parking plan (see Article 9.1.7) to accommodate the requirements for the use with the highest parking requirements permitted in the zoning district. This “reserve area” need not be paved, but shall be indicated on all required plans and shall be counted toward the impervious cover calculations for a development when located in an area where impervious parking and loading is required.
            b.   The actual number of spaces required to be paved shall be one space per 300 square feet of enclosed floor area. This requirement may be modified by the Planning Board.
         3.   Calculation of spaces shall be in whole units only. If a calculation results with a fraction, that fraction shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Unless otherwise specified, enclosed floor area shall be deemed to be gross enclosed floor area.
Spaces Required
Spaces Required
Group Living
All group living, except as listed below
1 per 3 beds
Boarding house
1 per bedroom
Home Occupation
All home occupation
1 plus residence requirements
Multi-family structures
2 per dwelling unit plus 3 per multi- family structure
All household living, except as listed below
2 per dwelling unit (accessory dwellings shall be considered a separate dwelling unit)
Family care home
1 per 4 licensed beds
Upper story residential
1.5 per dwelling unit
Community Service
Fraternal club or lodge
1 per 100 SF floor area
1 per every 3 seats
Community center
1 per 250 SF floor area
Day care facilities
1 per employee plus 1 per 10
Day care home
1 plus residence requirements plus off- street drop-off area (minimum 1 drop- off space)
Educational Facilities
Educational facilities, except as listed below
6 per classroom plus 1 per 300 SF administrative office plus dormitory (group living)
Elementary or junior high schools
2 per classroom plus 1 per administrative
Emergency Shelter
All emergency shelters
1 per 500 SF floor area
Government offices and buildings
1 per 400 SF floor area
Medical Facilities
All medical facilities, except as listed
1 per 250 SF floor area
1 per 2 beds plus 1 per doctor and nurse plus 1 per 4 employees on largest shift
Parks and Open Areas
Parks and open areas, except as listed below
As determined by the UDO Administrator
Cemeteries, mausoleums, columbaria, memorial gardens
1 per 20 SF in the chapel or assembly area
Passenger Terminal
Bus passenger terminals
1 per 200 SF waiting floor area plus 1
Place of Worship
All places of worship
4 plus 1 per 3 seats in the assembly area (day care, schools, and other uses calculated)
All utilities, except as listed below
1 per 1,000 SF enclosed floor
TV/HDTV/AM/FM broadcast antennas
1 per 500 SF enclosed floor area
Funeral Home
All funeral homes
1 per 20 SF in the chapel or assembly area plus 1 per
Indoor Recreation
All indoor recreation, except as listed
1 per 250 SF enclosed floor area
Adult & sexually oriented business
1 per 100 SF enclosed floor area
Outdoor Recreation
Outdoor recreation, except as listed below
1 per 500 SF of enclosed floor area plus 1 per 1,000 SF of outdoor use area
Boating facilities, marinas, and docks
1.5 per slip plus 1 per 500 SF enclosed floor area
Golf courses (see A restaurants) for additional parking requirements associated with eating facilities)
2 per hole plus 1 per 500 SF enclosed floor area
1 per 200 SF pool and deck area
Overnight Accommodation
All overnight accommodation, except as listed below (see tourist home) for short- term rentals)
1.25 per room plus 1 per 100 SF
Bed and breakfast
1 per guest room plus 2 per owner/manager
Planned Development
Planned building groups
Generally, minimum required for the individual uses
Planned unit development/mixed use
Retail Sales and Service
All retail sales and service, except as listed below
1 per 200 SF floor area for the first 50,000 SF of gross leasable area and 1 per 250 SF of leasable area after that
Flea markets
1 per 300 SF vendor area
Kennel veterinary establishment. Animal hospital
1 per 250 SF enclosed floor area
Performing arts studio
1 per 400 SF enclosed floor area
Personal service establishments
1 per 500 SF enclosed floor area
1 per 100 SF floor area or 1 per 4 seats, whichever is greater (including outdoor eating areas)
Self-Service Storage Facility
Self-service storage facility
Minimum 5 or 1 per 100 storage units, whichever is greater
Vehicle Sales and Service
All vehicle sales, except as listed below
1 per 500 SF display space (indoor and outdoor)
Vehicle service
3 per service bay
Car wash
1.5 per wash bay plus required stacking spaces
Office Uses
All office uses
1 per 300 SF enclosed floor area
Banks and financial institutions
1 per 250 SF enclosed floor area
Warehouse and Storage
All warehousing and storage
1 per 5,000 SF of floor area
Wholesale Sales and Service
All wholesale sales and service
1 per 1,000 SF floor area
      B.   Maximum parking permitted.
         1.   No use, except single-family or two-family dwellings, shall provide more than 110% of the required parking shown in the table above unless any parking above the 110% threshold is pervious or is provided through use of an elevated parking structure or pervious pavement.
         2.   Where a project is intended to be developed in phases, the Planning Board may approve development of a parking area intended to serve current and future development.
      C.   Modifications. The Planning Board may reduce the required number of spaces by up to 20% for reasons of topography, mixes of uses, ride sharing programs, availability of transit, or other conditions specific to the site, provided the reduction in the required number of parking spaces satisfies the intent of this Article.
      D.   Parking for the disabled. In accordance with the North Carolina Accessibility Code, the following numerical requirements shall apply for handicapped/disabled spaces.
Total Number of Spaces in
Minimum Number of Accessible
Total Number of Spaces in
Minimum Number of Accessible
201 or more
7 plus one per every 100 over 700
NOTE: Minimum number of accessible spaces is in addition to the total number of required spaces.
   9.1.7   Alternative parking plans.
      A.   General. Innovative approaches which reduce the amount of impervious cover within the town are encouraged when the public interest is served and protected. The UDO Administrator or Planning Board, as specified, may reduce the minimum amount of off-street parking required (beyond that permitted by Article 9.1.6.C, Modifications) where developer-submitted parking data, prepared and sealed by a registered engineer with transportation expertise, illustrates that the standards of this Article do not accurately apply to the specific development. The data submitted for an alternative parking plan shall include, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the mix of uses, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads of all uses. The following factors may also be considered.
      B.   Factors considered in alternative parking plans.
         1.   Public parking. Up to 35% of the required off-street parking spaces may be waived by the Planning Board if publicly-controlled-parking is located within a 500 foot walking distance along public walkways from the main entrance of the proposed use and the UDO Administrator also determines that adequate parking spaces are available within the publicly-controlled parking area to accommodate the anticipated use.
         2.   Off-site and cooperative parking.
            a.   Generally. Cooperative provision of required parking space and other innovative parking arrangements that protect and serve the public interest are encouraged.
            b.   Separate lot. The Planning Board may approve the location of up to 50% of required off-street parking spaces on a separate lot from that on which the principal use is located if the off-site parking complies with all of the following standards. This factor shall not be used to satisfy the off-street parking requirements for convenience stores or similar convenience-oriented uses or for handicapped accessible parking.
            c.   Location. No off-site parking space shall be located more than 500 feet from the primary entrance of the use served (measured along public walkways). Off-site parking spaces shall not be separated from the use served by a highway, unless a grade-separated pedestrian walkway is provided, or traffic control or remote parking shuttle bus service is provided. Off-site parking shall be located in a district where commercial parking is a permitted principal use.
            d.   Agreement for off-site and cooperative parking. If an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, a written agreement between the record owners shall be required. The owner of the off-site parking area shall enter into a written agreement in a form acceptable to the Town Attorney, (with enforcement running to the record owners of the area and the town) providing that the land comprising the parking area shall never be disposed of except in conjunction with the sale of the building which the parking area serves so long as the facilities are required; and that such agreement shall bind heirs, successors, and assigns.
         3.   Valet parking. The Planning Board may approve valet parking as a means of satisfying otherwise applicable off-street parking requirements where all of the following standards have been met.
            a.   Adequate assurance of the continued operation of the valet parking, such as a contractual agreement for valet services or the tenant’s affidavit agreeing to provide such services, shall be provided;
            b.   An equivalent number of valet spaces shall be available to replace the required parking spaces. Such valet spaces do not require individual striping, and may take into account the tandem or mass parking of vehicles.
   9.1.8   Vehicle stacking areas.
      A.   Vehicle stacking areas. The vehicle stacking standards of this Article shall apply unless otherwise expressly approved by the Planning Board. Additional stacking spaces may be required where trip generation rates suggest that additional spaces will be needed.
      B.   Minimum number of spaces. Off-street stacking spaces shall be provided as follows.
Activity Type
Minimum Stacking
Measured From
Activity Type
Minimum Stacking
Measured From
Automated teller machine
Bank teller lane
Teller or window
Car wash bay, full-service
Car wash bay, self-service
Dry cleaning/laundry drive-through
Cleaner/laundry window
Gasoline pump island
Pump island
Gatehouse, staffed
Gate, unstaffed
Pharmacy pickup
Pharmacy window
Restaurant drive-through
Order box
Restaurant drive-through
Between order box and pick-up
Valet parking
Valet stand
Determined by UDO Administrator in consideration of an approved study prepared by a registered engineer with expertise in transportation engineering.
      C.   Design and layout of stacking spaces. Required stacking spaces shall be subject to the following design and layout standards.
         1.   Size. Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of eight feet in width by 25 feet in length.
         2.   Location. Stacking spaces shall not impede on or off-site traffic movements or movements into or out of off-street parking spaces.
         3.   Design. Stacking spaces shall be separated from other internal driveways by raised medians if deemed necessary by the UDO Administrator, for traffic movement and safety.
         4.   Landscaping and screening requirements. In order to protect adjacent properties from noise and visual impacts, vehicle stacking areas shall be screened from adjacent residential property in accordance with the screening requirements of Article 9.9 (Screening) and Article 10.
   9.1.9   Loading areas.
      A.   Location.
         1.   No loading spaces shall be located within 30 feet of street intersections or in any required front, side, or rear yard or within a triangular sight distance.
         2.   A minimum setback of 50 feet shall be required where loading docks face a residential district or a structure with first-floor residential uses.
         3.   Loading areas shall be located on the same lot and provide the most convenient access to the use being served. Generally, loading areas should be within 50 feet of the building.
      B.   Surfacing. Generally, all open off-street loading areas shall be paved with an all-weather material such as concrete or asphalt, designed to carry the heaviest vehicle loads that can commonly be expected. Consideration should be given to the weight of fire and sanitation equipment as well as delivery vehicles.
      C.   Design.
         1.   Loading berths for office uses shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide by 35 feet long with a height clearance of 14 feet.
         2.   All other loading berths shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide and 55 feet long with a height clearance of 14 feet.
      D.   Utilization. Space allocated to any off-street loading space, accessory drives, or aisles shall not be used to satisfy the space requirements for any off-street parking or trash handling facilities.
      E.   Ingress and egress. Each required off-street loading space shall be provided with a means of unobstructed ingress and egress to a private or a public street wide enough to accommodate expected vehicles. Where such ingress and egress is made into a public street, it shall be through driveways or openings which meet required standards. Permanent wheel stops or curbing shall be provided to prevent any vehicle using the loading area from encroachment on the required front yards, side yards, or adjacent property.
      F.   Off-street loading requirements.
         1.   Loading spaces shall be required for uses which normally handle large quantities of goods, including, but not limited to, industrial plants, wholesale establishments, warehouses, freight terminals, hospitals, and retail establishments.
         2.   Off-street loading spaces may be either inside or outside the building and on the same or adjoining lots.
         3.   The loading spaces shall be of sufficient size and number to allow normal loading and unloading operations appropriate to the property to be served.
         4.   In no case shall the loading space hinder the movement of traffic or pedestrians. The loading spaces shall be indicated on site plans submitted for approval.
         5.   The Planning Board may require one or more additional loading areas if the magnitude of the use would anticipate the need for more loading or standing space.
         6.   Loading areas shall be signed to indicate “No Idling”.
         7.   Any loading area located adjacent to a residential district shall not receive deliveries between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
      G.   Repair and service. No motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind shall be permitted in conjunction with loading facilities provided in any district.
      H.   Landscaping and screening requirements. Loading areas shall be screened from public streets and adjacent residential uses and residential districts in accordance with the screening requirements of Article 9.9 (Screening), and Article 10. The screen shall be at least as long as the longest trailer to be accommodated by the area (approximately 50 feet) and a minimum of eight feet in height. The UDO Administrator may reduce or waive this requirement if it can be determined that other elements would provide adequate screening. These elements may include, but are not limited to, existing site features or landscaping installed to satisfy other requirements.
      I.   Signage. On-premises instructional signs may be provided in conformance with Article 11.6.5.
      J.   Number of spaces required. The numbers in the table below shall serve as a guideline for determining the number of loading spaces required.
Gross Floor Area of Building
Number of Spaces
Gross Floor Area of Building
Number of Spaces
0 - 5,000
5,001 - 39,999
40,000 - 99,999
100,000 - 159,999
160,000 - 239,999
240,000 and over
Note: The Planning Board may require additional loading spaces. See Article 9.1.9.F(5).
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)