10.9.1   Landscaping requirements in parking areas and vehicular use areas. All vehicular use areas must have at least one canopy tree trunk within 60 feet of each parking space. Two small trees with heights between ten and 20 feet at maturity may be used instead of one canopy tree only if overhead or underground utility lines will impair the canopy tree’s growth to mature habit. All vehicular use areas used for parking shall be screened from the view of adjacent properties and streets by evergreen plantings that will attain a height of three feet within three years of planting. The use of shrubs and ground covers is greatly encouraged in parking area islands and along the borders of parking areas.
   10.9.2   Existing vegetation. Existing healthy, well-formed canopy trees may be counted toward the requirements of this Article, provided that these trees are protected in accordance with this Article, before and during development of the site and maintained thereafter in a healthy growing condition.
   10.9.3   Design standards. The design of the vehicular use area with landscaped areas, and the selection of plant materials, shall meet the following standards.
      A.   All parking spaces shall be within 60 feet of the trunk of a canopy tree, or 30 feet from small trees if allowed under overhead utilities or in special circumstances.
      B.   All planting medians and/or islands in vehicular use areas shall be at least ten feet long by ten feet wide from back of curb to back of curb, with a minimum of 300 square feet of space per canopy tree where these trees are proposed consistent with division (A) above. This dimension must be measured from the back of the curbs. Linear planting strips between the lengths of parking isles are strongly encouraged rather than numerous small one tree islands. If linear planting strips are used, then the distance of parking spaces from a trunk of a canopy tree may be increased to 70 feet.
      C.   A minimum ten-foot wide continuous planted median shall be installed in off-street parking areas approximately every 130 linear feet in one direction for vehicular surface areas exceeding 40,000 square feet. Other design options may be approved provided that the intent of “breaking up” large areas of parking is met. Saving existing interior trees may be credited toward this requirement. This requirement does not apply to vehicular display lots, vehicular rental lots, and other similar lots.
      D.   The size of the planting area and size of plant material at maturity shall allow for a two and one-half foot bumper overhang from the face back of the curb. Barriers, such as curbs or wheel stops, must be provided between vehicular use areas and landscaped areas.
      E.   All sidewalks shall be at least five feet from the trunks of large trees, unless otherwise approved by the TRC. For example, when the placement of the sidewalk would require the removal of an existing large tree to meet this requirement or where there is not enough space on the site to accommodate both the tree and the sidewalk, this requirement may be modified.
      F.   Parking lots shall be graded so that landscape islands do not impound water, unless surface impoundment is required as a method of on-site retention of stormwater. Landscape islands should be composed of well-prepared structured soil and thoroughly cultivated and amended so as to support healthy plant growth.
      G.   Preservation of existing groups, stands, or groves of trees, as well as isolated islands with single trees, is strongly encouraged.
      H.   Canopy trees shall be at least two inches in caliper when installed.
      I.   Evergreen shrubs shall be at least 18 to 24 inches in height and minimum three-gallon container size at the time of installation.
      J.   Adequate drainage, mulching, and irrigation shall be provided for landscape medians and islands.
      K.   The property owner or developer shall provide for continuous maintenance of the landscaped areas after occupancy of the building. The property owner shall ensure that performance criteria within this ordinance and/or included on the approved site and/or subdivision plan are met. Failure to correct deficiencies in a timely manner shall result in a citation for violation of this ordinance in accordance with Article 6.
   10.9.4   Screening vehicular use area. Where there is a vehicular use area between the street/right- of-way and a permanent nonresidential building, a semi-opaque screen or barrier shall be provided between the right-of-way and the vehicular use area. The screen or barrier may consist of plants, earthen berms, fences, walls, or any combination thereof, which meet the following requirements.
      A.   The screen shall occupy 75% of the length of the vehicular use area, except for sidewalks and driveways that cut through the screen to connect the vehicular use area to streets and other properties. Shrubs shall be at least two feet in height above the ground and healthy at the time of installation.
      B.   Berms may be used or installed in lieu or in addition to plantings. If the berm does not meet the performance standards of this Article, then plant materials shall be installed which meet these standards. The installation of additional plant materials is encouraged so as to enhance the visual and aesthetic qualities of the streetscape. Plantings should be placed based upon topography of the site, usually at the top of the slope.
      C.   Berms must, at a minimum, be planted and maintained with a groundcover vegetation or grass that will permanently stabilize the soil.
      D.   Shrubs, plantings, hedges, or walls shall provide an opaque screen or barrier for the first three feet of height within three years of planting.
      E.   Vehicular use areas used for the purpose of loading/unloading, and accessways to those areas shall be screened from views of streets and adjacent development.
   10.9.5   Foundation plantings. For all portions of buildings, which are adjacent to parking facilities or internal drive aisles, foundation plantings shall be required and located between the buildings face and the parking or drive isle curb. The minimum standards are required; however, it is encouraged that sites exceed the minimum whenever possible. The following minimum standard shall apply.
      A.   The area of the building face adjacent to the parking area or internal drive isle shall be calculated and multiplied by a minimum of 12%. The resultant total square footage shall be planted as landscaped areas of sufficient variety and height.
      B.   Exemptions from these requirements may be granted when the following circumstances exist or when any of the following conditions are proposed on the site:
         1.   For those portions of buildings which have drive up services along any side or rear of the building. (Such examples would include, but not be limited to, pharmacies, banks, fast food restaurants, dry cleaners, and photo shops.)
         2.   On the rear side of a building when less than 10% of the total required parking is located in the rear of the building and the rear is not adjacent to any public right-of-way.
      C.   If the requirements of this Article conflict with any other requirements from other Articles of this ordinance, the more stringent shall apply.
   10.9.6   Exceptions for underground parking and above ground parking structures. When parking is provided underground or within buildings, the above requirements shall not apply. However, if the parking is visible from a public right-of-way or adjacent property, then it shall be screened from views from streets and adjacent properties pursuant to Article 10.9.4(D) above. Unless they are designed to look like, reflect the architectural style of, and blend in with the adjacent buildings, dense landscaping should visually separate all parking structures from the view of streets and adjacent property. If this is not possible, then the walls of the structure should be softened by the use of terracing, plantings, or other techniques.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)