9.4.1   Applicability. The following shall comply with the requirements of this Article:
      A.   Where compliance with these standards is explicitly required in other portions of this ordinance;
      B.   All uses except for one- or two-family residences; and
      C.   Expansion or modification of an existing commercial or office use that increases the total enclosed floor area by at least 50% or 5,000 square feet, whichever is greater.
   9.4.2   Standards.
      A.   The primary facade shall be constructed of one or a combination of the following materials: concrete, aggregate, stucco, brick, stone, glass, natural decay-resistant quality exterior wood siding, or faced concrete block. Artificial materials that closely resemble these materials shall also be allowed. Facade colors shall be neutral or earth tone colors. Building trim and accent areas may feature brighter colors, including primary colors, but these colors may not comprise more than 15% of the building facade.
      B.   The remaining sides of the building shall be treated with the same materials of construction of the primary facade. As an alternative, for the principal use building(s), powder coated painted metal panels may be used on the non-primary facade walls under the following conditions. (The goal is to use architectural detail to provide visual interest).
         1.   Metal panels can only be used on buildings in the CI District.
         2.   Metal panels can be used for roofing material.
         3.   The (wall) metal panels will have deep, embolden ribs (or equivalent) to bring definition to the wall (e.g., MBCI ShadowRib™) with colors complementing or matching the primary facade. Other approaches to achieve the desired appearance will be considered at the pre-application conference.
         4.   Long continuous building walls are prohibited. No single metal wall shall extend unbroken more than 15% of the total wall length or 15 feet (whichever is greater) in a horizontal plane. Primary facade material should be used to trim out and/or break up the metal walls in both the horizontal and vertical planes.
      C.   No building facade facing the public street right-of-way shall be devoid of architectural enhancements or interest. For street corner buildings, both street elevations shall be architecturally enhanced as a front facade.
      D.   Long continuous building walls are prohibited and no single facade extending unbroken more than 35 feet in a horizontal plane may be visible from a public roadway. Compliance may be obtained through one of the following:
         1.   The use of projections or recesses (articulation). When used, each projection or recess shall have a projection (depth) dimension of no less than 18 inches and a width of no less than 36 inches; or
         2.   The use of columns or other architectural detail to provide visual interest. Where used, columns should be harmonious with the general design of the structure.
      E.   At least 25% of the first floor of the street facade shall be transparent.
      F.   Roofs shall be simple forms such as hip, flat, shed, mansard, gable to front, or gable to side, and shall avoid excessive articulation. Recommended roofing materials include slate shingles, asphalt and fiberglass shingles, and metal standing seam or tiles.
      G.   As an alternative, powder coated painted metal panels may be used on all the walls of an accessory structure in the CLD or CI District under the following conditions. (The goal is to use architectural detail to provide visual interest and/or landscaping buffers to screen the structure).
         1.   The accessory structure shall be no closer than 200 feet from the primary structure.
         2.   The accessory structure shall be no closer than 35 feet from the nearest lot line for buildings under 12 feet in height; for every foot higher than this, the required distance to the lot line shall be increased by four feet.
         3.   Colors shall be neutral or earth tone complementing the primary structure.
         4.   Where possible, architectural enhancements shall be used to break up long continuous walls.
         5.   With architectural enhancements, a screening of 0.4 opacity shall be required on all sides; without enhancements, a screening of 0.8 opacity shall be required.
         6.   All access points (e.g., driveways) shall not eliminate the need for continuous landscaping on the access point side.
         7.   Metal panels can be used for roofing material.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)