8.52.1 The property on which a kennel is to be located shall be a minimum of two acres and be no closer than 100 feet from a residential district.
8.52.2 Any run located partially or wholly outdoors shall be located at least 100 feet from any lot line and 500 feet from any residential lot.
8.52.3 No more than five outside runs shall be permitted.
8.52.4 It shall be the responsibility of the owner of the kennel to take and demonstrate prior to permitting appropriate measures to assure that animal noise, including barking, is abated.
8.52.5 Aromas emanating from the kennel may not permeate beyond the boundaries of the property, and it shall be the responsibility of the owner of the kennel to take appropriate measures to assure that animal aromas are abated.
8.52.6 All animals shall be provided pens that shall be fully enclosed. Other than when using a run, animals must be kept confined. The use of outdoor runs or facilities is restricted to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. when the location abuts a residential use or a lot that is zoned residential.
8.52.7 The facility must be heated and air-conditioned.
8.52.8 Only domesticated animals and birds may be kept in the kennel. Reptiles and wild animals are prohibited.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)