This district is established to accommodate and provide for the completion and continued use of the existing single-family residential portions of the St. James Plantation (the Plantation) as it existed upon the effective date of the initial adoption of this ordinance. Following the effective date of this ordinance, this district may be expanded only to include additional property containing single-family residential areas and their associated recreational amenities and permanently protected open space that has been legally joined by restrictive covenants to the town's Property Owner's Association
Given the existence of a private contractual arrangement between individual property owners within the Plantation and the town's Property Owners' Association (POA), which regulates the development of single-family dwellings on individual lots through a set of design guidelines, promulgated and enforced by the POA's Architectural Control Committee, it is the intent of this district to allow these regulations to continue to govern such development. A variety of housing types are permitted, however, the homes will be built in designated areas zoned and dedicated to housing type and purpose. A development may consist of a mixture of housing types, however, each type must be in its designated area and each area must be separated using an aesthetically suitable transitional strategy buffering the types of neighborhoods. See Article 12.9 for open space and recreational space requirements.
However, in order to ensure that the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents and owners of property within this district are protected, the character of these residential areas is preserved and to prevent environmental damage, the following minimum standards shall apply.
7.10.1 Design standards - detached single-family dwellings.
A. Minimum lot dimensions.
1. Area: 7,500 square feet; and
2. Frontage: 75 feet at the setback line (85 feet for corner lots).
B. Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
1. Front yard setback: 20 feet;
2. Rear yard: 20 feet. The rear yard setback may be reduced by 25% for properties where the rear yard does not abut another residential use; and
3. Side yard: five feet (ten feet for a corner lot abutting a street).
C. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings must be located a minimum of five feet from any side or rear lot line.
D. Maximum height.
1. Principal building: 40 feet; and
2. Accessory buildings: less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
7.10.2 Design standards - alternatives to detached single-family dwellings. Allowed alternatives to detached single-family dwellings are single-family attached and single-family zero lot line dwellings. These houses will be built in designated areas dedicated to this purpose. They will not be intermixed with traditional homes within the EPUD District as controlled by Article 7.10.1.
A. Design standards - single-family attached.
1. Minimum lot dimensions.
a. Area: 5,000 square feet; and
b. Frontage: 60 feet at the setback line (70 feet for corner lots).
2. Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
a. Front yard setback: 20 feet;
b. Rear yard: 20 feet;
c. Exterior side yard: ten feet (15 feet for a corner lot abutting a street); and
d. Interior side yard: zero feet.
3. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings must be located a minimum of five feet from any side or rear lot line.
4. Maximum height.
a. Principal building: 30 feet; and
b. Accessory buildings: less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
B. Design standards - single-family zero lot line.
1. Minimum lot dimensions.
a. Area: 5,000 square feet; and
b. Frontage: 60 feet at the setback line (70 feet for corner lots).
2. Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
a. Front yard setback: 20 feet;
b. Rear yard: 20 feet; and
c. The side yard on one side of the lot shall have a setback of zero feet and the opposite side yard shall have a minimum setback of ten feet, provided that the separation of adjacent principal structures shall be no less than ten feet.
3. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings must be located a minimum of five feet from any side or rear lot line.
4. Maximum height.
a. Principal building: 30 feet; and
b. Accessory buildings: less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
C. Design standards - single-family semi-attached. See Article 7.8 for standards for semi-attached single-family dwelling.
D. Design standards - multi-family (condominium and/or rental), and townhouses. For the districts within the EPUD zoned for multi-family, the high density uses defined in Article 7.7 (MR and MR-CD) are permitted under the condition prescribed in Article 7.7. These include multi-family (condominium and/or rental), and townhouses. Townhouses are also permitted in the SBR-6000 Districts (refer to Article 7.8).
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)
The purpose of this district is to provide convenient shopping facilities primarily of necessary goods and personal services required to serve a neighborhood. The district’s principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and/or major arterials. No Commercial Neighborhood District shall be less than two nor more than five acres in area. Areas zoned as a CN District should be located so that their distribution pattern throughout the town reflects their neighborhood orientation. They shouid be designed to be an integral, homogeneous component of the neighborhood they serve, oriented to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. They should be so located as to protect the residential appearance of the neighborhood.
7.11.1 Design standards for commercial buildings.
A. Minimum lot dimensions.
1. Area: 15,000 square feet for commercial establishments; and
2. Frontage: 100 feet at the setback line (120 feet for corner lots).
B. Building locations - (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
1. Front yard setback: 40 feet;
2. Rear yard: 35 feet; and
3. Side yard: ten feet each (20 feet for corner lot abutting a street).
C. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of ten feet from a rear or side lot line.
D. Maximum height.
1. Principal building: 40 feet; and
2. Accessory building: less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
7.11.2 Permitted and prohibited uses. Uses permitted by right, under prescribed conditions, and by a special use permit are set forth in the Table of Uses by District in Article 7.16 below. All uses not specifically permitted in the Table of Uses by District are prohibited.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)
The Commercial Low Density District is applicable along outlying areas, adjacent to a major thoroughfare, with appropriate provisions for reducing conflicts with adjacent residential areas. It will contain substantial setbacks to reduce friction on adjacent major thoroughfares. Commercial uses in such District will serve the needs of the residential neighborhoods and also the needs of persons using the adjacent thoroughfares.
7.12.1 Dimensional requirements.
A. Minimum lot dimensions.
1. Area: 15,000 square feet; and
2. Frontage: 100 feet at the setback line (120 feet for corner lots).
B. Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
1. Front yard setback: 40 feet;
2. Rear yard: 35 feet; and
3. Side yard: ten feet each (20 feet for corner lot abutting a street).
C. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of ten feet from a rear or side lot line.
D. Maximum height.
1. Principal building: 50 feet; however, for each additional two feet of setback added, an additional one foot in height can be added; and
2. Accessory: less than 50% of the height of the principal building.
NOTE: If approved by the Planning Board, church steeples, chimneys, belfries, water tanks or towers, fire towers, flag poles, spires, wireless and broadcasting towers, cupolas, domes, antennas (except satellite dish antennas), and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances not intended for human occupancy are not subject to the height limit regulations contained in this ordinance.
7.12.2 Permitted and prohibited uses. Uses permitted by right, under prescribed conditions, and by a special use permit are set forth in the Table of Uses by District in Article 7.16 below. All uses not specifically permitted in the Table of Uses By District are prohibited.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)
The purpose of this district is to provide for uses that require close proximity to major highways. Anticipated uses include those that are necessary to serve more intensive commercial and industrial districts, such as warehousing, storage, moving, service and repair, distribution, wholesaling, marketing of specialty goods, and light manufacturing.
7.13.1 Dimensional requirements.
A. Minimum lot dimensions.
1. Area: 20,000 square feet for commercial establishments; and
2. Frontage: 200 feet at the setback line (300 feet for corner lots).
B. Building locations (minimum setbacks from lot lines).
1. Front yard setback: 50 feet;
2. Rear yard: 50 feet; and
3. Side yard: 25 feet each (35 feet for corner lot abutting a street).
C. Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings shall be a minimum of ten feet from a rear or side lot line.
D. Maximum height.
1. Principal building: 50 feet; however, for each additional two feet of setback added, an additional one foot in height can be added; and
2. Accessory building: less than 50% of the height of the accessory building.
NOTE: If approved by the Planning Board, church steeples, chimneys, belfries, water tanks or towers, fire towers, flag poles, spires, wireless and broadcasting towers, cupolas, domes, antennas (except satellite dish antennas), and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances not intended for human occupancy are not subject to the height limit regulations contained in this ordinance
7.13.2 Permitted and prohibited uses. Uses permitted by right, under prescribed conditions, and by a special use permit are set forth in the Table of Uses by District in Article 7.16 below. All uses not specifically permitted in the Table of Uses by District are prohibited.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)
The purpose of this district is to establish regulations for the development, modification, and continuing operation of sports club facilities within established predominantly residential areas in the town. The purpose of these regulations is to ensure the continued existence and future viability of the existing sports club facilities and to provide for the expansion or addition of sports club related facilities and amenities in the future.
7.14.1 Applicability of Overlay District. The Sports Club Overlay District may be applied to any area within the jurisdiction of the town that exists within a predominantly residential area in which there is land, construction, or facilities related to the operation or maintenance of sports club amenities. Such uses include, but are not limited to, golf courses, tennis courts, swimming facilities, maintenance facilities, club houses, pro shops, and eating establishments within the boundaries of the facility.
7.14.2 Uses. The following uses shall be the only permitted uses within the Sports Club Overlay District, all other uses are prohibited:
A. Golf courses;
B. Tennis clubs;
C. Swim clubs;
D. Private clubs; and
E. Accessory uses which are clearly incidental to the listed permitted uses. Permitted uses must comply with all the development standards set forth for the uses in Article 8.
7.74.3 Design standards. Principal structures shall maintain a minimum front setback of 50 feet, and side and rear setbacks of 30 feet. Accessory structures shall maintain setbacks of 20 feet from all property lines.
7.14.4 Other standards. If any sports club facility is constructed, enlarged, or expanded on property which is adjacent to property that is being used for residential purposes, a Type II buffer must be established in accordance with the standards in Article 10.
(Ord. passed 2-3-2021)