It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian to cross any highway within 500 feet of any regularly established and maintained underpass, subway, bridge or grade separation intended for the use of pedestrians in crossing highways except by the use of such underpass, subway, bridge, or grade separation.
No amendment of this division with respect to a state highway and no resolution establishing any regulation with respect to a state highway shall take effect until such amendment or resolution is approved by the State Department of Public Works. The Road Commissioner shall not erect any signs or place any markings upon a state high unless the regulation imposed by such signs or markings has been approved by the State Department of Public Works. Within six months after receipt of written notice that the State Department of Public Works has withdrawn its approval of any regulation affecting a state highway, the Road Commissioner shall remove from such state highway any signs or markings giving notice of such regulation.
It is unlawful for any person to drive or ride or permit to be driven or ridden any livestock upon or along any public highway for a period of 90 days subsequent to the oiling of such highway by the County provided that conspicuous signs shall have been erected prohibiting the driving of livestock thereon during such period and provided that there exist practical and feasible means to move such livestock without driving or riding the same upon the oiled portion of the highway. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the straying of livestock in open range territory as defined in Sections 465.5 and 565.6 of the Vehicle Code and posted as provided therein.
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, draw, or propel or permit to be ridden, driven, drawn or propelled along, upon or over any improved highway in the County any vehicle, traction engine, harrow or disc harrow, disc plow or other implement that will tear up or in any manner disturb or damage the surface on the highway.
Roadways in the San Diego Country Estates development that are posted 25 miles or less, as defined in the California Vehicle Code, are hereby designated for joint use by golf carts.
(Added by Ord. No. 6808 (N.S.), effective 8-9-84, and repealed by Ord. No. 7644 (N.S.), effective 8-4-89; new Section 72.243.1 added by Ord. No. 7863 (N.S.), effective 3-21-91)
Dulin Road, from Old Highway 395 westerly to the end, meets Section 21115 and Section 21716 as defined in the California Vehicle Code, and is hereby designated for joint use by golf carts.
(Added by Ord. No. 9781 (N.S.), effective 6-16-06)