The Road Commissioner shall erect and maintain "Disabled Parking Spaces" signs complying with provisions set forth in Section 22511.7. of the Vehicle Code where a Civil or Traffic Engineer licensed by the State of California has determined traffic safety and/or roadway operation will be enhanced, the proposed "disabled parking" sign is supported by the applicant (or guardian) meeting the requirements designated by local authorities in accordance with Section 22511.7. and the proposed "disabled parking" sign shall be supported by the Community Planning/Sponsor Group (where applicable). If there is opposition to the proposed "disabled parking" sign the matter will be reviewed by the San Diego County Traffic Advisory Committee as a full item and a recommendation will be submitted to the Board. The Road Commissioner shall also erect and maintain "Disabled Parking" signs when designated by the Board by resolution.
(Added by Ord. No. 9908 (N.S.), effective 1-4-08)
Section 22507 of the Vehicle Code allows local authorities, by ordinance or resolution, to prohibit or restrict the stopping, parking, or standing of vehicles, including, but not limited to, vehicles that are six feet or more in height (including any load thereon) within 100 feet of any intersection, on certain streets or highways, or portions thereof, during all or certain hours of the day. This section authorizes a Civil or Traffic Engineer licensed by the State of California acting on behalf of the Road Commissioner, to install the appropriate sign(s), when it has been determined traffic safety and/or roadway operation will be enhanced by restricting or prohibiting the stopping, parking or standing of specified vehicles, and where the restriction or prohibition is supported by the adjacent property owner and the Community Planning/ Sponsor Group (where applicable). If there is opposition to the proposed restriction or prohibition, the matter will be reviewed by the San Diego County Traffic Advisory Committee as a full item and a recommendation will be submitted to the Board. The Road Commissioner shall also erect and maintain such signs when designated by the Board by resolution.
(Added by Ord. No. 9909 (N.S.), effective 1-4-08)
The Road Commissioner shall locate and establish loading zones, passenger loading zones and bus loading zones where a Civil or Traffic Engineer licensed by the State of California has determined traffic safety and/or roadway operation will be enhanced and the proposed installation shall be supported by the adjacent property owner(s) and Community Planning/Sponsor Group (where applicable). If there is opposition to the proposed installation, the matter will be reviewed by the San Diego County Traffic Advisory Committee as a full item and a recommendation will be submitted to the Board.
The Board of Supervisors may by resolution determine the location of and establish loading zones, passenger loading zones and bus loading zones.
(Amended by Ord. No. 9906 (N.S.), effective 1-4-08)