(a) The Board, by resolution, may close to vehicular traffic that portion of any street or highway crossing or dividing any school ground or grounds when in the opinion of the Board such closing is necessary for the protection of persons attending such school or school grounds. Such closing to vehicular traffic may be limited to such hours and days as the Board may specify.
(b) Upon and for the duration of closure of a portion of any street or highway as above in Section (a) provided, the school district within whose district said closed portions lies shall post and maintain at each end of said closed portion and at other appropriate locations barricades and signs giving notice of such closure to the public. The type, posting and maintenance of such barricades and signs shall be under such terms and conditions as is deemed necessary or appropriate by the Surveyor and Road Commissioner for the protection of the public.
(Added by Ord. No. 2491 (N.S.), effective 2-7-63)
The Road Commissioner is hereby authorized to restrict the use of, or close, any County highway whenever he considers such closing or restriction of use necessary:
(a) For the protection of the public.
(b) For the protection of such county highway from damage during storms.
(c) During construction, improvement or maintenance operations thereon.
No liability shall attach to the County, the Road Commissioner or to the Board of Supervisors of the County, for the restriction of use, or closing, of any County highway for the above public purposes.
(Added by Ord. No. 3148 (N.S.), effective 1-11-68)
Roadway Design Features such as islands, curbs, and permanent or intermittent traffic barriers may be used to prohibit entry to, or exit from, or both, from any County Highway in such a manner as to help implement or to be consistent with the circulation element of the County General Plan.
(a) Roadway Design Features, as set forth above, that would prohibit existing through traffic on a County Highway may be allowed on a local County Highway when determined by the Board to protect public health and safety, however such features shall be prohibited on circulation element roads.
(b) Any request for a Roadway Design Feature that would prohibit existing through traffic either permanently, intermittently or in one direction on a local County Highway shall be approved by the Board. If the request for the Roadway Design Feature is not:
(1) Part of a Board approved roadway improvement plan,
(2) An intermittent barrier, or
(3) A barrier prohibiting through traffic in one direction,
a one-foot strip of roadway right-of-way perpendicular to the centerline of the road shall be vacated to the abutting property owners. The requestor, at their cost, shall apply for the vacation and this vacation shall follow the Road Opening or Closure (Vacation) procedure as presently administered by the Department of Planning and Development Services. An intermittent barrier may be used during a specified period to prohibit through traffic on a local County Highway. A permanent barrier may be used to prohibit through traffic in one or both directions on a local County Highway.
(c) (1) Any barrier that has been previously approved by the Board pursuant to Section 942.5 of the Streets and Highways Code may remain in place upon a determination by the Board pursuant to subdivision (f) of Vehicle Code Section 21101 that the barrier is needed to protect public health and safety.
(2) Prior to action by the Board, the Planning Commission upon request of the Road Commissioner, shall make a recommendation to the Board as to whether an existing barrier should remain or be removed.
(3) The Road Commissioner shall file a request with the Planning Commission for its recommendation for each existing barrier.
(4) 10 days public notice of hearing by first class mail shall be given of any meeting of the Planning Commission or the Board with regard to an existing barrier to: (1) the local planning group or sponsor group, (2) any person who requests mailed notice in writing at least 30 days before the meeting date. Failure to receive notice, however, shall not invalidate any recommendation of the Planning Commission or determination of the Board.
(d) This section constitutes rules and regulation for the use of Roadway Design Features on County Highways as authorized under Section 21101 of the California Vehicle Code.
(Added by Ord. No. 8761 (N.S.), adopted 12-17-96; amended by Ord. No. 8786 (N.S.), effective 4-29-97; amended by Ord. No. 9145 (N.S.), effective 5-21-00; amended by Ord. No. 10224 (N.S.), effective 10-25-12)
The Road Commissioner is authorized to place pavement markings, markers, buttons, or signs within or adjacent to intersections indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersections, and the Road Commissioner is authorized to allocate and indicate more than one lane of traffic from which drivers of vehicles may make right or left hand turns, and the course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed by law or ordinance.
The Road Commissioner is hereby authorized to determine those intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left, or U turn, and shall place proper signs at such intersections. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours, in which event the same shall be plainly indicated on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are permitted.