The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego hereby finds and determines as follows:
That the use of the streets within the County of San Diego by persons for the purpose of selling or giving away written, printed or duplicated forms, charts, tables, lists, sheets, posters, papers, dodgers, handbills, circulars, letters, booklets and other matter giving or purporting to give the entry or entries or probable entry or entries of contestants in any horse race or other contests concurrently taking place, thereafter to take place or which have taken place in the County of San Diego, or the selling or giving away of such matter which gives or purports to give tips, information, predictions, selections of or advice as to the winners or probable winners or losers or of the standing or probable standing of any horse or other contestant, or the selling or giving away of such matter which contains or purports to contain the actual, probable or possible state, past, present or future, of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse or other contestant in any such horse race or other contest, has created and will continue to create, unless prohibited, serious, difficult and dangerous traffic conditions upon the streets within the County of San Diego; that serious congestion of vehicular traffic has resulted and will result to the extent that the health, safety and welfare of persons using said streets has been and will be put in immediate and grave peril. The Board further finds and determines that no other remedy is adequate to control and effectually solve said traffic congestion and peril except to prohibit entirely the activity of persons as hereinabove described upon the streets within the County of San Diego.
No person shall sell or give away, whether from a fixed location or transiently, upon, over or across any street within the County of San Diego any written, printed or duplicated form, chart, table, list, sheet, poster, paper dodger, handbill, circular, letter, booklet or any other printed, typewritten, mimeographed or written matter giving or purporting to give the entries or probable entries of contestants in any horse race or other contest concurrently taking place or thereafter to take place or which has taken place anywhere within the County of San Diego or any such writing which gives or purports to give any tip, information, prediction or selection of, or advice as to the selection of, or advice as to the winner or probable winner or a loser or probable loser or of the standing or probable standing of any horse or other contestant therein or any writing which contains the actual, probable or possible state, past, present or future of the betting, wagering or odds upon or against any horse or other contestant in any such horse race or contest.
(1) It shall be unlawful:
(a) for any person to ride or propel a skateboard upon any public street, sidewalk, alley or plaza within the following limits in the Julian area:
Starting at the intersection of Main Street and Porter Lane and proceeding northwesterly to the intersection of Main and "C" Streets; then northeasterly on "C" Street to its intersection with Second Street; then northwesterly on Second Street to its intersection with Washington Street; then southwesterly on Washington Street to the northeast alley of Main Street; then northwest in the alley to its intersection with "A" Street; then southwesterly on "A" street to its intersection with Main Street; then northwesterly on Main Street/Farmer Road to the northern boundary of Frank Lane Park; then southeasterly on Farmer Road/Main Street to its intersection with "A" Street; then southwesterly on "A" street to its termination and back northeasterly to its intersection with Main Street; then southeasterly on Main Street to its intersection with Washington Street; then southwesterly on Washington Street to Coleman Creek; then northeasterly on Washington Street to its intersection with Fourth Street; then southeasterly on Fourth Street to its intersection with "C" Street; then northeasterly on "C" Street to its intersection with Main Street; then southeasterly on Main Street to the point of the beginning. The area described above shall include all public sidewalks along the outer perimeter.
(b) It shall also be unlawful for any person to ride or propel a skateboard on or within the boundary of the area governed by the Julian Cemetery District, commonly known as the Julian Haven of Rest Cemetery, which property boundary is bordered by Farmer Road on the northeast boundary, by "A" Street on the southeast boundary, and by barbed wire fencing on the southwest and northwest boundaries.
(Added by Ord. No. 9109 (N.S.), effective 1-13-00)
*Note--Added by Ord. No. 9673 (N.S.), effective 8-27-04; continued by Ord. No. 9732 (N.S.), effective 10-20-05.
(a) It is found and declared that the privately owned and maintained roads described in Section 72.401 are within the county and are generally held open for use by the public for purposes of vehicular travel and that said roads so connect with highways that the public cannot determine that such roads are not highways.
(b) Except as described in California Vehicle Code Section 21107.5, the provisions of the California Vehicle Code shall apply to the privately owned and maintained roads described in Section 72.401.
(c) The privately owned and maintained roads described in Section 72.401 shall remain private and the County of San Diego assumes no obligation of maintenance.
(Added by Ord. No. 9673 (N.S.), effective 8-27-04; amended by Ord. No. 9732 (N.S.), effective 10-20-05)
Roads described in Section 72.400 include:
(a) Vermont Street from the intersection of Durgin Street to the intersection of Pala Street.
(b) La Brea Street from the intersection of Hope Street to the intersection of Pala Street.
(c) Robertson Street from the intersection of Sawday Street to the intersection of Pala Street.
(d) Sawday Street from the intersection of Howell Street to the south end of the roadway.
(e) Durgin Street south to the end and west on the unnamed street intersecting south Sawday Street.
(f) S. Hope Street from the intersection of State Route 67 to the intersection of Robertson Street.
(g) N. Hope Street from the intersection of Robertson Street to the intersection of Toub Street.
(h) Etcheverry Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the intersection of Robertson Street.
(i) Wynola Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the intersection of Robertson Street.
(j) Kalbaugh Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of Haley Street.
(k) Rotanzi Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the intersection of Robertson Street.
(l) S. Hunter Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the end of the roadway south of the Santa Maria Creek.
(m) Julian Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the intersection of Wernes Street.
(n) S. Letton Street from the intersection of Vermont Street to the intersection of Hunter Street.
(o) Howell Street from the intersection of Sawday Street to the intersection of N. Hope Street.
(p) Wernes Street from the intersection of S. Letton Street to the intersection of Hunter Street.
(q) Toub Street, including the cul-de-sac off of Durgin Street and from the intersection of N. Hope Street to S. Hunter Street.
(r) Mitten Lane, including the cul-de-sac off of Durgin Street.
(s) Beverly Street from the intersection of Kalbaugh Street to the intersection of Haley Street.
(t) Haley from the intersection of Kalbaugh Street to the intersection of Toub Street.
(u) Carlin Street from the intersection of Toub Street to the intersection of Hunter Street.
(Added by Ord. No. 9673 (N.S.), effective 8-27-04; amended by Ord. No. 9732 (N.S.), effective 10-20-05)
It shall be the responsibility of the property owners within the designated areas to obtain, install and maintain any and all official traffic control devices, as may be required, at their expense and to install and maintain them pursuant to the latest State of California, Department of Transportation standards.
(Added by Ord. No. 9673 (N.S.), effective 8-27-04; amended by Ord. No. 9732 (N.S.), effective 10-20-05)