921.01 Compliance with rules and regulations.
921.02 Nonliability of City.
921.03 System control by Service Director.
921.04 Collection and fund control by Finance Director.
921.05 Rules and regulations authorized.
921.06 Free access for inspection or repair.
921.07 Water service application; denial and turn-off.
921.08 Installation costs and maintenance responsibilities.
921.09 Application for original water service installation.
921.10 Tap and line installation.
921.11 Installation of service lines.
921.12 Size of service line.
921.13 Inspection and test of service line.
921.14 Purity of supply not to be impaired by cross connections.
921.15 Protective appliances.
921.16 Relief valves.
921.17 Air chambers.
921.18 Private fire protection service.
921.19 Turning on and shutting off water for domestic use.
921.20 Curb stop operation by City employees only.
921.21 Water to be measured by meters.
921.22 City to install and maintain meters.
921.23 Meter locations.
921.24 Prohibited meter locations.
921.25 Stop and waste valves.
921.26 Failure of meter to register.
921.27 Meter testing; fee and accuracy.
921.28 Authority for meter removal.
921.29 Remedy for use of nonmetered water.
921.30 Water for construction.
921.31 Use of hydrants for construction.
921.32 Operation of hydrants.
921.33 Temporary metered supply; deposit and fee.
921.34 Refund of monetary deposits.
921.35 Water rate; tap-in schedule.
921.36 Billing procedure and schedule; delinquent accounts; service resumption fee.
921.37 Failure to receive bill.
921.38 City exempt from charges.
921.39 Extension of water line outside City limits and sale of water for use outside City limits.
921.40 Backflow protection.
921.41 Damage to water system.
921.42 Tampering.
921.43 Unlawful hydrant use or connections.
921.99 Penalty.
Utility users liable for own use only - see CHTR 2.12
Power to provide & regulate water system - see Ohio R.C. 715.08, 717.01, 743.01
Compulsory water connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06, 743.23
Tampering with water hydrants, pipes or meters; unauthorized connections - see Ohio R.C. 4933.22
Ohio Plumbing Code
American Water Works Association Standard C700/C708
(a) The supply of water by the City shall be governed by the requirements provided
in this chapter.
(b) It is hereby stipulated as a condition of the granting of water supply by the City that all persons now under grant of such water supply, or who may hereafter make application therefore, shall be considered as having agreed to be bound by all the rules and regulations as are herein or as may hereafter be prescribed by the City.
(c) Whenever, in his judgment, the City Manager recommends the enactment of rules and regulations to protect or conserve the City water supply or the water system, the Council may, by resolution, promulgate rules and regulations relative to the use of water and/or various restrictions upon the use or conservation of water. Such a resolution may be effective for a specified time period or until altered or terminated by a subsequent resolution of Council.
(d) Whenever, in his judgment, the City Manager determines that a situation exists so as to require the immediate promulgation and enforcement of rules and regulations to protect and conserve the City water supply or the water system, the Manager may promulgate written rules and regulations relative to the use of water and/or various restrictions upon the use or conservation of water. Such rules, regulations and restrictions promulgated by action of the City Manager may be effective for a specified time which shall not exceed 30 days without a resolution of Council pursuant to Section 921.01 (c).
(Ord. 3260. Passed 12-17-13.)
No person shall enter a claim for damage against the City or any officer thereof for damage to any pipe, fixture or appurtenance by reason of interrupted water supply, variation of pressure or for damage of any nature caused by the turning off or turning on, either wholly or partially, of the water supply for the extension, alteration or repair of any water main or premise supply, or for the discontinuance of the premise water supply for the violation of any rule or regulation contained in or authorized by this chapter. No claims shall be allowed against the City on account of the interruption of the water supply caused by the breaking of pipe or machinery, or by stoppage for repairs, on account of fire or other emergency; and no claims shall be allowed for any damage caused by the breaking of any pipe or machinery.
(Ord. 3260. Passed 12-17-13.)
The operation, maintenance, and repair of the waterworks, water supply and distribution system of the City and the construction, use, and maintenance and repair of water mains, service lines, curb stops, water meters, water meter pit assemblies, and appurtenances shall be under the supervision of and shall be the responsibility of the Service Director.
(Ord. 3260. Passed 12-17-13.)