(a)    For the purposes of this section, when the billing date falls on a weekend or a holiday, all subsequent dates listed will be adjusted forward the same number of days to the next business day.
   (b)    The following procedure and schedule shall be followed for transmission of water utility bills to customers, and customers' payment of utility bills:
   FIRST OF THE MONTH- bills are mailed
   18th Of The Month- the net amount of the bill is due on the 18th. If the net amount is not paid in full on or before the 18th, the gross amount will be due on the 19th. The gross amount is considered the "Past Due" amount, if not received by the 19th.
   FIRST OF THE NEXT (SECOND) MONTH - the second month's bill is issued and indicates the current amount due plus the amount of arrearage (past due amount), and therefore serves as a past due notice. Any partial payment is first applied to the oldest unpaid balance.
   18th OF THE SECOND MONTH- the first month's bill is now approximately 30 days past due, and the current month's bill is now due. If any portion of the prior month's past due amount remains unpaid at the close of business on the 18th, a termination of service (shut off) notice will be mailed on the 19th notifying the customer that the Past Due portion must be received in the utility office before 5:00 p.m. on the 28th.
   28th OF THE SECOND MONTH- This is the customer's last day before termination notice to pay the full Past Due amount, or to contact the City to discuss a good faith dispute of the bill or enter into a Utility Payment Agreement with the City.
   29th OF THE SECOND MONTH - the fourth and final notice will be in the form of a door hanger left at the service address after the 28th (as scheduling permits). If the full Past Due amount from the first month is not received in the utility billing office by 12:00 p.m. (noon) the following business day, water utility service will be terminated.
   (c)    For the purposes of this section, "net amount" means the actual amount of usage billed or the actual amount of usage estimated; and "gross amount" means the sum total of the "Net amount", plus ten percent (10%) of the "net amount", which added together, equal the "gross amount".
   (d)    A customer may sign an agreement with the City to bring current the past due amount by making progressive monthly payments, in addition to paying the current monthly bills. Fulfillment of this written commitment by the customer assures the continuation or reinstatement of water service.
   (e)    The Finance Director may pursue alternative means of collection including providing the list of unpaid customers' bills to an outside agency for collection. Additionally where cost-effective, if a bill remains unpaid for a period of 75 days from the original 15th due date, it may be certified over to the County Auditor and collected at the same time and in the same manner as all other taxes, as provided by law.
   (f)    The customer will be charged for reinstating water service. The charge shall be as per the current fee ordinance.
   (g)    The City Manager and Finance Director are granted the authority to review a customer's circumstances and suspend the termination of service, or adjust a customer's account balance, where circumstances warrant.
   (h)    This section is to be effective as of June 1, 1996 (Beginning with bills issued June 1). (Ord. 3260. Passed 12-17-13.)