923.01 Definitions.
923.02 System control by Service Director.
923.03 Collection and fund control by Finance Director.
923.04 Rules and regulations authorized.
923.05 Access for inspection and testing.
923.06 Deposit of waste on public or private property prohibited.
923.07 Discharge into natural outlet prohibited.
923.08 Private wastewater disposal system unlawful; exception.
923.09 Connections to public sewer system required; exceptions.
923.10 Storm or surface water prohibited in sanitary sewer.
923.11 Discharge of storm water.
923.12 Discharge of certain substances into sewers prohibited.
923.13 Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) discharges.
923.14 Preliminary treatment of certain wastes.
923.15 Preliminary treatment facilities at owner’s expense.
923.16 Manhole location and installation.
923.17 Tests and analyses.
923.18 Special industrial waste agreements.
923.19 Connection/access permit required.
923.20 Application for permit; tap-in fees.
923.21 Owner responsible for building sanitary sewer.
923.22 Separate building sanitary sewer required; exception.
923.23 Use of old building sanitary sewers.
923.24 Design and construction.
923.25 Notice to inspect and connect building sewer.
923.26 Excavation safety requirements; pavement restoration.
923.27 Pipe installation in street.
923.28 Private disposal system where sewer not available.
923.29 Memorandum that no public sewer is available.
923.30 Private system to conform to state regulation; discharge into public sewer.
923.31 Procedure when public sewers become available.
923.32 Owner to maintain private collection system in a sanitary sewer.
923.33 Declaration to collect sewer charges.
923.34 Sewer rates.
923.35 Sanitary sewer charge combined with water bill.
923.36 Unpaid bills; certification to County Auditor.
923.37 Sanitary Sewer Fund.
923.38 Subdividers and owners of property to be annexed.
923.39 Property located outside of City.
923.40 Damage to wastewater treatment system prohibited.
923.41 Sewer service charges; collections and terminations.
923.42 Surcharges.
923.43 Industry monthly report.
923.44 New industry survey.
923.45 Nonacceptable wastewater and industrial pretreatment.
923.46 Use of public sewers.
923.47 Wastewater monitoring and inspection.
923.48 Administrative regulations.
923.49 Protection from accidental discharge.
923.99 Penalties and enforcement.
Power to construct sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 715.40, 717.01
Compulsory sewer connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.06
Management and control of sewerage system - see Ohio R.C. 729.50
Regulations to control house sewers and connections - see Ohio R.C. 729.51
Untreated sewage - see Ohio R.C. 3701.59
Interference with sewage flow - see Ohio R.C. 4933.24
For the purpose of this chapter certain words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them. Unless otherwise defined herein terms related to water quality shall be as adopted in the latest edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Environment Federation. The testing procedures for waste constituents and characteristics shall be as provided in 40 CFR 136 (Code of Federal Regulations).
(a) Additives- Enzymes, bacteria, and/or other products designed to emulsify FOG and/or biologically treat FOG for grease remediation.
(b) B.O.D. (biochemical oxygen demand) means that quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five days at 20° C, expressed in parts per million by weight. Such B.O.D. shall be determined as described under the heading "Biochemical Oxygen Demand" in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and Industrial Wastes as published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Federation of Wastewater and Industrial Wastes Association.
(c) Best Management Practices (BMP) - Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the introduction of FOG to the sewer facilities.
(d) Butler County Health Department - Local public health agency responsible for implementation and enforcement of the International Plumbing Code, and oversight of Food Service Establishments in Butler County.
(e) Building drain shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer, beginning three feet outside the building wall.
(f) Building sewer means the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal.
(g) City of Oxford (City) - Publicly-owned utility charged with operating the City's wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment plant under the direction of the Service Director.
(h) Change in Operations - Any change in the ownership, food types, or operational procedures that have the potential to increase the amount of FOG generated and/or discharged by Food Service Establishments in an amount that alone or collectively causes or creates a potential for sewer backups and/or SSOs to occur.
(i) C.O.D. (chemical oxygen demand) means that quantity of oxygen required to oxidize the organic matter in a waste sample under specific conditions of oxidizing agents, temperature and time. Such C.O.D. shall be determined by laboratory analysis and is expressed in milligrams per liter by weight. This test result should be considered as an independent measurement of organic matter in the sample. This method can be applied to domestic and industrial waste sample having an organic carbon concentration. This test is particularly applicable where biological activity in the sample is low or absent. The procedure to be used for this determination is found in the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater".
(j) Combined sewer shall mean a sewer intended to receive both wastewater and storm or surface water.
(k) Commercial user shall mean any user of the wastewater system not specifically categorized as residential or industrial and generally classified in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget in Division F (Wholesale Trade), Division G (Retail Trade), Division H (Finance, Insurance and Real Estate), portions of Division I (Services), and Division J (Public Administration).
(l) Composite Sample - A collection of individual samples obtained from one location (discharger) at selected intervals based on an increment of either flow or time. The resulting mixture (composite sample) forms a representative sample of the waste stream discharged during the sample period.
(m) County- Butler County, Ohio, or its authorized agents or representatives including the Butler County Department of Environmental Services (BCDES).
(n) Debt Service shall mean the funds used for the retirement of an interest on bonds and/or notes authorized and issued by the City of Oxford, Ohio, to construct wastewater system facilities.
(o) Discharger - Any person who discharges or caused a discharge of wastewater directly or indirectly to a public sewer. Discharger shall mean the same as User.
(p) Domestic Wastewater is waste derived principally from dwellings, business buildings, institutions and the like which originates within the building including the waste from kitchens, water closets, lavatories, bathrooms, showers and laundries.
(q) Effluent - Any wastewater outflow that is discharged to the sewer.
(r) Engineering Division - The City division responsible for reviewing plans for all future construction of the sanitary sewer infrastructure.
(s) Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) - Any substance such as a vegetable or animal product that is used in, or is a by-product of, the cooking or food preparation process, and that turns or may turn viscous, or solidifies with a change in temperature or other condition.
(t) FOG Control Program- The program as outlined in "Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Control Rule".
(u) FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit- A permit issued by the City subjecting the permittee to the requirements and conditions established by the City authorizing the permittee to discharge wastewater into City Facilities or into sanitary sewer facilities which ultimately discharge into a City facility.
(v) Food Service Establishment (FSE) - Any permanent facility within the boundaries of the City's service area, that prepares and/or packages food or beverages for sale or consumption, on or off site, that has any process or device that uses or produces FOG. Excluding private residences, FSEs include, but are not limited to, food courts, food manufacturers, food packagers, food processors, restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, lounges, hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, churches, and schools.
(w) Food Grinder - Any device installed in the plumbing or wastewater system for the purpose of grinding food waste or food preparation byproducts for the purpose of disposal in the sewer system.
(x) Foundation drains means subsurface drains installed around the foundation of a building either within or outside the building foundation for the purpose of carrying ground or subsurface water.
(y) Garbage shall mean solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food and from the commercial handling, storage and sale of produce.
(z) Grab Sample - A sample taken from a waste stream without regard to the flow in the waste stream, and without consideration of time, to monitor for FOG content in wastewater effluent. A grab sample may also be obtained from any designated sanitary appurtenance as needed.
(aa) Grease Control Device- Any grease interceptor, grease trap or other mechanical device or process, which attaches to, or is applied to, wastewater plumbing fixtures and lines, the purpose of which is to trap, collect, or treat FOG prior to it being discharged into the sewer system.
(bb) Grease control device may also include any other proven method to reduce FOG subject to approval by the City and the Butler County Health Department.
(cc) Grease Interceptor (GI) - A device, usually located underground and outside between a Food Service Establishment and the connection of the sanitary sewer system, designed to collect, contain, and remove food wastes and grease from the process waste stream while allowing the remaining wastewater to be discharged to the collection system by gravity. Generally, a device is considered a grease interceptor if it has a capacity greater than 50 pounds. To be effective, these devices must be cleaned and maintained, and have the FOG removed and disposed of in a proper manner on regular intervals as defined by this FOG Rule.
(dd) Grease Trap- A grease control device usually located inside the building and under a sink of a FSE, designed to collect, contain, and remove food wastes and grease from the process waste stream while allowing the remaining wastewater to be discharged to the collection system by gravity. Generally, a device is considered a grease interceptor if it has a capacity of 50 pounds or less. Grease traps have limited effect and should only be used in those cases where the use of a grease interceptor or other grease control device is determined to be impossible or impractical. To be effective, these devices must be cleaned, maintained, and have the FOG removed and disposed of in a proper manner at regular intervals.
(ee) Industrial user means any nonresidential user who discharges an effluent into the publicly-owned treatment works.
(ff) Industrial waste shall mean the liquid and water-carried wastes resulting from the processes employed in industrial, manufacturing, trade, laboratory and/or research facilities or business establishments as distinct from domestic wastes.
(gg) Inflow- Water entering a sewer system through a direct storm water/runoff connection to the sanitary sewer, which may cause an almost immediate increase in wastewater flows.
(hh) Infiltration- Water entering a sewer system, including sewer service connections, from the ground through such means as defective pipes, pipe joints, connections, or manhole walls.
(ii) Inspector - A person authorized by the City to inspect any existing or proposed wastewater generation, conveyance, processing, and disposal facility.
(jj) Interference - Any discharge which, alone or in conjunction with discharges from other sources, inhibits or disrupts the City's sanitary sewer system, treatment processes, or operations, is a cause of violation of the City's NPDES permit; or prevents lawful sludge use or disposal.
(kk) Limited Food Preparation Establishment (L-FPE)- A Limited Food Preparation Establishment is generally not considered a Food Service Establishment when engaged only in reheating, hot holding, or assembly of ready to eat food products and as a result, wastewater discharges contain insignificant amounts of FOG. A limited Food Preparation Establishment will generally be classified as a Risk Level I or II food service operation per Ohio Revised Code Chapter 3701.
(ll) Manifest - That receipt or form which is retained by the generator of wastes for disposing recyclable wastes or liquid wastes as required by the City. For purposes related to this FOG Control Rule, manifest generally means either: (1) the receipt from disposal of FOG waste from a Grease Interceptor, or (2) the City's Grease Trap/Interceptor Manifest form (Attachment B).
(mm) Natural outlet shall mean outlet, including storm sewers and combined sewer overflows, into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or ground water.
(nn) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) - The permit issued to control the discharge of liquids or other substances or solids to surface waters of the United States of America.
(oo) National Categorical Pretreatment Standard means any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in accordance with Section 307(b) and (c) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1347) which applies to a specific category of industrial users.
(pp) New Construction- Any structure planned or under construction for which a sanitary sewer connection permit has not been issued.
(qq) Noncompliance Fee- A fee established by the City and levied against a user as a result of violation(s) against provisions of this Rule. Noncompliance fees are used to compensate the City for costs of additional inspection and follow-up, samplings, monitoring, lab analysis, and administrative processing incurred as a result of the noncompliance.
(rr) Non-sanitary flow means storm water originating from downspouts, storm and ground water drains and foundation drains.
(ss) Operation and Maintenance Costs shall mean costs incurred in the act of keeping all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of wastewater in a good state of repair and functioning properly including the replacement of said facilities when necessary.
(tt) Permittee - A person who has received a permit to discharge wastewater into the City's sewer facilities subject to the requirements and conditions established by the City.
(uu) Person - Any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, or public agency.
(vv) Ph - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution expressed in standard units.
(ww) Private Wastewater Collection System- means any and all extensions of pipe and appurtenances beyond the initial point of connection into the City of Oxford sanitary sewer main.
(xx) POTW- means publically owned treatment works.
(yy) Properly shredded food waste means the wastes from the preparation, cooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers with no particle greater than ½ inch in any dimension.
(zz) Public Agency- The State of Ohio and/or any city, county, special district, other local governmental authority, or public body of/or within this State.
(aaa) Public sewer shall mean any sewer owned by the City, including storm, sanitary or combined sewers.
(bbb) Regulatory Agencies - Those agencies having regulatory jurisdiction over the operations of the City including but not limited to:
(1) United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region V, Chicago, IL and Washington, D.C. (USEPA).
(2) Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Columbus, Ohio (OEPA), and Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Southwest District Office, Dayton, Ohio (OEPA).
(3) Butler County, Ohio Health Department.
(ccc) Remodeling - A physical change or operational change causing increased FOG generation that exceeds the current amount of FOG discharge to the sewer system by the Food Service Establishment.
(ddd) Replacement shall mean expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories or appurtenances which are necessary during the useful life of the treatment works to maintain the capacity and performance for which such works were designed and constructed.
(eee) Residential user shall mean any user discharging domestic wastes from buildings or premises that are used as permanent places for human occupancy such as single-family dwellings, rowhouses, townhouses, Mobile homes, garden and standard apartments and high rise apartments. Transient lodging, considered commercial in nature, is not included.
(fff) Sample Point- A location approved by the City, for which wastewater can be collected that is representative in content and consistency of the entire flow of wastewater being sampled.
(ggg) Sampling Facilities- Structure(s) provided at the user's expense for the City or user to measure and record wastewater constituent mass and concentrations, to collect a representative sample, or to provide access to plug or terminate the discharge.
(hhh) Sanitary sewer shall mean a sewer which carries sanitary, commercial, and industrial wastes and to which storm, surface and ground water are not intentionally admitted.
(iii) Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) - An overflow of untreated wastewater from the sanitary sewer system into the environment.
(jjj) Service Director - Director of the City of Oxford Service Department or his authorized agent(s) or representative(s). The Service Director is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all public wastewater facilities of the City.
(kkk) Sewer means a pipe or conduit for carrying wastewater.
(lll) Sewer Facilities or System - Any property belonging to the City used for collecting, conveying, pumping, treating, and disposing of wastewater and sludge.
(mmm) Sewer Lateral - A building sewer as defined in the latest edition of the International Uniform Plumbing Code, Ohio version. It is the wastewater connection between the building's wastewater facilities and a public sewer system.
(nnn) Sewer service charge shall mean the total charge levied against users of wastewater system for sewer service. The charge shall include user charges plus the cost of debt service.
(ooo) SIC - Standard Industrial Classification.
(ppp) Sludge - Any solid, semi-solid or liquid decant from a manufacturing process, utility service, or pretreatment facility.
(qqq) Slug load shall mean any pollutant or rate of discharge released in a single extraordinary discharge episode of sufficient volume or strength to cause interference to the wastewater treatment plant or interfere with sampling techniques.
(rrr) Storm sewer means a pipe or conduit designed for the purpose of carrying storm, surface, and drainage water from the point of origin to some point of disposal but which is not intended to carry domestic or industrial wastewater.
(sss) Suspended solids means the dry weight of the solids physically suspended in a flow of wastewater, industrial waste or water as determined by the method of determining suspended matter described under the heading "suspended matter" in the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and Industrial Wastes" as published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water works Association and the Federation of Wastewater and Industrial Wastes Association and expressed parts per million by weight.
(ttt) Tenant-Finish (Food Service Establishment)- A portion of an existing building that becomes occupied by a Food Service Establishment, often times requiring building and/or plumbing modification to meet the specifications and needs of the FSE tenant. Tenant-finish differs from New Construction in that a sewer connection permit may have already been issued.
(uuu) Twenty-Five Percent (25%) Rule - Requirement for grease interceptors to be maintained such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation does not exceed 25% of the design hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume is maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG prior to discharge to the sewer system.
(vvv) User- Any person who discharges or causes a discharge of wastewater directly or indirectly to a public sewer system. User shall mean the same as Discharger.
(www) User charge shall mean the charge assessed users of the wastewater system to recover the cost of operation, maintenance and replacement of the wastewater collection and wastewater treatment system and the cost of rendering bills and collecting sewer service charges.
(xxx) Waste - Wastewater and any and all other waste substances, liquid, solid, gaseous, or radioactive, associated with human habitation or of human or animal nature, including such wastes placed within containers of whatever nature prior to and for the purpose of disposal.
(yyy) Waste Hauler/Recycler- Any person carrying on or engaging in vehicular transport of waste as part of, or incidental to, and business for that purpose.
(zzz) Waste Minimization Practices- Plans or programs intended to reduce or eliminate discharges to the sewer system or to conserve water, including, but not limited to, product substitutions, housekeeping practices, inventory control, employee education, and other steps as necessary to minimize wastewater produced.
(aaaa) Wastewater shall mean the combination of liquid and water-carried wastes from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions (including polluted cooling water).
(bbbb) Wastewater system shall mean the structures, equipment and process required to collect, transport and treat domestic, commercial, and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent and accumulated residual solids and shall be synonymous with "wastewater treatment system".
(cccc) Wastewater Treatment Plant means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating wastewater.
(dddd) Wastewater- The liquid and water-carried wastes of the community and all constituents thereof, whether treated or untreated, discharged into or permitted to enter a public sanitary sewer.
(eeee) Wastewater Constituents and Characteristics- The individual chemical, physical, bacteriological, and other parameters, including volume and flow rate and such other parameters that serve to define, classify or measure the quality and quantity of wastewater.
(ffff) Wastewater treatment system shall mean the structure, equipment and process required to collect, transport and treat domestic and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent and accumulated residual solids and shall be synonymous with "wastewater system".
(gggg) Water course means a channel in which a flow of water occurs either continuously or intermittently.
(Ord. 3261. Passed 12-17-13.)
(Ord. 3261. Passed 12-17-13.)
The collection and custody of wastewater disposal charges and various permit fees provided in this chapter, and the disbursement thereof, shall be under the supervision and shall be the responsibility of the Finance Director. (Ord. 3261. Passed 12-17-13.)