925.01 Intent.
925.02 Liberal construction.
925.03 Severability.
925.04 Conflict.
925.05 Scope.
925.06 Authority having jurisdiction.
925.07 Property owner liable for fees.
925.08 Disposition and administration of funds.
925.09 Annual review and modification.
925.10 Imposition of capacity benefit permit.
925.11 Calculation of capacity benefit permit.
925.12 Establishment of development subarea.
925.13 Reserved.
925.14 Capacity benefit permit coefficients.
925.15 Bonding of excess facility projects.
925.16 Effect of capacity benefit permit on other municipal regulations.
925.17 Capacity benefit permit is additional and supplemental requirement.
925.18 Delinquent account actions.
925.19 Permit issuance.
This chapter is intended to impose a capacity benefit permit at the time of building permit issuance, in an amount based upon the number of residential dwelling units, equivalent dwelling units, or other appropriate units of measure, in order to finance public facilities, the demand for which is generated by new development in designated development subareas. The Municipality is responsible for and will meet, through the use of general municipal revenues, all capital improvement needs associated with existing development. Only needs created by new development in the designated development areas will be met by capacity benefit permits.
(Ord. 2415. Passed 8-15-95.)
The provisions of this chapter are hereby found and declared to be in furtherance of the public health, safety, welfare and convenience, and it shall be liberally construed, in favor of the Municipality, to effectively carry out its purposes. Wastewater Capacity Benefit Permits shall also be referred to as Capacity Benefit Permits in this chapter.
(Ord. 2415. Passed 8-15-95.)
Should any sentence, section, clause, part or provisions of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the chapter as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid.
(Ord. 2415. Passed 8-15-95.)