Part Two
Rules of Council
Part 1. General Provisions
   38.001   Effective date
   38.002   Amendment and suspension of the Village Council rules
   38.003   Procedure in absence of rule
Part 2. Public Access
   38.015   Meetings open to the public
   38.016   Notice of meeting
   38.017   Journal of proceedings
   38.018   Copies of documents
   38.019   Permission required to address the Village Council
   38.020   Service costs for applicants
   38.021   Executive session
   38.022   Disruption of Council meetings
Part 3. Village Council Chamber
   38.030   Village Council chamber
   38.031   Officers of the Village Council
   38.032   Clerk of the Village Council
Part 4. Meetings
   38.040   Regular meetings
   38.041   Special meetings
   38.042   Adjourned meetings
Part 5. Chair
   38.050   Chair
   38.051   Temporary Chair
   38.052   Preservation of order
   38.053   Appeals from decisions of Chair
   38.054   Questions stated
   38.055   Presiding officer leaving chair
   38.056   Clerk
   38.057   Addressing Chair
Part 6. Members
   38.065   Duty to vote
   38.066   Right to floor
   38.067   Limitation of debate
   38.068   Separation of question
   38.069   Roll call vote
   38.070   Tie vote
   38.071   Change of vote
   38.072   Personal privilege
   38.073   Dissents and protests
   38.074   Excusal from attendance
   38.075   Excusal during meeting
   38.076   Non-Disclosure of confidential information
   38.077   Allowance for conferences and training
Part 7. Conduct of Business
   38.085   Order of business
   38.086   Call to order
   38.087   Roll call
   38.088   Quorum
   38.089   Filing of the journal
   38.090   Presentations by member; by leaves
   38.091   Special orders
   38.092   Printed calendar
   38.093   Supplemental calendar
   38.094   Council referrals
   38.095   Referrals of state and federal joint proposals
Part 8. Motions
   38.105   Motions; general
   38.106   Motions; new subject
   38.107   Procedural motion prior to debate; to defer consideration
   38.108   Procedural motion during debate
   38.109   Motion to reconsider
   38.110   Motion to take recess
   38.111   Motion to adjourn
Part 9. Ordinances and Resolutions
   38.120   Ordinances drafted
   38.121   Reading of ordinances
   38.122   Suspension of three readings
   38.123   Amendments
   38.124   Improper amendments
   38.125   Adoption of ordinances
   38.126   Emergency ordinances
   38.127   Publication of ordinances
   38.128   Legislative resolutions
   38.129   Resolutions
   38.130   Adoption of resolutions
Part 10. Committees
   38.140   Appointment of committees
   38.141   Standing committees
   38.142   Special committee
   38.143   Committee meetings
   38.144   Secretary to committees
   38.145   Committee quorum
   38.146   Reference to committee
   38.147   Committee reports
   38.148   Relieving committee from further consideration
   38.149   Committee of the Whole
   38.150   Public hearings
   Council, see Charter Article II
   Council procedures, see Charter § 2.11
   General powers and duties of Council, see Charter § 2.05
   Stipends, expenses, see Charter § 2.08