Ambulances/emergency medical services, see Ch. 5
Motor vehicles and traffic, see Ch. 22
Regulation of vehicles at city-owned landing fields, see § 3-96
Truck traffic, see §§ 22-111 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Authority for home rule cities to license and control the operation of all classes of vehicles, see Rev. Civil Stats., Art. 1175(20)
Authority for licensing and regulating of vehicles carrying passengers for hire, see Rev. Civil Stats., Art. 1175(21)
Article I: In General
34-1—34-15 Reserved
Article II: Buses
34-16 Reserved
34-17 Radios, tape players
34-18 Reserved
34-19—34-35 Reserved
Article III: Motor Vehicle Escorts
Division 1: Generally
34-36 Definitions
34-37 Applicability
34-38 Escort service not mandatory
34-39 Equipment on escort vehicles; inspection
34-40 Advertising restrictions
34-41 Manner of travel of funeral procession
34-42 Carrying weapons
34-43 Limitation on services of escort guides
34-44 Identification of cortege; authority of guides to direct traffic
34-45—34-55 Reserved
Division 2: Business License
34-56 Required
34-57 Application
34-58 Investigation of application; recommendation to city manager
34-59 Factors to be considered
34-60 Insurance and indemnification policy
34-61 Terms of insurance policy
34-62 When additional insurance required; effect of failure to obtain
34-63 Issuance; payment of fee
34-64 Fee; transfer
34-65 Term; issuance not to create vested rights
34-66 Age restriction on issuance
34-67 Appeal from denial
34-68 Revocation; appeal
34-69 Posting at business establishment; surrender after revocation
34-70 Functions, powers and duties of police department
34-71—34-85 Reserved
Division 3: Driver’s Permit
34-86 Required; application
34-87 Investigation and approval of application; appeal from denial
34-88 Prerequisites and restrictions on issuance
34-89 Issuance; fee; transfer; expiration
34-90 Carrying; exhibit on demand
34-91 Revocation; appeal
34-92 Causes for revocation
34-93 Permit not to confer civil immunity
34-94—34-110 Reserved
Article IV: Reserved
34-111—34-175 Reserved
Article V: Tow Trucks
Division 1: Generally
34-176 Preamble
34-177 Definitions
34-178 Accidents covered
34-179 Administration
34-180 Right to a hearing
Division 2: Nonconsent Tow Company Requirements
34-181 Applicability of Division 2
34-182 Towing company required to register; and inspection for compliance with all applicable state laws, rules, and regulations
34-183 Maximum distance of nonconsent tows
34-184 Reports required
34-185 Removal of debris from accident scene
34-186 Prohibited at scene unless called
34-187 Solicitation
34-188 Towing vehicles containing hazardous materials, and notification
Division 3: Law Enforcement Purpose Tows
34-189 Applicability of Division 3
34-190 Contracted services
34-191 Fees for contracted services
34-192 Prohibited charges for law enforcement purpose tows
34-193 Driver designation
Division 4: Compliance with State Requirements
34-194 Compliance with state laws and regulations required
Division 5: Enforcement
34-195 Violation of ordinance and fines
34-196 Defense emergency situations
34-197 Defense pushing or towing without tow trucks
34-198—34-199 Reserved
Article VI: Ground Transportation for Hire
Division 1: General Provisions
34-200 Scope of article
34-201 Definitions
34-202 Operating licenses
34-203 Compliance certification
34-204 Revocation of operating license
34-205 Fees
34-206 Compliance with federal, state and municipal law
34-207 Insurance requirements
34-208 Driver qualifications
34-209 Inspection of records
34-210 Requirements for hailable service
34-211 Rates and fares for hailable service
34-212 Rules and regulations for non- motorized vehicles for hire
34-213 Transitional provisions
34-214 Enforcement
34-215 Criminal penalties
No person shall play any radio, tape player or like device on any motorbus within the city. This section shall not prevent the playing of radios and like devices when the noise is reasonably reduced through the use of headphones or earphones.
(1964 Code, § 34-27.1) (Ord. 8179, § 1, passed 9-23-1980)