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   (a)   A compliance certification shall be submitted to the ground transportation coordinator with each application for an operating license and one year after the issuance of each operating license.
   (b)   A compliance certification shall contain the following language:
      (1)   I certify that within the past 12 months, the undersigned has conducted a national criminal background and driver's license check on each driver who will operate a vehicle for hire under the operating license to verify that the driver meets the qualifications in Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code.
      (2)   I certify that the undersigned will conduct a national criminal background and driver's license check before allowing any new driver to operate a vehicle for hire under the operating license who has become associated with the undersigned since the last compliance certification to verify that the driver meets the qualifications in Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code.
      (3)   I certify that the undersigned shall not allow any person to operate a vehicle for hire under the operating license if the person does not meet the qualifications in Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code.
      (4)   I certify that within the past 60 days, the undersigned has verified that all vehicles that will operate as a vehicle for hire under the operating license are covered by an insurance policy that meets the requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code and comply with the vehicle inspection and emission testing requirements of the State of Texas.
      (5)   I certify that before allowing any new vehicle to operate as a vehicle for hire under the operating license that has become associated with the undersigned since the last compliance certification, the undersigned shall verify that the vehicle is covered by an insurance policy that meets the requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code and complies with the vehicle inspection and emission testing requirements of the State of Texas.
      (6)   I certify that the undersigned shall not allow any vehicle to operate as a vehicle for hire under the operating license if the vehicle is not covered by an insurance policy that meets the requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code, or the vehicle does not comply with the vehicle inspection and emission testing requirements of the State of Texas.
      (7)   I hereby certify that the undersigned shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI, of the city code and federal, state and municipal laws in providing vehicle for hire services in the corporate limits of the city.
   (c)   A licensee commits an offense and the operating license is subject to revocation in accordance with the provisions of this article if the licensee knowingly fails to submit a compliance certification to the ground transportation coordinator one year after the issuance of an operating license.
(Ord. 22308-06-2016, § 1, passed 6-28-2016, eff. 10-1-2016; Ord. 22489-11-2016, § 1, passed 11-1-2016, eff. 11-4-2016)