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Editor’s note:
   Ord. 12924, §§ 1, 2, adopted March 18, 1997, repealed Art. V, §§ 34-176 through 34-196, concerning wreckers, in its entirety and added new §§ 34-176 through 34-192. Former §§ 34-176 through 34-196 derived from 1964 Code, §§ 39-1 through 39-21; Ord. 6494, §§ 1, 2, adopted June 7, 1971; Ord. 7043, § 1, adopted August 12, 1974; Ord. 7682, §§ 1 through 4, adopted December 27, 1977; Ord. 7912, § 1, adopted June 5, 1979; Ord. 8123, § 1, adopted July 1, 1980; Ord. 8557, §§ 2, 3, adopted April 13, 1982; Ord. 9871, § 1, adopted May 19, 1987; Ord. 10033, §§ 3, 5, adopted December 22, 1987; Ord. 10634, §§ 1, 2, adopted July 12, 1990; Ord. 11692, adopted October 4, 1994.
   Ord. 23222-05-2018, § 1, adopted May 15, 2018, repealed Art. V, §§ 34-176 through 341-92, concerning wreckers, in its entirety and added new §§ 34-176 through 34-197, and renamed Art. V Tow Trucks. Former §§ 34-176 through 34-192 derived from Ord. 12924, §§ 1, 2, adopted March 18, 1997; Ord. 15573, §§ 1, 2, adopted May 27, 2003; Ord. 15708, § 1, adopted September 30, 2003; Ord. 16011, §§ 2, 3, adopted June 29, 2004; Ord. 16380, § 1, adopted April 19, 2005; and Ord. 16664, § 1, adopted October 25, 2005. See also the Code Comparative Table.