EDITOR'S NOTE: Resolution 2002-15, passed September 16, 2002, adopted an Official Sewage Facilities Plan. Copies of the resolution and of the Plan may be obtained, at cost, in the office of the Borough Secretary.
1040.01 Connections required; septic tanks; privies.
1040.02 Notice to connect.
1040.03 Connection by Borough; costs.
1040.04 Waiver of license or fee.
1040.05 Conditions for tapping sewers.
1040.06 Connection permit required; fees.
1040.07 Imposition of sewer rental or service charge.
1040.08 Determination of service charges.
1040.09 Billing; late payments; disconnection.
1040.10 Responsibility of property owner for bills; penalties for nonpayment; termination of utility services.
1040.11 Effective dates; rates.
1040.12 Sewer rental rates for nonmetered households.
1040.13 Discharge of industrial wastes and sanitary sewage generally; costs.
1040.14 Authority of Borough re connections; pretreatment.
1040.15 Equalization of industrial waste flows.
1040.16 Harmful wastes.
1040.17 Manholes.
1040.18 Right of access.
1040.19 Industrial waste discharge agreements.
1040.20 Rules and regulations.
1040.21 Discharge of garbage into sewers; grinders and disposers.
1040.22 Discharge of storm water into sanitary sewers.
1040.23 Specifications applicable to industrial waste.
1040.24 Unlawful discharges generally.
1040.25 Injuring sewers; interference with use.
1040.26 Obstructions and unlawful use as nuisance; abatement.
1040.27 Malfunctions and blockage.
1040.28 Proposed extensions by developers.
1040.29 Repair of sewer main lines and sewer lateral lines.
1040.30 Installation and maintenance of on-lot septic holding tanks and retaining tanks.
1040.31 Certification of sanitary sewer status and on-lot sewer status prior to the sale of real estate.
1040.99 Penalty.
Lot plans to be approved before construction - see Borough Code § 1155 (53 P.S. § 46155)
Obstruction of sewers - see Borough Code § 1202(17) (53 P.S. § 46202(17))
Nondebt revenue bonds for capital improvements - see Borough Code § 1315 (53 P.S. § 46315)
Condemnation of property for sewers - see Borough Code § 1501 (53 P.S. § 46501)
Conformity with Subdivision Regulations - see Borough Code §§ 1605, 1609 (53 P.S. §§ 46605, 46609)
Sanitary sewers - see Borough Code §§ 2001 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 47001 et seq.)
Sewer assessments - see Borough Code §§ 2101 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 47101 et seq.)
Storm sewers and watercourses - see Borough Code §§ 2201 et seq. (53 P.S. §§ 47201 et seq.)
Reconnection fees - see S.U. & P.S. 1052.01
Budget payment plan for utility accounts - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1054
(a) The owner of a property abutting upon any street or alley in which a sanitary sewer is located, and of a property of which any part is located within 300 feet of a sanitary sewer, shall make connection with that sewer, in the manner in which the Borough may direct, for the purpose of discharging such drainage or waste matter as the Borough may specify. However, any property located as herein provided shall not be required to be connected with the sanitary sewer if:
(1) In the judgment of Council, upon appeal thereto by the owner or owners of such property, the connection of such property with the sanitary sewer would be physically impracticable and unreasonably expensive; and
(2) If one or more septic tanks are provided by such property owner for the disposal of the drainage and waste from such property.
(b) No privy shall hereafter be constructed or maintained at any location within the Borough.
(Ord. 465. Passed 8-9-19; Ord. 1268. Passed 12-12-56.)