General Provisions
   34.001   Check writing procedure
   34.002   Recovery of collection costs
Procurement Code
Part 1. General Provisions
   34.015   Purpose
   34.016   Applicability
   34.017   Government authority
   34.018   Compliance with other laws and regulations
   34.019   Obligation of good faith
   34.020   Public access to procurement information
   34.021   Appropriated and unappropriated funds; transfer
   34.022   Purchasing limitations and authorization
   34.023   Exemption from federal taxes
   34.024   Repealer pertaining to public procurement
Part 2. Methods of Source Selection
   34.035   Procurement levels
   34.036   Informal bids or proposals
   34.037   Cancellation of invitation for bids or proposals
   34.038   Small procurements
   34.039   Departmental procurement
   34.040   Petty cash procedure
   34.041   Single source procurement
   34.042   Sensitive procurement
   34.043   Critical procurement
   34.044   Procurement without competitive bidding
   34.045   Emergency procurement
   34.046   Local vendor partnership procurement
Part 3. Competitive Sealed Bidding
   34.060   Condition for use
   34.061   Invitation for bids; notice
   34.062   Receipt and safeguarding of bids
   34.063   Bid opening
   34.064   Late bids
   34.065   Bid evaluation
   34.066   Corrections or withdrawals
   34.067   Award of contract
   34.068   Negotiations
   34.069   Multi-step sealed bidding
Part 4. Competitive Formal Sealed Proposals
   34.080   Conditions for use
   34.081   Invitation for proposals; notice
   34.082   Receipt and safeguarding of proposals
   34.083   Proposal opening
   34.084   Late proposals
   34.085   Proposal acceptance and evaluation
   34.086   Corrections or withdrawals
   34.087   Negotiations
   34.088   Award of contract
   34.089   Multi-step sealed proposals
Part 5. Contracts, Records and Specifications
   34.100   Types of contracts
   34.101   Approved accounting systems
   34.102   Right to audit records
   34.103   Maintenance of records
   34.104   Collusion or anti-competitive practices
   34.105   Responsibility of offerors
   34.106   Specifications
Part 6. Construction Contracting
   34.120   Selection of method
   34.121   Source selection
   34.122   Bid security
   34.123   Performance bonds
   34.124   Retention
   34.125   Contract clauses and price adjustments
   34.126   Approval by Bids and Purchases Committee
Part 7. Professional Services
   34.140   Applicability and policy
   34.141   Procurement procedures
   34.142   Advertisement or announcement of project
   34.143   Response to invitations firms
   34.144   Interviews with interested
   34.145   Selection and ranking
   34.146   Negotiation of contract
   34.147   Contract award
Part 8. Management and Disposal of Property other than Real Property
   34.160   Regulations of the Bids and Purchases Committee
   34.161   Procedures for property disposal
   34.162   Inventory of town equipment
Part 9. Administration and Enforcement
   34.175   Bids and Purchasing Committee
   34.176   Administrator
   34.177   Resolution of protested solicitations and awards
   34.178   Resolution of contract controversies
   34.179   Violation of law
   34.180   Authority to debar or suspend