(A)   Corrections or withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before bid opening, withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids after award or cancellation of awards or contracts based on such bid mistakes may be permitted by the Bids and Purchases Committee where appropriate.
   (B)   Any bidder may, by requesting in writing, withdraw his or her bid for any reason prior to the scheduled bid opening.
   (C)   After bid opening, no changes in bid prices or other provisions of bids prejudicial to the interest of the town or fair competition shall be permitted.
   (D)   Properly worded and directed changes or corrections which do not disclose the total amount bid may be made by any bidder if submitted to the town in writing and received prior to the bid opening. These changes or corrections may be hand carried, mailed or sent via fax transmission as follows.
      (1)   To increase or decrease a previously submitted lump sum bid amount, the bidder shall instruct the town in the amount that his or her bid is to be increased or decreased by.
      (2)   In case of a bid which contains, multi-items, the bidder shall instruct the Town Clerk in the amount that he or she desires a given item be increased or reduced, thereby requesting that his or her total bid be increased or decreased in an equal amount. Changes shall only reflect the amount of adjustment. Changes received which indicate or divulge openly the total amount bid shall not be accepted.
(Ord. 001-3, passed 3-1-2001)