(A)   Award.
      (1)   The contract shall be awarded with reasonable promptness by written notice to the most responsive, responsible offeror whose offer meets the requirements and specifications and any other award criteria as set forth in the invitation for proposals and in the best interest of the town as determined by the Bids and Purchases Committee.
      (2)   Where proposals have been requested and received other than lump sum total, the Bids and Purchases Committee may, if in the best interest of the town, award projects or requirements to the most responsive, qualified offeror considering the sum total, requirements and specifications for each project, goods or services or the combined sum totals, requirements and specifications for all projects, goods or services.
      (3)   In all cases, the Bids and Purchases Committee shall reserve the right to reject or accept any or all proposals, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the bids if it is in the best interest of the town.
   (B)   Tied proposals. If, after evaluation and negotiations, two or more offerors are tied in price while otherwise meeting all of the required conditions, award shall be determined in the same manner as tied bids, § 34.067(B)(1) to (B)(6) of this code. If these offers are in the final stage and limited to monetary cost, then no further discussions or negotiations are to be considered. All best and final offers may be opened, read aloud, recorded and made available for inspection as if they are within the bidding process.
   (C)   Award delay. Should the Bids and Purchases Committee have reasonable cause why a contract cannot or should not be entered into within the allocated time indicated in the invitation for proposals, the acceptance time may be extended for all or any projects, goods or services by mutual agreement between the town and the successful offeror(s).
(Ord. 001-3, passed 3-1-2001; Ord. 02-11, passed 6-6-2002)