(A)   Generally, sealed bids are not negotiated, but, in the event all bids exceed available funds as certified by the Mayor or considered unreasonable, the Bids and Purchases Committee shall be authorized in situations where the town’s best interest precludes resolicitation of work, goods or services of a reduced scope to negotiate an adjustment in the bid price, including change in the requirements, with the low, responsive and responsible bidder, in order to bring the bid within the amount of available funds.
   (B)   In the event that negotiations are unsuccessful in reaching a price or scope of work or services which would be agreeable, the town, at its discretion, may terminate all negotiations with the lowest offeror, and enter new negotiations with the next lowest offeror, and likewise the third and sequential offerors should negotiations not be productive with the second lowest offeror.
   (C)   Should subsequent negotiations be conducted, all negotiations shall be conducted in like manner as with the first offeror. No changes or reductions in scope of work of services shall be permitted during negotiations with sequential offerors that was not permitted or offered within the negotiations with previous responsive offerors.
   (D)   In conducting negotiations, there must be no disclosure of any information derived from bids submitted by competing offerors.
(Ord. 001-3, passed 3-1-2001)