(A)   Condition for use. An informal bid or proposal is used when it is anticipated that the procurement of goods or services shall exceed $1,499.99, but less than $10,000.
   (B)   Invitations. Offers shall be requested and obtained from at least three sources whenever possible. The invitation or request shall be accomplished in writing.
   (C)   Specifications. All suppliers solicited shall be afforded complete, unbiased information as to the description or requirements of the goods and services, including any special conditions of the expected procurement.
   (D)   Acceptance. All offerors shall be afforded time considered reasonable by the town to provide written bids or proposals. Written responses shall be acceptable by hand delivery, mail or fax.
   (E)   Late responses. If it is in the best interest of the town, late responses may be accepted and considered. As various factors will determine whether a late response should be considered, the final determination shall be in the best interest of the town and fair and impartial treatment to all offerors.
   (F)   Evaluation. All responses received shall be evaluated for price, quality, acceptability as specified, availability of goods or services, past performance, transportation or any other special cost or factors which may apply, including any special conditions or exceptions which the offeror may have stipulated.
   (G)   Discussion. In all cases, any discussions with offerors after responses have been received shall be limited to clarification purposes. No discussion or disclosure is permissible with any offerors in regard to offers received from others.
   (H)   Award. Award shall be made to the most responsive, responsible offeror whose response has been evaluated and determined to meet the requirement and to be in the best interest of the town. The town shall reserve the right to award to the most responsive, responsible offeror by units or projects or by lump sum total of all units or projects whichever is in the best interest of the town.
   (I)   Cost or pricing disclosure. All such information received shall be considered confidential and shall not be disclosed to any offeror prior to an award decision. If all offers received exceed the acceptable limits and it is determined that the goods or services without any changes shall be reprocessed using the appropriate, formal method, then all offers shall be rejected and no cost or pricing information shall be disclosed to any offeror for any reason.
   (J)   Tie breaker. If, after evaluation, two or more offerors have been determined acceptable, but are tied in price and all other factors considered, the affected offerors shall be notified and shall be requested to submit best and final offers in order to break the tie. Tied offerors shall be afforded sufficient time, as determined reasonable by the town, for resubmittal. Should an offeror request and be granted a time extension for resubmittal, then this time extension must be afforded to all offerors of which resubmittal has been requested. At this stage of the process, late responses received from other offerors shall not be considered nor shall any other offerors in the process be permitted to resubmit revised or best and final offers.
(Ord. 001-3, passed 3-1-2001)