General Provisions
94.01 Fire Prevention Code adopted by reference; definitions
94.02 Modifications to Fire Prevention Code
94.03 Permit required for brush fires
94.04 Fireworks prohibited; requirements for public displays
94.05 Sand dikes prohibited
94.06 Storing oil drums near buildings
94.07 Rubbish accumulations constituting fire hazard
Fire Extinguishers
94.20 Definitions
94.21 Purpose of regulations
94.22 Administration; powers and duties of the Fire Department
94.23 Purpose of portable fire extinguishers
94.24 Certain standards deemed to be minimum regulations
94.25 Testing and filling
94.26 Approval of extinguishers prerequisite to sale or lease
94.27 Physical distribution requirements
94.28 Persons who may service fire extinguishers; identification cards
94.29 Tags to be affixed to serviced units
94.30 Exceptions to provisions
94.31 Prohibited acts
94.32 Authority of Fire Department as to licenses, permits and certificates
94.33 Annual report of firms servicing fire extinguishers
94.34 Record of licensees, permittees and registrants to be kept by Fire Department
94.35 Grounds for refusal to issue or renew, suspension and revocation
94.36 Restoration after suspension or revocation
94.37 Certificates of registration for firms servicing fire extinguishers
94.38 Licenses for persons servicing fire extinguishers
94.39 Permits for apprentices servicing fire extinguishers
94.40 Hydrostatic testing certificates
Administration and Enforcement
94.50 Enforcement of chapter
94.51 Bureau of Fire Prevention; Fire Marshal
94.52 Reports
94.53 Board of Appeals; appeals
94.54 Licenses issued by Fire Marshal
94.99 Penalty
Charter reference:
Power of Board of Aldermen related to fire protection, see Charter § 3A-2(g)
Fire Department, see Charter §§ 6C-6 and 7D-2