11.4.17. DEFINITIONS – P
Parapet (7A)
   The portion of a wall that extends above the roofline.
   The same as “ .” The term “parcel” is generally listed to describe a piece of property recorded as a division of land by a metes and bounds description and may or may not be a part of a  . In a where a division of land is proposed, each proposed division is considered a for the purpose of applying the requirements of the zoning ordinance.
Parking Area
   Same as .
Parking Area (s) (PAAL)
   The area within a serving as a or , other than those in a , that provides direct from individual parking spaces. Typical examples include shopping center , apartment using common parking, and other places in which the primary or sole purpose is to provide access to a , as opposed to providing access directly to property.
Parking Lane
   An area set aside at the edge of a paved for purposes of parking vehicles.
Parking Lot
   Same as .
Parking Lot Sign (7A)
   A wall or freestanding sign used to identify a parking facility.
Parking Structure
   A used for the parking of vehicles where parking is accommodated on one or more levels.
   As applicable to a public review process, means any of the following:
•   Applicant;
•   All owners of record of property within the property owners notification area specified by the applicable process and any tenants residing on such property;
•   The , including applicable Ward offices; or,
•   Any , organization, group, or entity which demonstrates to the hearing body a substantial interest in the matter before it or receives a particular and direct impact which is distinguishable from the effects or impacts upon the general public.
Party of Record
   The applicant, all who received notice of the application during a review process, all who provided a written statement of an interest in the prior to the issuance of a decision, and all who gave testimony at a public hearing.
Passive Greenhouse
   See Greenhouse, Passive.
   A point of maximum elevation.
Peak Use Times
   The period(s) during which activity at any given use is highest. Peak use times are determined on a daily, weekly, or seasonal basis depending on the type of use.
Pedestrian Circulation Path
   An exterior way of passage that is designed for pedestrian use and which may include general pedestrian areas, such as , plazas, and courts.
Pedestrian Distance
   A measurable distance between supportive (such as between residential uses and schools or residential uses and commercial uses) that encourage walking as part of a multi-modal strategy within a .
Perimeter Yard
   A area to separate from property or .
Permanent Sign (7A)
   A sign that is not a portable or temporary sign.
   Any individual as well as any firm, corporation, partnership, company, or any other form of multiple organization for the carrying on of business.
Phased Development
   For purposes of consideration and approval of Plans, a Phased Development is a that (a) consists of at least 40 depicted on a single master   for a residential or (b) consists of at least 20 depicted on a single master   or for a nonresidential or (c) is the subject of a newly adopted Planned Area Development (PAD) or (d) the Mayor and Council have identified as a phased for purposes of .
Phased Grading
   For purposes requires separate/additional permits where the is more than 35 . Phased may be required for any size of where the determines, or the applicant proposes, that phasing is required due to design or safety-related issues for the that may be related to public access or construction activity.
Pictograph (7A)
   A graphic, symbolic representation of a commonly recognized idea or item, excluding words or phrases. Example: a picture of a camera used to identify a photographic supply store.
Plan Amendment
   A proposed change(s) to a plan previously adopted by Mayor and Council.
Plans Review Subcommittee
   The same as the Tucson-Pima County Historical Commission Plans Review Subcommittee.
Plant Community
   A biological grouping of vegetation frequently found under natural conditions due to their common soils, moisture, climate, and orientation requirements.
Plant Inventory
   A numerical listing and assessment of the plants on a that includes plant genus and species, size, health, age, form or , and locational situation, such as soils and topography.
   A map of a . The term “plat” includes:
   A.   Block Plat
   A map of a that consists of ten or fewer the size of which are in with the applicable zoning requirements for .
   B.   Tentative Plat
   A graphic representation of a proposed , including supporting data, designed and prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Article, any other local applicable regulation, and statute. A tentative plat is the same as a preliminary plat as defined in statute.
   C.   Final Plat
   A survey document suitable for recordation of all or part of a substantially conforming to an approved tentative plat, if a tentative plat is required, prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Article, any other local applicable regulation, and statute.
   D.   Recorded Plat
   A fully executed final plat, bearing all required signatures and certificates of approval, that has been recorded in the Pima County Recorder’s Office.
Pole Cover (7A)
   A cover that encloses or decorates a pole or other structural sign support.
Political Election Sign (7A)
   A sign not permanently installed in the ground or attached to a building relating to the election of a person to a public office, or to a political party, or to a matter to be voted upon at an election called by a public body. Does not include political headquarters signage.
Population Ratio
   Population ratio is a formula used to derive a relationship between a population or count within a and the square footage, acreage or number of facilities such as parks, fire stations, and related facilities required in the .
Portable Sign (7A)
   A sign that is capable of being moved and not designed to be permanently attached to a building or permanently anchored to the ground that is constructed of paper, cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, plywood, light plastic or other non-permanent similar materials.
Premise (7A)
   A premise is all contiguous land used and occupied by a use or business. All buildings, parking, storage and service areas, and private roads or driveways that are an integral part of the use or business are considered part of the premise. Commercial shopping centers, office complexes, commercial or industrial subdivisions, or similar developments are a premise to the extent such lands are identified as a single site that may contain one or multiple development plans or packages.
   No disturbance of one or more plants; planning and design that retains existing plant genus and species in their current location, grade, and configuration and allows for their future health and growth.
Prevailing Setback
   The most frequently occurring distances between and and interior in a .
Principal Use
   The primary use to which the premises is devoted and the primary purpose for which the premises exist.
Private Road
   A not to the public.
Private Street Access
    to a provided by an private in which the owner of the has a legal interest to assure perpetual use for access.
Professional Inspection
   The inspection required by this code to be performed by the civil engineer, soils engineer or engineering geologist. Such inspections include those performed by a supervised by such engineers or geologists and shall be sufficient to form an opinion relating to the conduct of the work.
   A , consisting of one or more   , planned and constructed to function as a single entity, utilizing common or shared facilities, , parking, and vehicular and pedestrian access.
Project Completion Documentation
   Documents associated with the completion of a , and may include as-builts, substantial completion letters.
Project Site
   In general application, the area of the . A may be any number of   , separated by no more than 600 feet, or it may be one . As applicable in Section 5.6, Environs (AEZ), the land area designated for and managed as a single entity, exclusive of any public . The   utilizes common facilities such as parking, , and vehicular and pedestrian access. Noncontiguous shall, at a minimum, be connected by pedestrian facilities.
Projecting Sign (7A)
   A sign, other than a wall sign, attached to a building or other structure and extending in whole or in part more than twelve inches beyond the surface of the portion of the building to which it is attached, beyond the building, or over the public right-of-way.
Property Line
   The that defines the legal exterior limits of a .
Property Owner’s Association
   A legal entity established for the purpose of owning and maintaining commonly held private real property.
   The relationship between the width and height of a ’s front facade, windows, and doors.
Protected Development Right
   As provided in A.R.S. §9-1201, a protected right is the right to undertake and complete the and use of property under the terms and conditions of a protected right plan, without compliance with subsequent changes in zoning regulations and standards, except as provided by A.R.S. §9-1204.
Protected Native Plants
   Plant genus and species of a minimum size with special status per the Protected Native Plant List in Section 5-02.0.0 of the Technical Standards Manual.
Protected Peak
   A peak identified by the Mayor and Council to be visually significant and important to the image and economy of the . These are shown on the Hillside Development (HDZ) Maps.
Protected Peak Setback Area
   The 300 foot distance, measured horizontally in all directions from a .
Protected Ridge
   A identified to be visually significant and important to the image and economy of the . These ridges are shown on the Hillside Development (HDZ) Maps.
Protected Ridge Setback Area
   The 300 foot distance, measured horizontally in all directions from the line of a .
Protected Riparian Area
   Restricted area as defined in Section X and includes overlapping floodplain and areas.
   See Section 11.4.24, Wireless Communication Provider.
Public Accommodation
   All public places of entertainment, amusement, or recreation; all public places at which food or beverages are sold for consumption on the premises; all public places that are conducted for the lodging of transients or for the benefit, use, or accommodation of those seeking health or recreation; and all establishments that cater or offer their services, facilities, or goods to, or solicit patronage from, the members of the general public. Any residential house or residence in which less than five rooms are rented is not a place of public accommodation.
Public Area
   The area within a publicly-owned property, such as, but not limited to, or   , or the area within a   set aside for use by the general public, such as, but not limited to, the dining, waiting, or rest room areas in a restaurant.
Public Assembly
   Any that is intended, designed, or used in whole or in part by the general public, for such purposes as, but not limited to, deliberation, worship, entertainment, education, amusement, drinking, or dining. For the purposes of this definition, the term general public does not include those who are employed full or part time at the ; those who, on a temporary basis, provide or deliver goods or services to the ; or any other engaged in similar activities at the .
Public Entrance
   An entryway into a intended for direct public access from a vehicle use area or .
Public Open Space
    owned by a public agency, such as the City of Tucson Department of Parks and Recreation, and maintained by it for the use and enjoyment of the general public.
Public Preserve
   Saguaro National Park (Rincon Mountain District and Tucson Mountain District); Tucson Mountain Park; and Coronado National Forest.
Public Street Access
    to a provided by an public in which the owner of the has a legal interest to assure perpetual use for access.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)