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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
11.4.8.    DEFINITIONS – G
   A   with walls or doors on three or more sides used for the parking of one or more motor vehicles.
   An area used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables in the ground, in containers, and in greenhouses. Gardens include and systems.
Gateway Route
   A or parkway that is a heavily traveled entrance to and through the , and is designated as a Gateway Route on the map. These routes link major employment areas, shopping centers, and recreational areas used regularly by a large number of residents and visitors and present a visual impression of Tucson’s character.
General Aviation Aircraft
   Aircraft with a maximum gross weight of 12,500 pounds, excluding ultralight aircraft.
General Plan
   A comprehensive declaration of purposes, policies, and programs to guide the growth and of the and its environs, addressing the following elements: ; circulation; conservation and environmental planning; parks, recreation, , and trails; public , services, and facilities; cultural heritage; housing; conservation, rehabilitation, and redevelopment; safety; human resources; government; economic ; community character and design; growth area and population; cost of ; and water resources.
   The act of gathering grain or the like after the reapers or regular gatherers.
Goat, Miniature
   Miniature goats refer to Nigerian Dwarf, African Pygmy or other breeds that do not exceed 70 pounds at full size.
   Any agency or department of the , , , or government.
   The vertical location of the ground surface.
   Any excavating, filling, or combination thereof.
Greenhouse, Mechanical
   An enclosed structure (as by glass or plastic) used for the cultivation or protection of plants and uses mechanical systems to heat or cool the structure. For the purposes of determining perimeter yard requirements, greenhouses cooled solely by an evaporative cooler are considered .
Greenhouse, Passive
   An enclosed structure (as by glass or plastic) used for the cultivation or protection of plants and does not use motorized heating or cooling systems. For the purposes of determining perimeter yard requirements, greenhouses cooled solely by an evaporative cooler are considered passive greenhouses.
Gross Floor Area
   The sum of the horizontal areas of all floors of all , including accessory on a , measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the of walls separating two and includes elevator shafts and the stairwells at each story. Gross floor area includes floor space with structural headroom of six feet and six inches or more used for mechanical equipment; penthouses; attic space; interior balconies; mezzanines; and but does not include any interior space used for parking, loading, or loading space that is to the .
Ground-mounted Sign (7A)
   Signs affixed to the ground, placed on the ground, or attached to a perimeter wall or fence that face the street.
Group Dwelling
   Within the Downtown Area Infill Incentive (IID) the term "group dwelling" means a that:
   A.   meets the definition of "group dwelling" contained in Section 11.3.7.B; and,
   B.   is greater than two stories or 25 feet in .
(Am. Ord. 11246, 2/18/2015; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
11.4.9.    DEFINITIONS – H
Height, Patio Wall or Fence
   Same as .
Height, Structure
   Same as .
Historic Landmark
   A of the highest historic, cultural, architectural, or archaeological importance to Tucson that if demolished or significantly altered would constitute an irreplaceable loss to the quality and character of Tucson. A Historic Landmark is an outstanding or unique example of architectural style; is associated with a major historic event, activity, or ; or has unique visual quality and identification. A Historic Landmark may be located within the boundaries of or outside a historic .
Historic Site or Historic Structure
   A , , object, or , including vegetation or signs located on the premises, that:
•   Dates from a particular significant period in Tucson’s history, i.e., prehistoric, native indigenous, Pre-Colonial (before 1775), Spanish Frontier (Colonial) (1775-1821), Mexican Frontier (1821-1853), Territorial (1854-1912), Post-Territorial (1912-1920), or Post-World War I Development (1920-1945), or relates to events, personages, or architectural styles that are at least 50 years old; however, outstanding examples less than 50 years old should be evaluated on their own merits;
•   Is associated with the lives of outstanding historic personages;
•   Is associated with significant historic events or occurrences;
•   Exemplifies the architectural period in which it was built and has distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style or method of construction or is the notable work of a master builder, designer, or architect whose individual genius influenced his/her age;
•   Contributes information of archaeological, historic, cultural, or social importance relating to the heritage of the community; or,
•   Relates positively to in its immediate vicinity in terms of scale, size, massing, etc., such that its removal would be an irreparable loss to the setting.
Home Occupation
   A activity carried out for financial gain by a resident, on the resident’s property, conducted as an to the Dwelling or Mobile Home Dwelling use on the property.
Homeowners’ Association
   A legal entity established for the purpose of owning and maintaining commonly held private real property whether residential or commercial in nature.
   A living together in a , with common access to, and use of, all living, eating, , and storage areas within the .
Hula Strip Sign (7A)
A type of temporary sign that is a string of strips or pennants sewn together side-by-side.
   Cultivation of plants in nutrient solution rather than in soil.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
11.4.10. DEFINITIONS – I
   Any on- or off- improvements, such as, but not limited to, refuse container , , , sewer, water, and electric utility installations, drainage and flood control facilities, monuments or other similar facilities or for which the City of Tucson may ultimately assume responsibility for maintenance and operation, or , screening, or other improvements required by the Tucson or other appropriate code.
   Happening in connection with something more important; secondary or minor.
Individuals with Physical Disabilities
   A , as defined in A.R.S. §28-881, or as it may be amended, having a physical impairment that substantially limits that ’s ability to move from place to place.
   All or to the land, such as roads or facilities for the provision of gas, electric, water, drainage, or communications, that are necessary to support on or property.
   The safe, unobstructed passage to and from the premises for use by vehicles, including refuse collection vehicles, fire vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Interior Landscape Border
   An area along the interior side of a (s) of a containing , screening, and that serves as a buffer between of different intensities.
Interior Lot Line
   A other than a .
Interior Sign (7A)
   An on-site sign, emblem, or decal that is ground or wall-mounted providing information to the public such as wayfinding, facilities, services or prohibitions relating to the premises and which is inside a building, in a courtyard or hallway, or is within a premise's boundaries but is either not facing or is not readable from the right of way or is not designed nor intended to be readable from the right-of-way, does not require zoning review but may require building code review.
   A , object, , , or portion thereof that detracts from a ’s historic significance because of its architectural incompatibility with the ’s time, place, and historic or its incompatibility of scale, materials, or texture or a , object, , or whose historic architectural integrity has been irretrievably lost.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
11.4.11. DEFINITIONS – J
11.4.12. DEFINITIONS – K
   A room within a containing facilities for the storage, cooking, and preparation of food, specifically a sink, refrigerator, stove, and an oven.
11.4.13. DEFINITIONS – L
Land Use
   A description of the existing or proposed occupancy or utilization of land that include the and .
Landscape Materials
   Any materials used for the purpose of landscape improvement that may include, but are not limited to, the following: trees, shrubs, cacti, vegetative ground covers, , vines, walkways, berms, stone or inert ground cover materials, sculptures, fountains, irrigation equipment, furniture, outdoor lighting, fences, or walls.
Landscape Plan
   A graphic representation of the   indicating the location of all existing and proposed landscape to be present on the at the completion of the construction of the .
   An exterior improvement of a in accordance with an approved and approved landscape methods, materials, and maintenance.
Land Split
    split has the same meaning as “land split” as defined in A.R.S. §9-463(3), that is, the division of improved or unimproved land for the purpose of sale or lease, which is not defined as a , whose area is two and one-half or less in size, into two or if previously platted, or, three or of land or less if not previously platted.
Ldn (Day-Night Average Sound Level)]
   Ldn values are expressed in decibels and represent the average noise level over a 24-hour period for an average day of the year. For Tucson International , the Ldn values are calculated based on an FAA integrated noise model, which averages noise over a 365-day year. For Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ldn values are calculated based on the Department of Defense Noise Map model that averages noise over the total flying of the year.
Level of EVSE Charging
   There are three levels of EV charging: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. The higher the level of charging, more power is delivered to the vehicle.
   Level 1 chargers plug directly into a standard 120 volt AC outlet supplying an average power output of 1.3 kW to 2.4 kW. This power output is equivalent to 3-5 miles of EV range per hour. An overnight charge will add 30-50 miles of range.
   Level 2 charging requires a dedicated 240 V circuit and output ranges from 3 kW to 19 kW of AC power. This power output translates to 18-28 miles of range per hour. An average EV can be fully charged in 8 hours or less on Level 2 charging.
   Level 3 charging has a maximum output of 350 kW. Level 3 uses direct current (DC) and can recharge an EV at a rate of 3 to 20 miles of range per minute. Level 3 charging is designed to fill an EV battery to 80% in 20-40 minutes, and 100% in 60-90 minutes.
Loading Area
   An space or berth for temporary parking of a vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise, cargo, or materials.
Local Street
   A that primarily serves as access to a residence or other property.
Logo (7A)
   A graphic symbol or insignia that serves to identify a business, building or complex.
Long-Term Parking Facility
   A temporary storage facility that provides a secure place for employees, students, residents, commuters, and others to park their bicycles for several hours or more.
   A of land bounded on all sides by , of sufficient size to meet minimum zoning standards, with legal access to a public .
Lot Coverage
   The area of a covered by , storage areas, and . For specific application standards, refer to Section 6.4.3.
Lot Lines
   The bounding a .
Lot Size
   The area contained within a , including all easements on private property.
Low Enrollment
   A school having registered enrollment at 65% or less than the school’s capacity, not including any portable classroom . For the purposes of this definition, magnet schools are considered low enrollment schools.
Low-Income Area
   An area determined to have 51% or more of its residents in the low to moderate income levels as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) based on the most recent United States decennial census. A map identifying the low income areas is available in the Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) and Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD). The map is updated administratively by HCDD to reflect poverty and low income data from the most recent United States decennial census.
Low Income Housing
   Housing that is affordable (no more than 30% of a household's total income) for households that make 80% or less of the median income in the local area (Area Median Income, or AMI).
(Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11922, 7/12/2022; Am. Ord. 11953, 8/23/2022)
11.4.14. DEFINITIONS – M
Major Employment Center
   A grouping of commercial, institutional, office, or industrial uses or any combination of such uses that are of such scale and in such proximity to each other that enables and encourages employees to use alternate modes of travel both to and from work and during daily activities (e.g., shopping, lunch, banking). Examples: Tucson Medical Center (TMC), Park Mall, El Con Mall, Pima Community College, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tucson Mall, and the Downtown Business District.
Major Streets and Routes
   Those freeways, arterials, and identified in the .
Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Plan
   The plan adopted by the Mayor and Council to implement the circulation element of the that identifies the general location and size of existing and proposed freeways, arterial and , , typical intersections, and and .
Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Right-of-Way Area
   That area between the of a major or route designated as such by the . The width existing for the major or route may or may not be equal to the MS&R area and in certain situations includes privately-owned property.
Major Streets and Routes (MS&R) Right-of-Way Lines
   A line establishing the projected width for that major or route located parallel or approximately parallel to the center line of the a distance equal to one-half the width shown for that or route in the .
Master Developer
   The Master Developer is the or entity that has sole control of the property within the Planned Community Development (PCD) District at the time of application and for the implementation of the PCD District after approval.
Master Development Plan (MDP)
   An MDP is a multi-faceted plan, including a plan, resource and plan, agreement, and phasing plan that controls the overall implementation of the Planned Community Development District.
   For the purposes of applying Section 4.9.4.V, a “meal” means the usual assortment of foods commonly ordered at a restaurant at various hours of the day.
Mechanical Greenhouse
   See Greenhouse, Mechanical.
Miniature Goat
   See Goat, Miniature.
Minor Subdivision
   A that complies with the criteria established for minor in Section 8.4.3, Minor . A Minor may be accomplished with less documentation than other .
   Methods used to alleviate or compensate for the negative impact of on healthy .
Mixed Use
   A single or single of more than one that includes residential and non-residential uses. In a   the different types of are in close proximity, planned as a unified complementary whole, and functionally integrated to the use of shared vehicular and pedestrian access and .
Mobile Home Space
   An area of a mobile home park with a pad and utility pedestal that is rented or sold for the placement of a mobile home and for the exclusive use of the occupants of the mobile home.
More Restrictive Zoning
   See Section 4.5, More Restrictive Zoning.
Motor Vehicle Parking Space
   An area permanently reserved and maintained for the parking of one motor vehicle.
Multiple Use
   A on a with two or more separate principal , designed, developed, and owned or managed as a single coordinated entity utilizing legally established common elements or shared facilities. Such common elements shall comply with the following standards.
•   Shared motor vehicle and pedestrian access is provided to the from a . The number of is limited to two or fewer, unless a greater number is approved by the Tucson Department of Transportation City Engineer or designee.
•   Shared pedestrian and motor vehicle circulation is provided.
•   The motor vehicle are common to all on the .
•   All common or shared facilities are legally documented for use by all on for the life of the as a .
Mural (7A)
   A piece of artwork painted on, or applied directly to the exterior walls.
(Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)