6.4.3.     AND
   A.   Purpose
   This section provides a uniform and consistent method of determining and applying the or standards, whichever is applicable.
   B.   Application
      1.    is the area of an overall , inclusive of individual , covered by the provided below. , instead of , is used when calculating coverage limits for the following: 1) Flexible Lot Developments; and, 2) a nonresidential that is subdivided into individual , but functions as a , such as is the case with some shopping centers. This type of nonresidential typically has a cross access agreement.
      2.    applies to all other types of in accordance with the underlying .
      3.   The following are included in the or , whichever applies: (See Figure 6.4.3-A: and .)
         a.   Any area of a within the outside edges of the exterior walls at ground level ( ). Any raised extensions of the ground floor, such as bay windows and stairs that are less than six feet above the ground, are considered part of the ’s ;
         b.    , measured within the outside edges of any area allocated to vehicle use, whether improved or unimproved. To determine the size of an unimproved , the minimum dimensions for parking spaces, , and pedestrian facilities, as required by the appropriate Standard, are used to determine ; and,
         c.   Storage areas, measured from outside edge to outside edge of any area allocated to storage use. Storage areas include or open areas used for storage or display of materials, equipment, refuse, or vehicles.
Figure 6.4.3-A: and
   C.   Exceptions
   The following are excluded from the and calculations to encourage design flexibility and provide for additional amenities.
      The following are not included in the or calculations, provided the areas are located on the ground floor.
         a.   Roofed areas, open on at least one side, which provide shelter to exterior areas, such as balconies, entrances, stoops, and , provided they are not used for , maintenance, laundry, storage, or motor vehicle parking.
         b.   Any part of a used for recreational purposes provided the recreation area:
            (1)   Is separated by a wall from nonrecreational areas such as laundry rooms;
            (2)   Is designated for by tenants;
            (3)   Is not used by the general public; and,
            (4)   Is not within a .
         c.   Any outdoor area over an underground which is either landscaped, used for recreation purposes, or both. The roof of the can be a maximum of three feet above measured to its highest point.
         d.   Roofed interior space which provides a physical connection to the outdoors and natural lighting, either directly or indirectly. In addition, the space:
            (1)   Shall not, in whole or in part, be designated as tenant area;
            (2)   Shall not have more than 15% of the total area allocated toward corridor space;
            (3)   Shall be at least 30 feet wide in any horizontal direction;
            (4)   Shall have a minimum floor-to-ceiling height of 20 feet; and,
            (5)   Shall not be within a .
         e.   Solar Collectors. Solar collectors, whether part of the principal or an , are not included in calculations.
      Within a , any landscaped area greater than 25 square feet is excluded, provided the landscaped area is:
         a.   Larger than three feet in width; and,
         b.   Is curbed to protect it from vehicular traffic.
   D.    and Calculation
      1.   The amount of per is not to exceed the maximum percentage permitted by the ’s underlying .
      2.   The percentage is determined by dividing the total area of in accordance with Section 6.4.3.B, Application, and 6.4.3.C, Exceptions, by the total land area of the .
      3.   The amount of per overall , inclusive of individual , vehicle use area, etc. is not to exceed the maximum percentage permitted by the ’s underlying in accordance with Section 8.7.3.D, Regulations for FLD .
      4.   The percentage is determined by dividing the total area of in accordance with Section 6.4.3.B.2 and 6.4.3.C, Exceptions, by the total land area of the included in the ’s   or , whichever is applicable, inclusive of individual residential , , vehicle use areas, etc. Compliance with the standard is not measured on an individual residential basis, but on an overall basis.