6.4.4.   HEIGHT
   A.   Measurement of
    is the vertical distance measured from the elevation to the highest point of a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; or to the middle (between the eave and ) of the highest gable of a pitched or hipped roof, except as follows: (See Figure 6.4.4-A, Measurement of .)
      1.   Historic Preservation (HPZ)
       is the vertical distance measured between the highest part of a and the finished at the midpoint of the front facade of the principal , excluding chimneys, mechanical equipment, and other miscellaneous additions.
      2.    Environs (AEZ)
       within the AEZ is measured in accordance with Section 6.4.4. When there is a conflict between the maximum heights permitted by the ’s zone and the standards in Section 5.6.11, for TIA and DMAFB Environs, the more restrictive applies.
      3.   Scenic Corridor (SCZ)
      The vertical distance of a is measured from , at all points within the , to the highest point on a roof. Any wall extending above the roof, such as a parapet wall or a fire wall, is considered part of the roof for purposes of measuring .
      4.   Hillside Development (HDZ)
      See height measurement standards in Section 5.2.7.A, .
   B.   Measurement of All Other
      1.   General
      The height of all , other than , is the vertical distance measured from at the base of the at all points along that to the top of the . For within six feet of a , the used for measuring height is the lower of the two grades on each side of that . Perimeter walls are measured from the base of the wall that faces an property.
      2.    Environs (AEZ)
       and tree height is measured in accordance with Section 6.4.4. When there is a conflict between the maximum heights permitted by the ’s and the standards in Section 5.6.11, for TIA and DMAFB Environs, the more restrictive applies.
Figure 6.4.4-A: Measurement of
   C.   Height Exceptions
   The following structural elements may extend above the maximum allowed height, subject to any limitations listed: (See Figure 6.4.4-B, Exceptions to .)
      1.   Ornamental Elements
      Ornamental elements of the and , such as spires, cupolas, belfries, clock towers, and domes, provided that such elements:
         a.   Are not for human occupancy; and,
         b.   Do not exceed ten feet above the allowed , except as follows:
            (1)   Ornamental elements of and proposed to exceed ten feet above the allowed are processed in accordance with Section 3.4.3, Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure. Additionally, the Design Review Board shall review and forward a recommendation to the Zoning Examiner on the proposal. Ornamental elements proposed to exceed ten feet above the permitted height must comply with the following:
               (a)   The ornamental element is an integral part of the ’s architecture, and is not for human occupancy;
               (b)   The ornamental elements proposed to exceed ten feet above the allowed shall not be used for signage;
               (c)   The applicant shall demonstrate how the proposal minimizes impacts to existing by including a view shed analysis and an analysis of the grades and property grades as part of their submittal; or,
               (d)    required for the architectural element will be one foot for each additional foot in height that it exceeds the base allowance of ten feet.
      2.   Functional Elements
      Chimneys, mechanical penthouses, and bulkheads for stairwells, elevator shafts, or skylights, provided that such elements:
         a.   Are not for human occupancy;
         b.   Do not exceed ten feet above the allowed ; and,
         c.   Do not exceed 25% of the total roof area of the on which they are located.
      3.   Mechanical and Accessory Equipment
      Mechanical equipment, except solar energy equipment, and accessories necessary to the operation or maintenance of the , provided that such elements:
         a.   Do not exceed six feet above the allowed ;
         b.   Do not exceed 25% of the total roof area of the on which they are located;
         c.   Are concealed by an   ; and,
         d.   Are located away from the edge of the a distance equivalent to the height of the elements.
      4.   Solar Energy Equipment
   Solar energy equipment, provided that such elements do not exceed the allowable height limits by more than ten feet.
      5.   Parapet Walls and Safety Railings
      Parapet walls and safety railings, provided they do not exceed the allowable height by more than four feet.
      6.   Communications (Excluding Communications Facilities)
      Communications not in conjunction with a communications facility, excluding dish greater than three feet in diameter, provided such elements do not exceed the allowable height limits by more than five feet.
      7.   Dish
      Dish , greater than three feet in diameter, provided that such elements:
         a.   Do not exceed the allowable height limits by more than ten feet;
         b.   Are located as close to the center of the roof as possible;
         c.   Are screened from view, to the maximum extent possible without interfering with reception, from the   of the property at pedestrian level by an   , such as a parapet wall at the roof’s edge; and,
         d.   Are located on a with a greater than 40 feet.
      8.   Communications (Associated with Communications Facilities)
      Communications , other than those associated with wireless communications, in conjunction with a communications facility do not have a maximum height limitation, provided the are located at least one foot distance for every foot in height measured from all of residentially zoned property.
      9.   Change of Zoning
      If the Mayor and Council authorize a rezoning of a property and a (s) exists on the property that exceeds the maximum required height for the proposed , the existing shall be considered conforming. This exception applies only to existing at the time of authorization, except as provided by Section 6.4.5.B.10, Historic Preservation Zone (HPZ).
      10.   Historic Preservation (HPZ)
      New construction in a Historic Preservation (HPZ) may exceed the height standards of the if additional height is needed to be with the height of other within the as determined by the Planning and Development Services Department .
Figure 6.4.4-B: Exceptions to Height Limit
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013)