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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
A-frame sign (7A)
   A type of portable sign.
Abandoned (7A)
   A sign structure that has ceased to be used to display or support a sign and regarding which the owner has manifested an intention to permanently cease the use of the sign structure.
   A process whereby easement interests are terminated by a legally recorded document.
Use, Abandonment of
   The relinquishment of a property, or the cessation of a use or activity by the owner or tenant for a period of six months, excluding temporary or short term interruptions for the purpose of remodeling, maintaining, or otherwise improving or rearranging a facility. A use is deemed abandoned when the use is suspended as evidenced by the cessation of activities or conditions that constitute the of the property.
   Having a common boundary. or having only a common corner are not considered abutting.
Access Easement
    to a provided over some other through an area for such perpetual use.
Access Lane
   The area within a serving as a or the area providing access to a property. Unlike the , the Access Lane does not provide direct to individual parking spaces.
Access Point Sign (7A)
   An on-site sign located at or near the access point or other wayfinding location.
Accessory Use or Structure
   A use or a subordinate to the or on a and serving a purpose customarily to the use of the principal . An accessory use or structure must be established or built together with or after the establishment or construction of the or .
   An area equal to 43,560 square feet.
Active Recreation
   Leisure activities, usually performed with others, often requiring equipment and taking place at prescribed places, sites, or fields. The term "active recreation" includes but is not limited to swimming, tennis, and other court games, baseball and other field sports, golf and playground activities.
   Two or more or sharing a common boundary or separated by an or other 20 feet or less in width. or having only a common corner are considered adjacent. Within the Infill Incentive , Optional Zoning Sub-Districts, Areas and Sub-Areas, the term "adjacent" or "adjacency" means:
   A.   Two or more or sharing a common boundary or separated by an or a or 30 feet or less in width. or having only a common corner are also considered adjacent.
   B.   Where the parcel is an interior , adjacent includes all residential or on either side of the   , those fronting on the same in the same as the   , and all those on the opposite side of that (See Figure, "Interior ");
   C.   Where the   is a corner , the term "adjacent" includes all the residential corner or diagonally opposite the   , fronting on the same two in the same , and on the opposite sides of those as shown in the diagram below (See Figure, "Corner ");
   D.   Where the   is adjacent to an HPZ, the term "adjacent" includes all across the and diagonally across from the   .
   Same as .
Adjudicated Delinquent
   A youth who has been found by a judge in juvenile court to have committed a of the criminal law, that is, a delinquent act.
Affordable Housing Unit
   A dwelling unit committed for a minimum term as affordable, through covenants or restrictions, to households with incomes at 80 percent or less of the area median income ("AMI") for a family, as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, for the City; and where housing costs (rents, mortgages, utilities and condo, homeowners or other association fees) do not exceed thirty (30) percent of a family's income as verified on an annual basis.
AICUZ Report (1992)
   A report prepared by the Department of the Air Force that evaluated and summarized the aircraft operations at U.S. Air Force Bases with respect to the effects of noise and accident hazards, entitled Air Installation Use (AICUZ).
   Any area of land designed and set for the landing and taking off of aircraft.
Airport Hazard
   Any , use of land, or tree within the Environs (AEZ) that obstructs the space required for flight of aircraft in taking off and landing at an or is otherwise hazardous to aircraft taking off or landing. Examples of hazards include, but are not limited to, uses that:
•   Create interference with aircraft navigation by obstructing the use of radio and other navigational aids, such as generators, motors, or artificial lighting devices which create excessive static.
•   Obstruct the visibility of aircraft through atmospheric emissions or cause glare to flyers through direct or indirect illumination, such as from incinerators, rock crushers, smelters, lights which resemble a layout or the color of a landing area, search lights, or flash-type advertising signs.
•   Cause any other danger or hazard to the safety of aircraft taking off or landing, such as , poles, smokestacks, advertising balloons, aboveground bulk storage of petroleum products, landfills, or fireworks manufacturing.
   An used solely by the owner of the property, accommodating and ultralight aircraft.
Airport Hazard District
   A specifically designated area of land where uses that constitute hazards to operations are prohibited and heights are limited.
Alcoholic Beverage
   Alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, tequila, mescal, gin, wine, porter, ale, beer and malt liquor, malt beverage, absinthe or compound or mixture of any of them, or of any of them with any other substance, alcohol bitters, bitters containing alcohol, and any liquid mixture of preparation, whether patented or otherwise, which produces intoxication, fruits preserved in ardent spirits, or beverages containing more than 0.5% of alcohol by volume.
   Alleys are public ways used for the placement of , refuse collection, or similar public services, and under certain circumstances as provided in the , access to individual properties.
Alter (7A)
   To change, modify or vary an existing sign structure without constructing a totally new sign structure.
   Any aesthetic, architectural, mechanical, or structural change to the exterior surface of any part of an existing .
Amenities, Project
   Aesthetic or other characteristics of a that increase its desirability to a community or its marketability to the public. Project amenities include, but are not limited to, , natural undisturbed areas, , common areas, and recreation facilities.
Anatomical Areas
   Same as .
    Noise Control and   Study, a document adopted by the City of Tucson and Pima County in 1982 that reviewed noise abatement measures in effect or proposed to be implemented by Tucson International . The Study also established policies for   for properties to the Tucson International .
   Any , reptile, insect, amphibian or mammal, except human beings.
Animal, Food Producing
    such as , such as chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, and other similar small food producing . Dogs, cats, pigeons, other non-food producing , and fish are not considered food producing for the purposes of applying the standards in the UDC.
Animal Shelter
   A structure that covers or reasonably protects an from the weather and predators, such as a chicken coop. An run area is intended to allow an to move about freely. It may be connected to a shelter and must be enclosed. The enclosed run area is not subject to location requirements.
Animal Unit
   A unit of measurement to calculate a maximum number of on a property.
   One or more panels, rods, reflecting disks, or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of radio frequency signals.
   Same as Multifamily .
Appearance of Record
   Means either: 1) An oral statement made at a hearing which identifies the making the statement or made by the ’s representative; or 2) A written statement giving the name and address of the providing the statement and signed by the or representative.
Approach Departure Corridor One (ADC-1)
   A specifically designated area located within 12,000 feet from the northwest end of the runways at Davis Monthan Air Force Base where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential.
Approach Departure Corridor Two (ADC-2)
   A specifically designated area located from 1,2001 to 30,000 feet from the southeastern end of runways at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential.
Approach Departure Corridor Three (ADC-3)
   A specifically designated area located from 30,001 to 50,200 feet at the southeastern end of runways at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential, less than in the ADC-1or ADC-2 .
   A system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purify the water. Aquaponics is conducted in a constructed, automatic re-circulating system.
Archaeological Site
   A historic or prehistoric , location, or area containing material remains of human activity and life which include artifacts, monuments, or other cultural remains.
   A having an M.A. or Ph.D. in anthropology or an allied field and at least one year of training or employment in an archaeological field or laboratory research. Any study conducted by or endorsed by such an archaeologist satisfies the Code of Ethics and Standards of Performance of the Society of Professional Archaeologists.
Arizona Nursery Association Standards (ANA)
   Standards for plant material size and planting guidelines prepared and published by the Growers Committee of Arizona Nursery Association.
Arterial Road System
   Arterial roads identified on the that are the responsibility of the City of Tucson or that are designated in accordance with Section 23A-84(14).
Arterial Street
   A identified as an arterial or Interstate Route on the .
   One who practices an art or one trained to manual dexterity or skill in a trade.
Artists Studio/Residence Area
   The area delineated by the map below.
Artist Studio/Residence Area
Assurable Infrastructure
    for which may be required include, but are not limited to, curbs, accessible ramps, pavement, aprons, , survey monuments, storm drainage, all weather access, flood control, hazard control, utility to the (water, sewer, electric, natural gas, communication cables), fire prevention systems, signage, other private or public and in or common areas required to be constructed, and other common elements as required by this code and other pertinent codes, or actions required to be completed by /developer, at no cost to the .
   A legally binding and enforceable instrument ensuring the construction of all required by a . may be in the form of third land trusts, or monetary sureties such as performance bonds, funds, letters of credit, or such other security as are acceptable to the .
Attached Canopy (7A)
   A roof-like structure that provides shade and/or ornamentation, projecting from and attached to a building wall below the highest point of the top of parapet, and supported in whole or in part by the building.
Attached Sign (7A)
   A sign that is fastened, connected or supported in whole or in part by a building or structure other than a sign structure that is supported wholly by the ground.
Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
   The total traffic for a calendar year divided by number of in a year (365).
Average Finished Grade
   The mean average elevation of ground after preparation, measured five feet from a at five-foot intervals. If the is closer than five feet from the , then the measurement is taken from the .
Average Cross-Slope
   The of the topographic configuration of land, graphically represented by contour lines, prior to any or other disturbance.
Awning (7A)
   A durable or fabric structure, attached to and supported in part or in whole by a building, which provides shade to the entries, windows, and walls of the building.
Awning Sign (7A)
   A sign constructed of cloth, plastic or metal and permanently affixed to a structure and intended to provide shade.
(Am. Ord. 11246, 2/18/2015; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11977, 12/20/2022; Am. Ord. 12005, 6/6/2023)
Banners, Across the Street (7A)
   See Section 7A.6.10 Signs In or Over the Public Right of Way.
Banners (7A)
   A type of portable sign that is constructed of a piece of fabric or similar material attached to the ground or to a wall by one or more edges to a pole, rod or cord.
Barrier-Free Accessibility
   Functional access for semiambulatory and nonambulatory , from a or parking space to, into, and through a .
   Same as .
   The term bedroom includes all of the following: 1) Any room that is designated as a bedroom; 2) Any room that has a minimum area of 60 square feet and has an accessible opening to the exterior of the in compliance with the International Building Code (IBC), whether termed a studio, room, study, den, bonus room, or any other name, except for a living room, dining room, , and bathrooms; and 3) Any room designated as a bedroom for the purpose of any other code requirement.
   A nonmotorized device propelled only by human power having two or three wheels, any of which is more than 16 inches in diameter.
Bicycle Locker
   A fully space of sufficient size to park a two-wheeled with its accessories accessible only to the operator of the .
Bicycle Parking Facility
   A that provides for the short- or long-term placement of bicycles.
Bicycle Parking Space
   An area designated for the use of an individual .
Billboard (7A)
   An off-site sign relating to a business, activity, use or service conducted off the site or to a product not sold on the site.
   A unit of land bounded by or by a combination of and public lands, railroad , watercourses, or other barriers to the continuity of the unit of land. A block may be comprised of one or more . A block made up of one lot may also be referred to as a lot or .
Block Plat
   A map of a that consists of ten or fewer the size of which are in with the applicable zoning requirements for .
Buildable Area
   The area of a or where a can be placed after from , , , hazards, or any other point identified and areas identified or for non- purposes, such as or , are deducted.
   A having a roof supported by columns, posts, or walls and intended for the shelter, housing, or of any , entity, , process, equipment, goods, or materials of any kind or nature.
Building Footprint
   The ground area within the outside edges of the exterior walls of a at .
Building Height
   Same as .
Building Setback
   See .
Building Site
   That area to be occupied by all and their or immediate grounds prior to any . The extremities of a   are measured from the toe of any on the lower elevations as shown on the proposed plans.
(Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
11.4.4.    DEFINITIONS – C
   A measurement taken between the outer dimensions of a tree trunk at six inches for single-trunked specimens and 12 inches for multi-trunked specimens above level at the base of the tree. For a noncircular specimen, use the average of the shortest and longest measurements, and for a multi-trunked specimen, use the sum of the measurements of the two largest trunks.
Canopy Sign (7A)
   A permanent sign on or affixed to the top or front of an attached canopy.
Canopy Tree
   A woody plant, other than a palm tree, with a mature crown diameter of at least 15 feet and having a trunk that, at maturity, is kept clear of leaves and branches at least six feet above . (See Illustration.)
Canopy Tree
   A that does not have walls on two or more sides and is designed for the parking of one or more motor vehicles.
   A survey reference line designated for a by the Tucson Department of Transportation Engineer and generally located parallel to the edges of the improved . Centerlines for certain are depicted on   /improvement plans and   line maps listed in and made a part of the .
Change of Use
   A that is being located on vacant land; a that replaces an existing use with a use from a different Class; or a that replaces an existing use that is from the same Group but that requires more parking spaces than required for the prior use.
   Same as City of Tucson.
City Development Review Committee
   City Development Review Committee ( ) means the designees of the various departments and agencies responsible for reviewing a proposed for compliance with codes and legal requirements. At a minimum, review includes departments responsible for codes regulating , and public transportation access, zoning, engineering, floodplain and drainage, fire, water, environmental services and Pima County departments responsible for wastewater and utility company regulations such as Pima County wastewater, and non- entities such as appropriate utility companies. may include such other agency or department representatives as the PDSD may determine appropriate for a particular application to insure that all pertinent codes and legal requirements are met by the proposed .
City Zoning Maps
   A set of maps that is part of the that depicts all zoning boundaries delineating the zoning classifications applicable to all property within the limits.
Clearance (7A)
   Clearance refers to the distance between grade and the bottom edge of a sign.
Collector Street
   A identified as a collector on the .
   The use of a single or pole by more than one user for similar or nonsimilar uses.
Common Area Open Space
   Land area within a , not individually owned or for public use, that is designed and intended for the or enjoyment of the residents of the . Common area may be either or .
Common Use
   The usage and accessibility by all residents of a , either by common ownership, covenant, easement, or other similar legal means.
   Visual consistency of by mirroring prevailing dimensions, spatial relationships, and architectural and design characteristics of the neighborhood overall and the within the . The term “compatible” does not mean “repetition or copy of” or “identical to” existing within the neighborhood. Compatibility is achieved when a is designed in a manner that blends in with the character of in the .
   To be in agreement with or to fit in architecturally with surrounding . Also, to not visually contradict a scene, view, or   .
Compatible Use Zone-One (CUZ-1)
   A specifically designated area near the ends of Tucson International runways where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential, less than in the   and greater than in the   .
Compatible Use Zone-Two (CUZ-2)
   A specifically designated area near the ends of Tucson International runways where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential, less than either the or the   .
Compatible Use Zone-Three (CUZ-3)
   A specifically designated area near the southeastern ends of Tucson International runways where is susceptible to a degree of risk of aircraft accident potential, greater than in either the or the   .
   To place out of sight or to prevent recognition or disclosure of the true character of an object.
   Condominium has the same meaning as “condominium” as defined in A.R.S. §33-1202(10), that is real estate, portions of which are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of which is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of the separate portions. Real estate is not a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners. For the purposes of application, a condominium is the same as a multiple-  , office , or commercial , except platting is required in accordance with the requirements of the .
Condominium Conversion
   Condominium conversion is the subdividing of land and existing as a , regardless of the present or prior use of such land or , and regardless of whether substantial have been made to such .
   To be in agreement with; to comply with.
Conservation Easement
   An easement delineating an area that will be kept in its natural state in perpetuity.
   Same as .
Contributing Property
   A property within a Historic Preservation , Neighborhood Preservation , or National Register Historic District that contributes to the historic significance and visual character of the or , and has sufficient integrity to convey that significance and those visual character defining features in terms of location, design, setting, material, workmanship, character, or association. are or nonhistoric properties.
Cooking Facility
   An area containing facilities for the storage, cooking, or preparation of food, is accessory to a , and may be located in an or unenclosed area. An example of a cooking facility is an outdoor cooking station that includes a barbeque grill and refrigerator.
   Same as Pima County, Arizona.
Critical Riparian Habitat Areas
   Areas as shown on the Critical and Sensitive Wildlife Habitats Map that contain:
•   Major segments of habitat extending from ;
•   Major segments of habitat not extending directly from a but containing a high and diversity of plant and species;
•   Deciduous woodlands;
•   Mesquite bosques;
•   Lakes, ponds, or wetlands;
•   Palo Verde-Saguaro communities; or
•   Ironwood ; and
•   Are found within the .
   A time established for listed lighting systems to be automatically extinguished.
Curb Cut
   A depressed segment of a vertical curb for , wheelchair ramps, access, drainage, or other purposes.
   A portion of land surface or area from which earth has been removed or will be removed by .
(Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
   Plant materials, previously rated Viable, that have little chance of survival in a healthy and attractive manner after injury sustained during salvage, transplanting, or construction operations.
   Days of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. To apply days to a review schedule, the day of the event or act from which the designated period of time begins shall not be included. The last day of the designated period shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which event the period runs to the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. When a designated period of time is less than ten days, intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays shall not be included. Holidays are those recognized by the City of Tucson.
   The act of giving a gift or donation to another or entity.
   The act of giving a gift or donation to another or entity and that such gift or donation has been accepted.
   The number of residential units per .
Design Grade
   An elevation or series of elevations that provide the minimum modification of natural or that allows safe and appropriate access, drainage, and .
Design Professional
   A registered architect with historic preservation experience employed by or under contract with the .
Detached Sign (7A)
   Any sign not supported in whole or in part by a building or structure other than a sign structure that is supported wholly by the ground.
Developable Area
   The land area of a controlled by a single landowner or entity at the time of issuance of permits or approval of a   if subdividing the property, including those areas which are as natural areas within a Hillside (HDZ) area, but exclusive of any floodway property as described in Chapter 26, Division 1, Floodplain and Hazard Area Regulations, of the Tucson Code. Those areas within a floodway shall be included in the developable area where the Planning and Development Services Department Engineer has approved construction of a principal or of an accessory or   .
Developing Area
   An area where less than 50% of the linear   of all property, excluding alleys and drainageways, located on the same side of the and within the same as the proposed is occupied by principal that conform to the minimum front perimeter required for the applicable zoning classification or   .
Developing Area Setback
   A term used to describe the required from a applicable where a exists.
   Any human to the state of land, including its vegetation, soil, geology, or hydrology, for any residential, commercial, industrial, utility, or other use, such as, but not limited to, clearing, grubbing, or of land, and structural , e.g., , walls, fences, signs, and .
Development Inventory Report (DIR)
   A DIR is a report using narrative, maps, graphics, tables and other informative means in describing existing conditions, needs assessments and other useful background information regarding the , resources and other pertinent characteristics of the property within the proposed PCD District.
Development Project
   Any residential, commercial, industrial or     or that is submitted to the for approval or for permit.
Development Zone
   As used in Section 5.8, "H" Historic Preservation (HPZ), Section 5.10, Neighborhood Preservation (NPZ), and, Section 5.11, Rio Nuevo District, (RND), a certain designated area to the to be developed. Public and institutional within development zone are not considered to be part of the development zone when evaluating proposed on an property, except for public and institutional on or eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. The development Zone is determined as follows: (See Illustrations below.)
Interior Lot            Corner Lot            Boundary Lot
   •   Where the subject is an interior , the development zone includes that , all on either side of that and fronting on the same in the same , and all those on the opposite side of that , except such portions of the development zone that fall outside the boundary of the HPZ, NPZ, or the RNA.
   •   Where the subject is a corner , the development zone includes that , the corner lot diagonally opposite that , all fronting on the same two in the same , and all on the opposite sides of those , except such portions of the that fall outside the boundary of the HPZ, NPZ, or the RNA.
   •   Where the subject is located adjacent to a historic , the development zone includes that , all located within the same , and those facing the same as the subject lot within one in either direction, except such portions of the zone that fall outside the boundary of the HPZ, NPZ, or the RNA.
Digital Sign (7A)
   A sign component whose informational content such as symbols, logos, graphics, and words can be changed or altered by electric, electro-mechanical or electronic means.
   The chief executive officer of a department.
Discontinued (7A)
   A sign or sign structure is discontinued where it is not used for a consecutive period of six months or more, and where the period of non-use is attributable in whole or in part to the owner of the sign or premises, regardless of whether the owner intends to abandon the sign.
   To furnish with a false appearance or to alter in such a manner as to hide the true character of an object.
   A that has zoning options to encourage transit-oriented or has specific urban design standards within the . An example of a District is the Downtown Area Infill Incentive District. A "district" is also referred to as a .
District Area (DA)
   A area is a planning area within a Planned Community Development (PCD) District containing single or multiple designated and . Multiple classifications or classifications may be permitted in a DA in with applicable and the . A DA in text or table format is the same area as referenced on a map but describes the area in more specific detail. The may approve a particular definition of a DA for any individual PCD District.
Downtown Heritage Incentive Zone
   An area the boundaries of which are congruent with the boundaries of the .
Downtown Parking District
   An area the boundaries of which are congruent with the boundaries of the .
Downtown Redevelopment District
   That area as delineated by the map below.
Downtown Redevelopment District
   The line that could be drawn on the soil around a tree or shrub directly under its outermost branch tips.
   A designed and operated so as to allow to receive a service or purchase and consumer goods while remaining in a vehicle.
Drive-Through or Drive-Thru
   A designed and operated so as to allow to receive a service or purchase goods, but not consume the purchased goods on the , while remaining in a vehicle.
   A private access connecting two or fewer residential units to a .
Drought Tolerant Vegetation
   Low water-use plants which, after they are established, can survive within the Sonoran Desert climate with little or no supplemental watering.
   A large container for receiving, collecting, transporting and dumping waste materials. (See Solid Waste collection standards in the Technical Manual.)
Dwelling Unit
   A or portion of a that is designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as living quarters exclusively for a single , which includes one or more rooms, with sleeping and sanitary facilities and one   . One accessory per dwelling unit is permitted.
Dwelling Unit Sign (7A)
   A sign type located at a single family dwelling unit.
(Am. Ord. 11246, 2/18/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)
11.4.6.    DEFINITIONS - E
Earth Material
   Any rock, natural soil, , or any combination thereof.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Capable
   A parking space within 6 feet of the termination (in a listed cabinet, box, or other enclosure) of a listed electrical conduit to accommodate a future individual branch circuit originating at the main service or subpanel. The service panel or subpanel circuit directory shall provide capacity to accommodate a 40-ampere minimum 208-volt or 240-volt dedicated branch circuit. The ampere and volt minimums described above can be modified with administrative approval to allow for advances in industry standards. The conduit shall be installed so that minimal removal of materials is necessary to complete a future installation.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Installed
   A designated parking space within 6 feet of an installed networked or non-networked charging station.
Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready
   A parking space within 6 feet of a suitable circuit termination point, such as a NEMA 14-50R receptacle or EVSE with installed 40-ampere minimum 208-volt or 240-volt dedicated single phase branch circuit for servicing EVSE. The ampere and volt minimums described above can be modified with administrative approval to allow for advances in industry standards.
Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
   The conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and an electric vehicle.
   See Enclosure.
   A that confines an area. The term “enclosed ” means a enclosed with solid walls from floor to ceiling. Any wall penetrations, such as doors and windows, must include door or window fixtures that can solidly enclose the entire opening.
Environmental Resource Report
   Exhibits, maps, and written narrative that document the following:
•   The portion of the property within the ;
•   The within the corridor;
•   The location of wildlife habitat classes that may be found within the corridor as defined by the Critical and Sensitive Wildlife Habitats Map and Report;
•   Any endangered species typically found within the corridor;
•   The location of the ; and,
•   Other information, such as narratives, conclusions, and recommendations.
   The wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of air, water, ice, or other disturbances.
   A fund or deposit established by the responsible , Depositor; held in trust by a third Escrow Agent; and disbursed to the City of Tucson, Beneficiary; for the fulfillment of those as described in the Escrow Agreement.
Established Area
   An area where 50% or more of the linear   of all property, excluding alleys and drainageways, located on the same side of the and within the same as the proposed is occupied by principal that conform to the minimum   required by Section 6.4.5.C,  , for the applicable zoning classification or  .
Established Area Setback
   A term used to describe the required from a applicable as follows.
      1.   When   of the property is on a other than one designated a major or route by the adopted ; and,
      2.   Where an exists.
   Same as Zoning Examiner. See Section 2.2.4.
   The mechanical removal of .
Existing Grade
   The grade prior to .
Expansion of
   An increase in , area, , or , except as follows. For purposes of determining compliance with the motor vehicle and parking requirements, an increase in only is considered an expansion of .
Exposed Cut
   A cut that, upon completion of the improvement necessitating the cut, remains visible from beyond the boundaries of the or on which the cut is located.
(Am. Ord. 11953, 8/23/2022)
Façade (7A)
   The side or face of a building.
   Any number of individuals customarily living together as a single and using common .
Feather Banner (7A)
   A sign typically made of a flexible fabric attached vertically to a freestanding pole in the general shape of a feather, teardrop, or similar shape.
   Government of the United States of America.
   A deposit of placed by artificial means.
Financial Assurance
   See definition of /Financial Assurance
Finish Grade
   The final of the that conforms to the approved plan.
Fixed Balloon Sign (7A)
An airtight bag filled with helium, hot air, or other gas causing the bag to be lighter-than-air, that is anchored to any with rope, cable, or similar material.
   A.   Small Fixed Balloon (7A)
   A fixed balloon that is less than 2 feet in diameter.
Floor Area
   Same as .
Floor Area Ratio (FAR)
   A ratio expressing the amount of square feet of floor area permitted for every square foot of land area within the site. The FAR is usually expressed as a single number, i.e., FAR of six means six square feet of floor area for every square foot of site area. For calculation, see Section 6.4.6.
Food Producing Animal
   See .
Fourth Avenue Business District
   The area delineated on the map.
Fourth Avenue Business District
   A bird that is used to produce meat or eggs, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, and similar .
Freestanding Sign (7A)
   An on-site sign or three-dimensional representation of a figure or object, not attached to any building, supported by uprights or braces or some other approved support that is capable of withstanding the stress from weight and wind load. Includes the following sign types:
   A.   Freestanding - Monument Type Sign (7A)
      A sign that has been provided with a base of some type (a pole cover or architectural embellishment) or stands alone on its own foundation.
   B.   Freestanding - Low Profile Sign (7A)
      A sign that has been provided with a prepared base or support. In order to encourage design flexibility, the maximum height of the sign may be lowered in order to decrease the required setback from the street.
   C.   Freestanding - Pole Sign (7A)
      A sign that stands alone on its own foundation and must be provided with a pole cover or architectural embellishment. The sign may be higher than the other types of freestanding signs, must be setback further from the street, and is permitted only for larger premises or developments.
Freeway (7A)
   A roadway designated as a freeway in the Major Streets and Routes Plan.
Freeway-Oriented Business
   A commercial use with direct access to the interstate or a commercial use with a driveway entrance within 100 feet of the interstate .
Freeway Sign (7A)
   A detached on-site sign directing attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered upon the same premises as those upon which the sign is located as provided in Section 7A.10.4 Permanent Signs - Additional Sign Type Standards- Freeway Sign Standards.
   The length of a that abuts a   .
Frontage Road
   A or road auxiliary that runs parallel to a freeway or expressway or other controlled access to allow local traffic to gain access to property and areas.
Functional Open Space
    that is a designed element of the and has a functionally described and planned use as an active or passive recreational amenity for the direct benefit of the residents and guests of the . Examples include: landscaped areas which provide visual relief, shade, screening, buffering, and other environmental amenities; nature trails; exercise trails; active recreation areas (e.g., playgrounds, baseball fields, multiuse areas); picnic areas and facilities; recreation areas and facilities (e.g., swimming pools, tennis courts; golf courses).
Future Half Right-of-Way Area
   The same as , or as defined by Department of Transportation.
Future Right-of-Way Line
   The same as .
(Am. Ord. 11070, 5/14/2013; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017; Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
11.4.8.    DEFINITIONS – G
   A   with walls or doors on three or more sides used for the parking of one or more motor vehicles.
   An area used for growing flowers, fruit, or vegetables in the ground, in containers, and in greenhouses. Gardens include and systems.
Gateway Route
   A or parkway that is a heavily traveled entrance to and through the , and is designated as a Gateway Route on the map. These routes link major employment areas, shopping centers, and recreational areas used regularly by a large number of residents and visitors and present a visual impression of Tucson’s character.
General Aviation Aircraft
   Aircraft with a maximum gross weight of 12,500 pounds, excluding ultralight aircraft.
General Plan
   A comprehensive declaration of purposes, policies, and programs to guide the growth and of the and its environs, addressing the following elements: ; circulation; conservation and environmental planning; parks, recreation, , and trails; public , services, and facilities; cultural heritage; housing; conservation, rehabilitation, and redevelopment; safety; human resources; government; economic ; community character and design; growth area and population; cost of ; and water resources.
   The act of gathering grain or the like after the reapers or regular gatherers.
Goat, Miniature
   Miniature goats refer to Nigerian Dwarf, African Pygmy or other breeds that do not exceed 70 pounds at full size.
   Any agency or department of the , , , or government.
   The vertical location of the ground surface.
   Any excavating, filling, or combination thereof.
Greenhouse, Mechanical
   An enclosed structure (as by glass or plastic) used for the cultivation or protection of plants and uses mechanical systems to heat or cool the structure. For the purposes of determining perimeter yard requirements, greenhouses cooled solely by an evaporative cooler are considered .
Greenhouse, Passive
   An enclosed structure (as by glass or plastic) used for the cultivation or protection of plants and does not use motorized heating or cooling systems. For the purposes of determining perimeter yard requirements, greenhouses cooled solely by an evaporative cooler are considered passive greenhouses.
Gross Floor Area
   The sum of the horizontal areas of all floors of all , including accessory on a , measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the of walls separating two and includes elevator shafts and the stairwells at each story. Gross floor area includes floor space with structural headroom of six feet and six inches or more used for mechanical equipment; penthouses; attic space; interior balconies; mezzanines; and but does not include any interior space used for parking, loading, or loading space that is to the .
Ground-mounted Sign (7A)
   Signs affixed to the ground, placed on the ground, or attached to a perimeter wall or fence that face the street.
Group Dwelling
   Within the Downtown Area Infill Incentive (IID) the term "group dwelling" means a that:
   A.   meets the definition of "group dwelling" contained in Section 11.3.7.B; and,
   B.   is greater than two stories or 25 feet in .
(Am. Ord. 11246, 2/18/2015; Am. Ord. 11328, 12/8/2015; Am. Ord. 11508, 12/5/2017)