11.4.27. DEFINITIONS – Z
   A specifically designated area within which uniform regulations govern the use, placement, spacing, and size of land and . Examples include R-1 residential zone and overlay such as the Historic Preservation Zone. It is also referred to as a .
Zone Boundaries
    boundary lines are intended to follow to the of , alleys, railroad , or extensions of such , except where referenced to a line or other designated line.
Zone Boundaries
Zoning District
   Designated areas that are and/or districts.
   In a Planned Community District (PCD), a zoning is an area within a Development Area (DA) comparable to a zoning established by the , containing one or more and for which the Development Guidelines and Standards in the may be established as provided in Section 2-05.3.2.A.4 of the Administrative Manual.
Zoning Maps
   Same as .