Upon application in writing therefor, the chief of the fire department, shall issue a permit for any of the fires or acts specified by the provisions of sections 11-5 and 11-6 when he has determined by examination and investigation of the premises and burning devices, if any, proposed to be used under such permit, that such fire or burning will not cause dense smoke, acrid or offensive odors or vapors, sparks, fly ash, or other harmful elements to travel more than one hundred (100) feet from the point of origin, or emanation thereof, in any area or neighborhood where buildings are closer together than one hundred (100) feet. In all other areas such permit may be granted when surrounding conditions, character and location of buildings, method of proposed burning, the devices used, or any other similar factors assure that such dense smoke, acrid or offensive odors or vapors, or other harmful elements resulting therefrom will not travel through or onto surrounding homes or buildings or will not injuriously or adversely affect neighboring areas. Whenever the fire chief shall determine and find that the granting of such permit will create a fire hazard because of the close proximity of buildings or other physical conditions present, no permit shall be issued or granted. No charge shall be made for such permit.
(1953 Code, ch. 18, ยง 37a)