Purchasing Rules and Policies
   34.01   Purchasing agency
   34.02   Definitions
   34.03   Restrictions on authority of purchasing agents
   34.04   Services
   34.05   Small purchases
   34.06   Specifications
   34.07   Request for specifications
   34.08   Invitations for bids
   34.09   Request for proposals
   34.10   Publication of notices
   34.11   Receiving offers
   34.12   Offers, bids, proposals
   34.13   Discussions with offerors responding to a request for proposals
   34.14   Delay of opening of offers
   34.15   Evidence of financial responsibility
   34.16   Reserved
   34.17   Modification and termination of contracts
   34.18   Purchase of supplies manufactured in the United States
   34.19   Minority business/women’s business (MBE/WBE) participation
   34.20   Credit card policies and procedures
   34.21   Public-private agreements
   34.25   Document fees
   34.26   Reserved
   34.27   Sheriff’s Department fee schedule
   34.28   Reserved
   34.29   Mantoux skin testing fee
   34.30   Supplemental document recording fee
   34.31   County Clerk fees
   34.32   Fees for access to county computers
   34.33   Fee for enhanced access services
   34.34   Deposit required of petitioner seeking vacation of highway
   34.35   Charges made by Treasurer
   34.36   Processing fee for mobile home transfer and moving permits
   34.37   Charges for returned checks
   34.38   Coroner's Department fee schedule
   34.39   Juvenile alternatives program fee schedule
   34.40   Payment of community corrections programs’ fees by credit card
   34.41   Bulk form access to County Recorder documents
   34.45   County Misdemeanant Fund
   34.46   Cumulative Bridge Fund
   34.47   Prosecutor’s Forfeiture Fund
   34.48   Enhanced Access Fund
   34.49   Enhanced Access Fund for Online Services
   34.50   Highway Department Self-Insurance Fund
   34.51   Law Enforcement Fund
   34.52   Medical Care for Inmates Fund
   34.53   Non-reverting operating fund for the Department of Parks and Recreation
   34.54   Plat Book Fund real property endorsement fees
   34.55   Road Project Revolving Fund
   34.56   Self-Insurance Liability Fund for county jail inmates/prisoners
   34.57   Commissioners Self-Insurance Fund
   34.58   Sheriff’s Self-Insurance Fund
   34.59   County Jail Expansion Construction Escrow Account
   34.60   County Courthouse Security Fund
   34.61   County Drainage Board Engineering Fee Fund
   34.62   County Electronic Data Fund
   34.621   Voting System Fund
   34.63   Rainy Day Fund
   34.631   Local Income Tax Rainy Day Fund
   34.64   Health Department Educational Seminar Fund
   34.65   Prosecutor's Non-Drug Forfeiture Fund
   34.651   Opioids Settlement Fund
   34.66   Sheriff's Donation Fund
   34.67   Phase II Stormwater Fund
   34.68   Identification Security Protection Fund
   34.681   Commissioners Tax Certificate Sale Fund
   34.682   Engineer Review Fund
   34.683   Health Self-Insurance Rainy Day Fund
   34.684   Alexander Ross Detention Fund
   34.685   Hazard Warning Fund
   34.686   Community Corrections Donation Fund
   34.69   Berlovitz Detention Fund
   34.691   Sheriff’s sale program and Fund
   34.692   Sheriff’s Firearms Destruction Fund
   34.693   Juvenile Probation Donation Fund
   34.694   Juvenile Alternatives Donation Fund
   34.695   Upper JN Kirkpatrick Detention Fund
   34.696   Prosecutor’s Check Deferral Fund
   34.697   Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Conference Fund
   34.698   Wind Energy Conversion System Fund
   34.699   Found, Seized, and Unclaimed Money Fund
   34.70   Payment of property taxes in one installment in certain cases
   34.71   Notification of delinquency
   34.72   Lodging income tax
   34.73   Lodging income tax collection and audit procedures
   34.74   Reserved
   34.75   Motor vehicle excise surtax; wheel tax
Internal Control Standards and Procedures
   34.85   Standards adopted
   34.86   Required training
   34.87   Loss, shortage, or theft
County Investment Policy
   34.95   Policy adopted
   Animal Control Fund, see § 90.12