(A)   The fee established for Mantoux Skin Testing (tuberculosis screening) shall be the greater of:
      (1)   The fee set forth in County Code § 112.20; or
      (2)   The actual cost of the skin test solution plus ten dollars, rounded up to the nearest dollar; for the test which will be administered by epidermal injection by a qualified health professional. The fee shall include the evaluation (reading) of the test 72 hours later and a report of the reading. In addition, there shall be an off-site TB administration fee of ten dollars and an immunization administration fee of five dollars.
   (B)   No charge shall be made for tests performed pursuant to investigation of reported active disease and no charge shall be made for tests performed in the course of the immunization of infants and children.
(Ord. 94-14-CM, passed 6-20-94; Am. Ord. 2004-27-CM, passed 8-2-04; 2011-09-CM, passed 3-7-11; Am. Ord. 2019-20-CM, passed 8-19-19; Am. Ord. 2023-05-CM, passed 4-3-23)