When development engineering plans are approved and plats within the development engineering plan are platted, drainage, utilities, and streets will be required to be extended to the edge of adjacent platted land and all such improvements must comply with this Code of Ordinances and the city’s Engineering Design Standards. In addition, street access for residential subdivision development is required as follows:
(a) Street secondary access.
1. Residential developments served by only one street access, or a mutual access easement shall provide a second street access, or mutual access easement, prior to reaching a level of service B (LOS B) of 980 vehicles per day based on serving up to 103 single-family units or up to 147 multi-family units, or a combination of units, using trip generation rates of 9.52 trips per day for a single-family unit and 6.65 trips per day for a multi-family unit, as provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 9th ed., 2012. The second street access or mutual access easement shall be a minimum of 24' wide, gravel surface maintained with dust control, or paved surface, as approved by the city engineer. All existing units served by the one paved access shall apply toward total, regardless of the number of owners or subdivisions served by the access.
2. The city director of planning and development services and city engineer are hereby authorized and directed to interpret, enforce, and grant waivers from the street access requirement. Such waivers may be granted only when compliance is unnecessary and impractical and a waiver would not adversely impair public access.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.08.070) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 07-17, passed 1-3-2017; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
Where the subdivision contains sanitary sewer collection systems, water supply systems, park areas, storm drainage systems, road systems including private streets, or other facilities or services which are necessary to or desirable for the area, and which are of common use or benefit and which are not accepted for maintenance by an existing public agency, provisions shall be made by the developer for the proper, perpetual, and continuous maintenance, repair, and supervision of such common facilities. Such provision will consist of an agreement among the users of such services or in any other recordable document showing the parties have consented.
A copy of the agreement shall be provided to the city engineer for review and comment prior to approval of any plat. Such agreement shall include all applicable information below and must be recorded against all properties affected. Proof of filing must be provided prior to connection. Compliance with the terms of the maintenance agreement is enforceable between the parties to the agreement.
(a) Funding. Explanation of the means to fund maintenance, repair, and supervision of any common facilities not accepted for maintenance by a public agency (e.g., homeowner association dues, etc.).
(b) Supervision. Explanation of who will operate the facilities.
(c) Inspection. Consent for inspection of common facilities by the city. The city is not required to conduct routine inspections on private sewer and water facilities, but may inspect periodically to determine any impacts the facilities may have on the city’s public wastewater or water system and other similar matters.
(d) As-built plans. Provision for maintenance of as-built plans following initial construction and any changes thereafter. Such plans shall be maintained by the operator, owner, or other person listed in the agreement.
(e) Service log. Providing for a service log to be maintained by the operator, owner, or other person listed in the agreement. The service log should, for example, show the date and person(s) conducting maintenance and repairs of items covered by the agreement.
(f) Water maintenance and repair.
1. Acknowledgment the water supplied by items covered by the agreement will comply with the state Safe Drinking Water Act, including sampling and testing if required by state law.
2. Annual flushing and inspection of hydrants to ensure they are in working order.
(g) Sanitary sewer maintenance and repair.
1. Televising the sanitary sewer lines periodically at least every ten years to review and correct deficiencies and undertake repairs.
2. Jetting out the sanitary sewer lines at least once every five years.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.08.080) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
Easements shall be provided and dedicated where necessary for wires, cables, conduits, fixtures, and equipment for distribution of electric power, wastewater collectors, storm drains, overland storm water flow routes, sidewalks, shared use paths, private roadways, and water mains at those locations and widths as determined by the city. The width of easements required for public wastewater collectors, storm drains and/or water mains shall be as specified in the engineering design standards for the particular improvement adopted by the city. It is the policy of the city to locate all necessary utilities in the right-of-way or in easements abutting rear or side lot lines, except on double frontage lots. Deviations from this policy may be made when it is demonstrated that the utility is necessary and no practical alternative locations exist.
(b) In any dedication of an easement, the city may prohibit or restrict building, fences, driveways, and other improvements; may enter for construction, reconstruction, replacement, repair, operation and maintenance purposes; and will be held harmless for the cost of replacement or damage to any improvement or vegetation within the easement and may make any other appropriate or necessary requirements.
(1) All easements for municipal utilities shall be shown on the plat. When constructed outside of the typical street right- of-way limits or anytime on private property, utility easements must be included on the plat consistent with Engineering Design Standards and with § 157.116.
(2) There shall be a ten-foot utility easement for municipal utilities along all right-of-way frontages; except when the setback is equal to or less than 20 feet, then the utility easement shall be equal to half the distance of the required setback per the zoning district.
(3) Easements centered on rear lot lines shall be provided for utilities, drainage, and shared use paths where necessary and shall be a minimum of 20 feet in total width unless otherwise required by the city engineer.
(4) Where topographical or other conditions warrant side yard easements and easements across lots, easements at least ten feet in total width shall be provided.
(5) Lots and easements shall be arranged in a manner as to eliminate unnecessary jogs or offsets and to facilitate the use of easements for power distribution, telephone service, drainage, water and sewer services.
(6) The property owner whose property is subject to those easements shall be responsible for its maintenance. The property owners shall keep the easement clear of any structure, debris, trees, shrubs or landscaping whatsoever except that lawn grass, which shall be regularly mowed and annual vegetation may be grown thereon.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.08.090) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018; Ord. 97-22, passed 8-16-2022)
(a) Necessary action shall be taken by the applicant to extend or create a water supply district for the purpose of providing a water supply system capable of providing domestic water use and fire protection.
(b) Where a public water main is accessible, the subdivider shall install adequate water facilities (including fire hydrants) subject to the specifications of the city utilities department as shown on the final utility plan required in § 157.065.
(c) Water main extensions shall be approved by the city utilities department. If the water main is extended adjacent to property that will not participate in the initial construction cost of the water main, the developer shall submit to the city water department a cost recovery study based upon the actual construction costs showing the amount due from each property when a connection is made to the extended water main.
(d) To facilitate the above, the location of all fire hydrants, all water supply improvements and the boundary lines of proposed districts shall be shown on the preliminary water and sewer plan.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.09.010) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)
Land which is located over or adjacent to a water bearing stratum or water supply reservoir and which is designated as an area providing or supplementing a municipal water supply shall not be developed or subdivided for residential, recreational, commercial or industrial purposes except when public water and sewer systems are provided.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.09.020) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)
All water facilities including water mains, valves, fire hydrants, storage facilities and pumping stations shall be designed in accordance with engineering design standards and are subject to the approval of the city engineer. All water facilities shall be designed in compliance with the engineering design standards.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.09.030) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)