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Sioux Falls Overview
Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD
   (a)   The development engineering plan is a process designed to assist the developer and the city with the efficient and timely development of utilities and final lot and block layout to and throughout a development. Plans will be evaluated for compliance with the Engineering Design Standards and the capital improvement program. The development engineering plan approval will be based upon the engineering feasibility of the development including the determination of more precise locations of all lots, blocks, and streets.
   (b)   Following the approval of the preliminary subdivision plan, if the developer wishes to proceed, an electronic copy of the development engineering plans shall be submitted to the online plan review at the city of Sioux Falls website for review and acceptance by the city engineering office. The development engineering plans shall encompass all land included in a phase as shown on the preliminary subdivision plan, be in compliance with conditions and approval criteria of the preliminary subdivision plan and existing and proposed easements shown and dimensioned from property lines and utilities.
   (c)   The development engineering plans shall comply with the respective chapters within the adopted Engineering Design Standards and with criteria within this chapter. All development utility plans shall be approved or disapproved within 15 working days after submittal to the city engineer. In addition, a development lot and block layout shall be approved by the city engineer. All development engineering plans are required to have all elements and approval criteria listed in Table 2. If these plans are approved, the developer may then submit the plat(s) and subdivision construction agreement(s) for approval.
Table 2 Development Engineering Plan Element and Approval Criteria
Table 2 Development Engineering Plan Element and Approval Criteria
Lots and blocks including a systematic lot and block numbering pattern, lot lines and zoning districts
Ability to reference areas and review plans; consistent with §§ 157.095 through 157.098 and §§ 157.112 through 157.117
Location and widths of all existing and proposed easements
Utility coordination; consistent with § 157.117 and EDS
Location of all street right-of-way including width and street names
Consistency with major street plan and §§ 157.095 through 157.098 and §§ 157.112 through 157.117
The location of existing blocks, lots, building lines, water courses, drainageways, bridges, culverts, wells, septic systems or other on-site wastewater systems, cell towers, septic systems or other present structures, and any pertinent natural features in the area affected, with principal dimensions and all significant information in regard to property, immediately adjacent on all sides
Will not place any existing lot or building in violation of any applicable ordinance, code, regulation, law including, but not limited to, zoning, building, subdivision, and flood prevention and consistent with the needs identified within Chapter VII and IX of the growth management plan and §§ 157.190 and 157.191
Boundary lines of floodways and 100-year flood zones delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)
To ensure buildable lots
Drainage Development Utility Plans
§ 157.160 et al and EDS 13.2.3
Grading Development Utility Plans
EDS Chapter 7
Water Development Utility Plans
§ 157.130 et al and EDS 13.2.3
Sanitary Sewer Development Utility Plans
§ 157.145 et al and EDS 13.2.3
Erosion and Sediment Control Development Utility Plans
§ 157.175 et al and EDS 13.2.3
   (d)   Amendments to development engineering plan lot and block layout.
      (1)   The city engineer and city director of planning and development services may request an updated development engineering plan for review and approval when changes to the plan are proposed or when a proposed plat is not consistent with the development engineering plan. The proposed amendment may include the submission of an updated preliminary subdivision plan to the planning office.
      (2)   Amendments shall be done administratively with signed approval by the city director of planning and development services and city engineer and coincide with the development engineering plans.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.05.010) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 11-09, passed 1-12-2009; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)
§ 157.066 THE PLAT.
   Platting is a process designed to assist the developer and the city to approve the appropriate features of a proposed subdivision and place them on file with the county register of deeds. Platting is required when land is divided into tracts for purpose of sale, transfer of ownership or in creating a new building site prior to issuance of a building permit, or connecting to city utilities.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.05.020) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008)
   (a)   For plats within the city, one signed mylar plat, two paper copies, one reduced eight and one-half by 11 copy and an electronic PDF and DWG shall be submitted to the city engineer for review and approval. For plats within the joint jurisdictional boundary, the signed mylar plat shall be submitted to the county. Additional paper copies may be required for county submittal according to county standards. All copies shall be signed, sealed and notarized.
   (b)   The plat should be drawn at a scale of 100 feet to the inch from an accurate survey and on one or more sheets whose dimensions are as required by state law. If more than two sheets are required, an index sheet of the same dimension shall be attached and filed.
   (c)   The plat shall show the following information:
      (1)   The proposed name of the subdivision. The name shall not duplicate, be the same in spelling, or alike in pronunciation with the name of any other recorded subdivision, unless it is an extension of or adjacent to the subdivision;
      (2)   All lot and block lines, type of easements and rights-of-way such as drainage facilities, pedestrian and utilities should be consistent with the development engineer plan. Adjoining unplatted property shall be labeled as such;
      (3)   A systematic lot and block numbering pattern, lot lines and street names, and the square footage of all lots;
      (4)   The location and width of all proposed and existing rights-of-way, alleys and easements;
      (5)   The boundary lines of the area being subdivided with accurate angles or bearings and distances tying the perimeter boundaries to the nearest established street line, section corner, other previously described subdivision, or other recognized permanent monuments which shall be accurately described on the plat as required by SDCL 43-18, 43-20 and 43-21;
      (6)   Location of all monuments and permanent control points, and all survey pins, either set or located as required by SDCL 43-18, 43-20 and 43-21;
      (7)   The identification and delineations of any portions of the property intended to be dedicated or granted for public use such as drainage facilities, schools or park land;
      (8)   All dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating the boundaries of the subdivision lots, streets/roads, alleys, easements and other areas for public or private use. Linear dimensions are to be given to the nearest one- hundredth of a foot;
      (9)   The radii, chords, length of curve, point of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets/roads and radii for rounded corners;
      (10)   The certificate of the surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the correct location of all pins and monuments shown as required by SDCL 43-18, 43-20 and 43-21;
      (11)   Acknowledgment of the owner or owners of the plat of any restrictions, including dedication to public use of all streets/roads, alleys, parks or other open spaces shown thereon and the granting of easements required, as well as the use of any required common areas;
      (12)   All formal irrevocable offers of dedication for all streets/roads, alleys, parks, drainage facilities, pedestrian paths and other uses as required;
      (13)   Approved subdivision construction agreement or proof that the same is not required;
      (14)   Certificates of approval for endorsement by the city engineer, city director of planning and development services, and city finance officer;
      (15)   The boundary lines of the floodway and special flood hazard zones, the community map number and the base flood elevation on each lot as delineated on the adopted Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM);
      (16)   On a separate exhibit, to be retained by the city, a drawing or survey of the existing structure outlines [as shown on the original real property surveyed, as indicated in the Surveyor’s Certificate] to verify setbacks and lot area requirements and ensure that current and proposed easements are clear of obstructions; and
      (17)   A note identifying the zoning classification in effect at the time of plat or replat submittal.
(1992 Code, App. A, § 15A.05.030) (Ord. 81-08, passed 7-7-2008; Ord. 92-12, passed 12-4-2012; Ord. 87-18, passed 10-2-2018)